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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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A Schematic Explanatory Pattern for the Psychological Process of AchievingEnvironmental Meaning and Actualizing Sense of Place Focusing on theIntervening Role of the Perception




 Statement of the problem: Today, the quality of achieving environmental Meaning and subsequentlythe actualization of the sense of place in different levels has been specially considered due to itsimportance in architecture, especially with the emergence of the knowledge of environmentalpsychology. According to this and the belief in the dominant methodology propagated in behaviouralsciences, it seems that attempting to explain the environmental design process in the form of commonmethods in other sciences and presenting it in descriptive patterns is one of the main goals of joiningthese areas of knowledge. The significance of this adaptation is considerable and covers the core ofthis research in point of the effectiveness of architectural products in the contemporary world. Thecurrent study attempts to answer the following questions: “ what are the main effective physical factorsin forming the environmental Meaning and actualization of a sense of place? Moreover, what is theirmechanism of action in the process? Also, how can it be described as a generative structural pattern? ” Research Objective: According to the above-mentioned subject, the main goal of this research is toinvestigate the state of achieving the environmental Meaning and subsequently actualizing the sense ofplace. It is focused on its structural process by a systematic approach in a form of psychological patternbased on the levels of human existence. Methodology: Regarding the exploratory nature of the study, a qualitative survey method entitled“ Constructivist Grounded Theory” was chosen to identify the variables of the problem and deduce therelations between them. It should be noted that the semi-structured interviews with some specialistsin the field of architecture and environmental design were utilized in this method, in addition to thedescriptive-analytical strategy. Conclusion: In this research, the importance of the variable “ environmental Perception” was focused, indifferent aspects, as the center of the considered process in the proposed pattern. Therefore, its key rolein defining human expectations of the built environment and his behavioral reaction was emphasizedas a result. Accordingly, a generative structural pattern consisting of three elements of “ components, syntax, and Meaning” is presented, which are equated with physical factors, environmental behavior, and environmental sense respectively. Finally, it could be claimed that the suggested pattern is capableof evaluating the existing environment purposefully and efficient in designing new environments.


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    APA: Copy

    REZAEI, HOSSEIN, KERAMATI, GHAZAL, DEHBASHI SHARIF, MOZAYAN, & NASIRSALAMI, MOHAMMADREZA. (2018). A Schematic Explanatory Pattern for the Psychological Process of AchievingEnvironmental Meaning and Actualizing Sense of Place Focusing on theIntervening Role of the Perception. BAGH-E NAZAR, 15(65 ), 55-76. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/368198/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    REZAEI HOSSEIN, KERAMATI GHAZAL, DEHBASHI SHARIF MOZAYAN, NASIRSALAMI MOHAMMADREZA. A Schematic Explanatory Pattern for the Psychological Process of AchievingEnvironmental Meaning and Actualizing Sense of Place Focusing on theIntervening Role of the Perception. BAGH-E NAZAR[Internet]. 2018;15(65 ):55-76. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/368198/en

    IEEE: Copy

    HOSSEIN REZAEI, GHAZAL KERAMATI, MOZAYAN DEHBASHI SHARIF, and MOHAMMADREZA NASIRSALAMI, “A Schematic Explanatory Pattern for the Psychological Process of AchievingEnvironmental Meaning and Actualizing Sense of Place Focusing on theIntervening Role of the Perception,” BAGH-E NAZAR, vol. 15, no. 65 , pp. 55–76, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/368198/en

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