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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Comparison of Facture Toughness Values in Single Edge Crack Round Bar Bending Test (SECRBB) and Straight Notch Disk Bend Test (SNDB) for Basalt Rocks




 Summary Different tests with different practical results have been so far presented for determination of mode I Fracture Toughness of Rocks. In this paper, amongst various methods of mode I fracture toughness determination, Single Edge Crack Round Bar Bending Test and Straight Notch Disk Bend Test are selected in order to investigate the difference of fracture toughness values. Results of investigations showed minor difference of 13. 5% for fracture toughness values between these two tests. In order to identify the main cause of this difference, numerical modeling of these two tests was applied with three dimension finite element method. Besides, another reason of different values of fracture toughness in these two tests was notch width to length ratio of the sample. In regards to the less ratio of this factor in Single Edge Crack Round Bar Bending Test and being more acceptable to define notch as a crack in these test, Single Edge Crack Round Bar Bending Test provides more accurate and reliable values of fracture toughness. Introduction Fracture toughness represents resistance to crack expansion and is one of the most significant factors of fracture mechanics in rocks and other solids. Different tests with different practical results have been presented to date for determination of mode I Fracture Toughness of Rocks. In practice, however, the results of these methods have been very different. In this paper, amongst various methods of mode I fracture toughness determination, Single Edge Crack Round Bar Bending Test and Straight Notch Disk Bend Test are selected in order to define the difference of fracture toughness values. Methodology and Approaches Fracture toughness values were determined experimentally. Next, in order to analyze the main causes of the differences between values of fracture toughness in different method, these tests were modeled with 3D finite element method. In these models, the fracture process zone around the crack tip was calculated for all tests based on “ normal tensile stress” criterion. Also, these two tests were compared based on notch type, and ratio of notch thickness to the sample length. Results and Conclusions Results of investigation showed minor difference of 13. 5% for fracture toughness values between these two tests. Numerical modeling showed the equal volume of Fracture Process Zone of crack tip in these two tests. Therefore, it can be said that accuracy level of Linear Elastic Theory in these two tests is the same. Besides, another reason of difference in the values of fracture toughness between these two tests was ratio of notch thickness to the sample length. In regards to the less ratio of this factor in Single Edge Crack Round Bar Bending Test (SECRBB) and being more acceptable to define notch as a crack in this test, Single Edge Crack Round Bar Bending Test (SECRBB) provides more accurate and reliable values of fracture toughness.


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    APA: Copy

    MOOSAVI, M., & Pakdaman, a.m.. (2017). Comparison of Facture Toughness Values in Single Edge Crack Round Bar Bending Test (SECRBB) and Straight Notch Disk Bend Test (SNDB) for Basalt Rocks. JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS, 1(2 ), 1-8. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/268320/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    MOOSAVI M., Pakdaman a.m.. Comparison of Facture Toughness Values in Single Edge Crack Round Bar Bending Test (SECRBB) and Straight Notch Disk Bend Test (SNDB) for Basalt Rocks. JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS[Internet]. 2017;1(2 ):1-8. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/268320/en

    IEEE: Copy

    M. MOOSAVI, and a.m. Pakdaman, “Comparison of Facture Toughness Values in Single Edge Crack Round Bar Bending Test (SECRBB) and Straight Notch Disk Bend Test (SNDB) for Basalt Rocks,” JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS, vol. 1, no. 2 , pp. 1–8, 2017, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/268320/en

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