Information Journal Paper
CopyBAKHTIAR, HENGAMEH, Mazidi S., Amir, Mohammadi Asl, Saeed, Ellini, m.r., MOSHIRI, A., NEKOOFAR, M.H., & DUMMER, P.M.H.. (2018). The role of stem cell therapy in regeneration of dentine‑ pulp complex: a systematic review. PROGRESS IN BIOMATERIALS, 7(4), 249-268. SID.
CopyBAKHTIAR HENGAMEH, Mazidi S. Amir, Mohammadi Asl Saeed, Ellini m.r., MOSHIRI A., NEKOOFAR M.H., DUMMER P.M.H.. The role of stem cell therapy in regeneration of dentine‑ pulp complex: a systematic review. PROGRESS IN BIOMATERIALS[Internet]. 2018;7(4):249-268. Available from:
CopyHENGAMEH BAKHTIAR, Amir Mazidi S., Saeed Mohammadi Asl, m.r. Ellini, A. MOSHIRI, M.H. NEKOOFAR, and P.M.H. DUMMER, “The role of stem cell therapy in regeneration of dentine‑ pulp complex: a systematic review,” PROGRESS IN BIOMATERIALS, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 249–268, 2018, [Online]. Available: