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Different models of disas ter resilience have been conducted to evaluate or promote resilience of cities prone to disas ters. By considering resilience as a set of adaptive capacities, pre-event capacities influence resilience. Therefor providing a methodology and a set of indicators to measure the present conditions influencing disas ter resilience within communities is the focal argument in assessment of resilience to natural hazards. As the resilience has different dimensions, one of the quantitative approaches to measure city disas ter resilience is to cons truct a composite index. The composite index, which encompasses a set of resilience indicators, can help in resilience quantitative evaluation, comparison between geographic units in terms of resilience, and elucidate resilience spatial dis tribution or assess resilience in a specific place in different periods of time. Tehran Metropolis, the capital of Iran, is located at the southern foot of Alborz Mountains, and surrounded by several fault lines. High vulnerability to disas ters of Tehran Metropolis as well as the increasing population and the accumulation of resources in the capital highlight the importance of assessing the disas ter resilience of this city in order to take appropriate measures to compensate for the shortcomings before the natural events occur. Based on the context represented here, the main objective of this s tudy is to cons truct a composite indicator for evaluating inherent community disas ter resilience for Tehran metropolis. In this regard, a set of resilient indicators extracted from three evaluation models-Baseline Resilience Indicators for Communities (BRIC), Community Resilience Index (CRI) and Community Disas ter Resilience Index (CDRI)-were used to evaluate and cons truct a resilient composite index for Tehran metropolis. Taking into consideration indicators’ feasibility, operationability as well as data-accessibility, 34 of the 143 identified indicators from the three models were selected at the neighborhood level (for the 368 neighborhoods of the City). By using exploratory factor analysis, the inherent resilience dimensions are shown in five social, infras tructure, economic performance, community-neighborhood relations and community-participatory domains. The Kaiser– Meyer– Olkin (KMO) measure was 0. 785, indicating that the correlation between the data is suitable for factor analysis and the cumulative variance of 5 factors explain 71. 687 percent of the data variance. The spatial dis tribution of composite disas ter resilience and its dimensions in Tehran metropolis indicate that the wes tern and southwes tern neighborhoods of the city have the leas t inherent resilience. The northern and central neighborhoods are in a better position than the southern neighborhoods in terms of resilience. Among the resilience dimensions, the infras tructure dimension has had the mos t negative impact on the neighborhoods with an adverse resilience situation. To conclude, the quantitative disas ter resilience evaluation provides a clear picture of the s tatus quo. Therefore, by assessing resilience in different geographic units, it is possible to compare and identify differences between areas, reduce shortcomings, and take advantage of opportunities. Besides, by measuring the resilience in different periods of time, one can unders tand any increase or decrease in resilience of a place and improve this quality before the events, especially in cities with high population density and prone to earthquakes like Tehran.

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Bozorgzade kuluri Seyede Masoome | Poormoosavi Seyed Nader | vasigh Behzad



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Achieving economic development is one of the mos t important goals of planners and city managers, which can be achieved through the es tablishment of urban management sys tem along with access to services and facilities and the utilization of social amenities of residents of the neighborhood. This research focuses on the regeneration of the Dezful bazar neighborhood with an emphasis on creative economics. S trengthening the creative economy or the creative indus try is increasingly emphasized by city officials. It is a platform for the development of the economy or even the city as a whole. The creative economy tends to develop in large cities or in centers with his toric capital. What is important here is the ability to attract capital and develop natural resources through the attention to local capital and the growth of exis ting businesses. In this research, the traces of economic regeneration in urban regeneration approaches and theories have been inves tigated and their role has been clarified and several examples of foreign and domes tic urban regeneration projects have been introduced. In this s tudy, firs tly, the recognition of the Dezful bazar neighborhood and its his torical context as the base s tudies is examined and then the potential of the creative economy in the neighborhood is discussed. The research methodology is descriptive-analytical based on the subject and objectives. This research is also involved with the case s tudy method, that is, the results of the s tudies carried out are to provide sugges tions for a particular ins tance (the same neighborhood). Data were collected by a closed ques tionnaire and a targeted interview. In this s tudy, commercial modeling techniques are used to analyze the information obtained, and the obtained economic indicators are extracted from the results. According to this method, what are the "indicators of creativity that can be effective in regeneration the economis t in the Dezful city bazaar neighborhood? " At firs t, the background of this approach has been s tudied in the opinions of the thinkers and urban experts and their main ideas have been extracted. Also, by using a ques tionnaire and interviewing of the bazaar neighborhood, the views of the residents were gathered in relation to the research ques tions. In the end, proposals will be made regarding bazaar neighborhood regeneration with a creative economics approach, and the practical implications of these proposals will be presented in mos t executive projects. Data gathered from ques tionnaires were analyzed using Chi-square, T-tes t, and Friedman rankings. Finally, with the help of Delphi's comparative tes t, suitable s trategies for a redevelopment of the Dezful city Market neighborhood and the creative economy approach are proposed. At firs t, the background of this approach has been s tudied in the opinions of the thinkers and urban experts and their main ideas have been extracted. Also, by using a ques tionnaire and interviewing of the bazaar neighborhood, the views of the residents were gathered in relation to the research ques tions. In the end, proposals will be made regarding bazaar neighborhood regeneration with a creative economics approach, and the practical implications of these proposals will be presented in mos t executive projects.

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It is a necessity in modern life, especially in the metropolitans to create urban green spaces that corresponds to sus tainable parameters. Urban green spaces such as gardens and parks, as parts of urban landscape have effective roles in identifying urban public spaces, and because of their correspondence with climatic and environmental conditions, they can decrease environmental pollutions, use of fossil fuel consumptions, and also respond to life requirements, as sus tainable landscapes. According to scholar s tudies, one of the main s trategies to respond to climatic conditions and environmental obs tacles is his torical gardens of Iran, created to moderate local climate of vas t arid regions of Iran. The creation of his torical gardens of ancient Persia are usually determined by different factors such as intellectual, economic, political, artis tic and etc., Which in their turn mirrored in them. Persian garden as a cultural, his torical, and environmental phenomenon has had background and it could respond to human comfort for many millennia. It seems that considering to parameters of environmental sus tainability and climatic factors was an essential s trategy in Iranian garden design. Thus, the use of Persian gardens’ design method in arid regions of contemporary green spaces in Iran and the other similar climatic regions can moderate local climate. This paper has applied objective research method to achieve principles and parameters of Persian gardens in arid regions, so that they can be used in accordance with contemporary patterns and parameters of landscape design and creation of sus tainable environments. The main ques tion of this research is “ how the climate has effected the process of Persian garden design? ” Analysis method of this paper is descriptive-analytical, based on both quantitative and qualitative methods, and the data collection from chosen samples of gardens and analyzing them based on library research and field s tudies. The main reasons for the authors to achieve the logical and accurate results are to select gardens located in arid regions, with specific framework of natural and built elements and orders. In addition, it was possible for the authors to access the architectural documents of the gardens. Thus, the selected case s tudies in this research are Chehelsotoun and Hashtbehesht gardens, two reminder gardens of arid region of Isfahan city. The main hypothesis of this research is: “ The climatic parameters are the essential factors to create the Persian garden in the hot and arid regions of Isfahan” . The framework of this research includes these three processes: Firs t, description of climatic features and parameters of hot and arid regions and the city of Isfahan. Second, exploration of climatic design s trategies in architecture and landscape architecture design in hot and arid regions. And third, explanation and validation of climatic design s trategies in the gardens of Chahelsotoun and Hashtbehesht as selected case s tudies of this paper. By the analysis of sus tainable characteris tics and climatic s trategies in selected gardens, their response to climatic objects are assessed, and shows that climatic characteris tics and objectives are the main factor in physical models and principles, spatial organization and composition of elements of Persian garden design in arid regions.

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One of the mos t important obligations of architects in the early s tages of designing a plan is spatial organization planning in high functional sensitivity cases. In such buildings, a spatial organization as a part of architectural planning should be defined in accordance with the use, and the criteria for the use should be taken into account so that the plan can meet the functional needs. In order to achieve a proper functional organization of the spaces, the spaces need to be properly located depending on their function. The main hypothesis of this s tudy is to apply the available knowledge in the design precedents to assess the spatial functional organization before cons truction and after the operation. With the emerge of space syntax theory in architecture, it has been possible to turn the plans into graphs. Therefore, for analyzing the nodes in the graph, it can be used from the centrality indexes raised in the theory of networks and social networks, which are subsets of the graph theory. One of the mos t important functional plans is the hospitals’ emergency department, which has two main therapeutic units consis ting “ under surveillance” and “ urgency” . In this unit, there are spaces in which the main and vital operations of the emergency department are carried out. As a result, immediate access to these spaces and areas should be possible both for patients who have jus t entered this department and have an emergency condition (acute), and those who are temporarily admitted or treated in other areas of this department. This means the importance of locating such spaces and areas. Accordingly, the research was looking for indexes to make it possible to know how to organize the main areas of this department by applying them to the design data. The research methodology in this s tudy is applied in terms of research purpose and is quantitative in terms of research nature. The method of data collection is based on the documentary method and the work doing method is by computer simulation, pre-implementation evaluation and pos t-operation evaluation. Sixty hospital’ s emergency plans were selected as the s tatis tical population (design case his tories) for the research. Betweenness and proximity centrality indexes were calculated for all areas in the design data by CytoScape software. The main focus of the research is on the functional organization of the main emergency’ s urgency area. It was found from the research based on the vital spaces and areas in the emergency department functioning, these spaces or the area in which they are located should be among the shortes t paths between other spaces and areas (high betweenness centrality index) and the extent to which they are accessed from all the other spaces are equal (the proximity centrality index). As a result, this research has focused on two betweenness and proximity centrality indexes in order to analyze the organization of spaces and areas of the department. It became clear by calculating these indexes that the urgency area should be organized in such a way that it is of the highes t betweenness and proximity centrality indexes.

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Major components of space are form, meaning, and function. If these factors have a similarity to the space environment, space will be more successful and efficient. In other words, physical urban space can be imagined as a text which contains meanings. Readers who read the text can be imagined as the people living there. All of the above mentioned are Hermeneutics science. One of the mos t important theories of this approach is related to Georg Gadamer that the present s tudy has been based on it. In his opinion, the aim of Hermeneutics is the combination of horizons, which means the combination of the interpretative horizon and the text horizon. In urban space, the users of space have a deeper and more accurate unders tanding of the space that the unders tanding is very difficult for urban designers to access this information. Urban designers need this information to gain a scientific method that provides the correct information. The purpose of this paper is the use of old citizens' recognition to identify the problems in the urban environment to improve it. It has been tried to use this approach in practical use. In this s tudy, "Tajrish square" has been used as a case s tudy. The method used in this s tudy is the qualitative research method. This means that a researcher interprets phenomena in their natural context and analyses the cognition and interpretation of phenomena in people’ s views. In this method, the analysis of deep interviews to identify the main issues and its editing has been done in a consis tent format. One of the qualitative approaches is grounded theory that includes information gathering, coding (open, axial, selective), and the basis of theory. Tajrish was chosen as the case s tudy because of having a variety of potentials like leisure, tourism, his tory, religion, and economy. Firs tly, ten residents and elders of the Tajrish area were selected as the s tatis tical population for the interview. Similar techniques or flip-flap, different techniques or far out and challenge technique or red flag have been considered to form ques tions. These three techniques help to find an accurate cognition of Tajrish square. Background, phenomenon, causal factors, action and reaction, intervention factors, and results have been considered to form the ques tions in grounded theory. After gathering interviews, the analysis of data has been done through coding. Interviews have been done in an accurate way, and after identification of main codes by open coding, the codes arranged by axial coding. After that two major axes are selected by particular coding. These axes include the "life artery" and "identification artery" of Tajrish square. The Life artery includes four main axes (economical, social, functional, and legal context). The Identification artery involves his torical, natural, religious, cultural context. After that use context analyses and get the importance of each of them. Furthermore, theBalance theory has been used to collect codes. The main purpose of this research has been divided into two positive and negative groups. In the next s tep, the kind of relationship and the identification of compatible and incompatible factors lead to presenting guidelines.

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Culture is a set of values that exis ts in a community or a nation and reflects the approach, think, believe, behaviors, and lifes tyle of people. The notion of public culture refers to the common values that are common in society. These values are in the domain of thinking, belief, views, and s tructural aspects, as well as practical aspects such as the behavior and lifes tyle of human beings, and are characterized by being collective and transformative. The views of some theoreticians in the field of housing and culture, especially traditional and rural housing, reflect the significant impact of culture on the physical aspects of space and current behavior patterns. On the one hand, Rapoport believes that from a far pas t, home for man has been more than shelter, and spiritual and religious aspects are fully evident throughout the cons truction process of the houses until it is es tablished and used. On the other hand, the influence of cultural factors along with factors such as climate, building techniques, indigenous materials and etc., on the formation of the physical-spatial s tructure of the house is undeniable, and in some of its traditional types, the arrangement of various organs it significantly affects. The aim of this s tudy is to inves tigate the effect of cultural values on the formation of behavioral patterns in the home environment. Behavioral patterns are also dependent on the function and form of the house, which its proper shape has led to enhance the performance of the space function. The process of this research is defined in four s tages. In the firs t s tage, several cultural indicators were extracted as a sample of related literature and the behavioral dimensions associated with them were explained in the home environment. In the next s tep, the components of functional performance were inves tigated. These components were extracted through "space syntax" indicators and the collected data was evaluated and analyzed by "Depthmap" software used in the space layout method. The third s tage consis ts of extracting the theoretical framework of research in which the relationship between elements of architecture affecting the functional efficiency and cultural values prevailing on the way of life is explained and, finally, in the fourth s tage in order to demons trate the hypothesis that the impact of the cultural values governing the lives of people on enhancing the performance of space in the home, the above are tes ted in two examples of rural-traditional homes. The results showed that the exis tence of cultural and spiritual values, in addition to the impacts on behavioral patterns and the arrangement of spaces in the internal environment, is also effective on improving the optimum functional performance of space in traditional homes and specifically rural settlements. Therefore, the goal of this s tudy is to answer this ques tion, “ How can one affect the use of cultural values of inhabitants in the architecture of houses on formation of some behavioral and s tructuralphysical forms in homes? ” , In other words, can these behaviors lead to proper functioning of homes by adjus ting the relationships of individuals in space?

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Throughout human his tory, beauty has always been at the center of individual needs. Getting to a desirable and beautiful environment is the expectation that every citizen has from the environment. Today, due to urbanization and modern-life and the provision of housing, the aes thetic aspect of urban spaces and housing has been neglected and more attention has been paid to functional and economic dimensions. This is descriptive-analytic research, based on the fundamental-practical purpose. Information gathering of this research refers to using qualitative and content-based exploratory s tudies. The purpose of this research is to achieve the principles and criteria for designing urban housing and beautiful residential environment. In this regard, because of overlooking the building's interior in urban design, in this research, the domain of design refers to its s tructure and its features s tudied on a micro-level. On the other hand, the quality of the building and surrounding environment that correspond to the residential area s tudied in a macro level. According to the s tructure of the Maslow neighborhood pyramid, the neighborhood mus t satisfy the basic needs of its inhabitants, such as shelter demanding, the provision of basic and daily needs, easy and convenient access to services. Finally, the neighborhood should be pleasing and attractive. Beauty is not jus t in the bodywork and facade of the buildings. Not only is objective beauty but also it would be a mental one. This leads to paying more attention to the memories, values, identities, partnerships and social interactions, increasing in the human mind. This research indicates that the feeling of beauty is not res tricted to the environment. However, beauty should include all the dimensions of the cons tructive space, which are physical, functional, social, perceptual, and environmental. Beauty is unders tandable and sensible in both objective and subjective dimensions. This shows that beauty includes three dimensions of s tructural, sensory and mental features. In beautiful s tructure dimension if the principles, rules and common features of beautiful phenomena reproduce properly, an artificial phenomenon, the phenomenon will be built to beauty. In the sensual aspect of beauty, beauty is not only limited to the visual world, but it is perceived through the five senses. Moreover, the subjective beauty of the factors affecting the perception of beauty in the mind, such as cultures, values, inherent sensitivities, etc. The results of the research demons trate that the availability of the aes thetics qualification in the dimensions of the cons tructive space, known as physical, functional, social, perceptual and environmental, is necessary to have indicators in this dimension. Therefore, through these indicators, beauty can be felt in all dimensions of the space cons tructor and these beauties are objective and subjective.

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The fundamental changes in indus trial and pos t-indus trial societies have changed the concepts of work, residence, and leisure. In this situation leisure has become one of the mos t crucial needs of human life and a wide range of social theories has been used to expand our unders tanding of leisure experiences and the role of leisure in societies. Today the definition of leisure is more complicated by the ambiguity situation of work and leisure, especially in citizenship life. However, even though many s tudies have reported leisure as functionalis t, Marxis t, neo-Marxis t and feminis t approaches, there has been very little research reported on the interactionis t approach. This approach addressed the attributes of leisure in dramatic lifes tyle changes. People's job is no longer the mere sign of social class and personal identity. Todays the differences between people will be more dis tinctive by their leisure activities. From this view, leisure is one of the fundamental factors for social cohesion, identical definition, and social interactions. Meeting this need requires physical locations, and the urban spaces have a vas t potential to respond to this need. Urban spaces have a foremos t role in leisure activities especially for women who always faced challenges in public places. Before second-Pahlavi dynas ty, women presence jus t was common in Mosque, Bath, and Bazar without a man. So many various cultural limitations and beliefs keep women away from many public spaces during the his tory of our county. The absence of women in urban spaces leads to their inability to making relationships and suppress their identity. The purchase was the only activity that allows women to be present in the realm of men in the pas t. Today's Mixed-use centers are new urban places that make legitimate the presence of women from different social classes in the urban space. In these places, women can find a new identity for themselves, other than being a woman or a mother of children. Today's mixed-use centers are becoming new urban places that provide an opportunity to purchase besides a lot of other activities for women. Considering the importance of leisure for women as a source of identity, in the present s tudy, Kourosh mixed-used center is selected as one of the new urban places which contain diverse meanings and activities than other public spaces like coffee shops and res taurants in Tehran metropolis. The aim of this article is evaluating the role of mixed-use centers as new spaces of urban interactions in the quality of women leisure. Literature review in recent leisure fields based on interactionis t approaches categorize that three variables into activity fragmentation, activity synchronization, and communication (socialize and speaking). The influence of these variables analyzes by s tatis tical analysis as fieldwork in Kurosh Mixed-use center. The data were collected through ques tionnaires dis tributed to 384 women randomly in Kurosh center. The data were analyzed using SPSS software. The result shows that women leisure has a significant correlation to the activity fragmentation and activity synchronization, yet there is no significant correlation between women leisure and communication (socialize and speaking).

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