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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Proposing a Model to Understand the Visual Structure of Prehistory Artifacts of the Iranian Plateau; Case Studies: Artifacts from the Ancient Cities of Choghamish and Tal Bakun




 Research on the basics of visual arts has taken many forms in the history of Iranian art. In this connection, the present historical-analytical research was established with a formalistic approach and in order to recognize the visual characteristics of prehistoric images. Patterned Pottery was selected from among the early illustrated documents for their historical frequency and sequence. The Ancient Cities of Choghamish and Tal Bakun, as research examples, were among the first settlements of the Neolithic era in Iran. An expansion of pure and applied branches of visual art in the present-time society and the importance of this art in Iran from a long time ago, elucidates the need to identify the visual roots of Iranian art. The present study established how the visual formalistic principles looked in the Iranian prehistoric era. Scant research background in this field has referred to numerous cultural areas within the Iranian plateau, necessitating the design of an established method to consider the characteristics of the visual images as seen on Patterned Pottery. The research method was analytical-comparative and concerned a case study of Choghamish region located in the southwestern part of the Iranian plateau, where the patterns of Patterned Pottery of that era are discussed. Visual arts were analyzed from a design perspective and via a formalistic approach by studying library resources and observing museum objects. This research aimed to understand the specific morphological characteristics of each era. The first and most important step in pattern design is to determine the fixed criteria for examining images, identified as the category of visual variables in three main groups; i. e., general structure, visual elements and qualities, and patterns. In the next steps, the visual images and the application of the resulting findings will be analyzed. In this way, similarities and differences determine the morphological characteristics of regions or time periods. The findings revealed that pattern density, compositional structure, circumstantiality, motifs, elements and visual qualities are the criteria for image differentiation.


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    Naji, Mahan, & BAHMANI, PARDIS. (2020). Proposing a Model to Understand the Visual Structure of Prehistory Artifacts of the Iranian Plateau; Case Studies: Artifacts from the Ancient Cities of Choghamish and Tal Bakun. ARMANSHAHR, 13(32 ), 161-174. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/375536/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Naji Mahan, BAHMANI PARDIS. Proposing a Model to Understand the Visual Structure of Prehistory Artifacts of the Iranian Plateau; Case Studies: Artifacts from the Ancient Cities of Choghamish and Tal Bakun. ARMANSHAHR[Internet]. 2020;13(32 ):161-174. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/375536/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Mahan Naji, and PARDIS BAHMANI, “Proposing a Model to Understand the Visual Structure of Prehistory Artifacts of the Iranian Plateau; Case Studies: Artifacts from the Ancient Cities of Choghamish and Tal Bakun,” ARMANSHAHR, vol. 13, no. 32 , pp. 161–174, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/375536/en

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