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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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A Comparative S tudy on Persian Gardens of Chehelsotoun and Hashtbehesht of Isfahan with the Parameters of Sus tainable Landscape in order to respond to Climatic Objectives in Arid Regions




 It is a necessity in modern life, especially in the metropolitans to create urban green spaces that corresponds to sus tainable parameters. Urban green spaces such as gardens and parks, as parts of urban landscape have effective roles in identifying urban public spaces, and because of their correspondence with climatic and environmental conditions, they can decrease environmental pollutions, use of fossil fuel consumptions, and also respond to life requirements, as sus tainable landscapes. According to scholar s tudies, one of the main s trategies to respond to climatic conditions and environmental obs tacles is his torical gardens of Iran, created to moderate local climate of vas t arid regions of Iran. The creation of his torical gardens of ancient Persia are usually determined by different factors such as intellectual, economic, political, artis tic and etc., Which in their turn mirrored in them. Persian garden as a cultural, his torical, and environmental phenomenon has had background and it could respond to human comfort for many millennia. It seems that considering to parameters of environmental sus tainability and climatic factors was an essential s trategy in Iranian garden design. Thus, the use of Persian gardens’ design method in arid regions of contemporary green spaces in Iran and the other similar climatic regions can moderate local climate. This paper has applied objective research method to achieve principles and parameters of Persian gardens in arid regions, so that they can be used in accordance with contemporary patterns and parameters of landscape design and creation of sus tainable environments. The main ques tion of this research is “ how the climate has effected the process of Persian garden design? ” Analysis method of this paper is descriptive-analytical, based on both quantitative and qualitative methods, and the data collection from chosen samples of gardens and analyzing them based on library research and field s tudies. The main reasons for the authors to achieve the logical and accurate results are to select gardens located in arid regions, with specific framework of natural and built elements and orders. In addition, it was possible for the authors to access the architectural documents of the gardens. Thus, the selected case s tudies in this research are Chehelsotoun and Hashtbehesht gardens, two reminder gardens of arid region of Isfahan city. The main hypothesis of this research is: “ The climatic parameters are the essential factors to create the Persian garden in the hot and arid regions of Isfahan” . The framework of this research includes these three processes: Firs t, description of climatic features and parameters of hot and arid regions and the city of Isfahan. Second, exploration of climatic design s trategies in architecture and landscape architecture design in hot and arid regions. And third, explanation and validation of climatic design s trategies in the gardens of Chahelsotoun and Hashtbehesht as selected case s tudies of this paper. By the analysis of sus tainable characteris tics and Climatic s trategies in selected gardens, their response to climatic objects are assessed, and shows that climatic characteris tics and objectives are the main factor in physical models and principles, spatial organization and composition of elements of Persian garden design in arid regions.


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    APA: Copy

    Fadaie Tamidjanie, Honiyeh, MOFIDI SHEMIRANI, SEYED MAJID, MANSOURI, SEYED AMIR, & FEYZI, MOHSEN. (2020). A Comparative S tudy on Persian Gardens of Chehelsotoun and Hashtbehesht of Isfahan with the Parameters of Sus tainable Landscape in order to respond to Climatic Objectives in Arid Regions. HOVIATESHAHR, 14(42 ), 31-42. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/389248/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Fadaie Tamidjanie Honiyeh, MOFIDI SHEMIRANI SEYED MAJID, MANSOURI SEYED AMIR, FEYZI MOHSEN. A Comparative S tudy on Persian Gardens of Chehelsotoun and Hashtbehesht of Isfahan with the Parameters of Sus tainable Landscape in order to respond to Climatic Objectives in Arid Regions. HOVIATESHAHR[Internet]. 2020;14(42 ):31-42. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/389248/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Honiyeh Fadaie Tamidjanie, SEYED MAJID MOFIDI SHEMIRANI, SEYED AMIR MANSOURI, and MOHSEN FEYZI, “A Comparative S tudy on Persian Gardens of Chehelsotoun and Hashtbehesht of Isfahan with the Parameters of Sus tainable Landscape in order to respond to Climatic Objectives in Arid Regions,” HOVIATESHAHR, vol. 14, no. 42 , pp. 31–42, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/389248/en

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