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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Ruling women in composite Safavid paintings Case study: A lady riding a composite camel (late 16th century)




 Social history is a sub-discipline of the historical sciences that focuses on the lower classes and less important groups of society and their role in the evolution of society, and in many cases uses sociological theories to analyze historical examples. Women, as a low-power group whose role in the development of society and the reports of ordinary history have received less attention, occupy one of the sections of social history. The sources of social history are very diverse, and artistic documents are one of the most important documents in this field. The present study seeks to investigate Safavid Composite Paintings by focusing on a sample of them called " woman riding a composite camel" (as one of the earliest examples of Safavid Composite Paintings that depicts a woman riding a community of smaller figures) and Explain the reflection of women and their role in the evolution process of society by using the theory of reflection based on the reflection of society in works of art. For this purpose, in the collection of historical data, the documentary method and in the analysis of visual data, the method of inductive content analysis will be used. Factors such as the reflection of the dominance of women such as "Sultan Beigom", "Pari khan Khanum" and "Mahd-i Ulya" on the turbulent society during the the fragile sovereignty of Mohammad Khodabandeh (Simultaneously with the time of illustration of the works) that leads to transformtions of the role of women from smaller and sub-character figures to the main and large figures of society is resulted in this research.


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    APA: Copy

    Nayefi, Seddighe, & JAVANI, ASGHAR. (2020). The Ruling women in composite Safavid paintings Case study: A lady riding a composite camel (late 16th century). SHEBAK, 6(4 (55) ), 67-80. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/381289/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Nayefi Seddighe, JAVANI ASGHAR. The Ruling women in composite Safavid paintings Case study: A lady riding a composite camel (late 16th century). SHEBAK[Internet]. 2020;6(4 (55) ):67-80. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/381289/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Seddighe Nayefi, and ASGHAR JAVANI, “The Ruling women in composite Safavid paintings Case study: A lady riding a composite camel (late 16th century),” SHEBAK, vol. 6, no. 4 (55) , pp. 67–80, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/381289/en

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