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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Examining the Effect of Cultural Values on nhancing the Performance of the Space in Rural Homes by Relying on the Role of Behavioral Patterns




Culture is a set of values that exis ts in a community or a nation and reflects the approach, think, believe, behaviors, and lifes tyle of people. The notion of public Culture refers to the common values that are common in society. These values are in the domain of thinking, belief, views, and s tructural aspects, as well as practical aspects such as the behavior and lifes tyle of human beings, and are characterized by being collective and transformative. The views of some theoreticians in the field of housing and Culture, especially traditional and rural housing, reflect the significant impact of Culture on the physical aspects of space and current behavior patterns. On the one hand, Rapoport believes that from a far pas t, home for man has been more than shelter, and spiritual and religious aspects are fully evident throughout the cons truction process of the houses until it is es tablished and used. On the other hand, the influence of cultural factors along with factors such as climate, building techniques, indigenous materials and etc., on the formation of the physical-spatial s tructure of the house is undeniable, and in some of its traditional types, the arrangement of various organs it significantly affects. The aim of this s tudy is to inves tigate the effect of cultural values on the formation of Behavioral patterns in the home environment. Behavioral patterns are also dependent on the function and form of the house, which its proper shape has led to enhance the performance of the space function. The process of this research is defined in four s tages. In the firs t s tage, several cultural indicators were extracted as a sample of related literature and the behavioral dimensions associated with them were explained in the home environment. In the next s tep, the components of functional performance were inves tigated. These components were extracted through "space syntax" indicators and the collected data was evaluated and analyzed by "Depthmap" software used in the space layout method. The third s tage consis ts of extracting the theoretical framework of research in which the relationship between elements of architecture affecting the functional efficiency and cultural values prevailing on the way of life is explained and, finally, in the fourth s tage in order to demons trate the hypothesis that the impact of the cultural values governing the lives of people on enhancing the performance of space in the home, the above are tes ted in two examples of rural-traditional homes. The results showed that the exis tence of cultural and spiritual values, in addition to the impacts on Behavioral patterns and the arrangement of spaces in the internal environment, is also effective on improving the optimum functional performance of space in traditional homes and specifically rural settlements. Therefore, the goal of this s tudy is to answer this ques tion, “ How can one affect the use of cultural values of inhabitants in the architecture of houses on formation of some behavioral and s tructuralphysical forms in homes? ” , In other words, can these behaviors lead to proper functioning of homes by adjus ting the relationships of individuals in space?


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    APA: Copy

    HEIDARI, ALI AKBAR, & KIAEE, MARYAM. (2020). Examining the Effect of Cultural Values on nhancing the Performance of the Space in Rural Homes by Relying on the Role of Behavioral Patterns. HOVIATESHAHR, 14(42 ), 65-80. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/390139/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HEIDARI ALI AKBAR, KIAEE MARYAM. Examining the Effect of Cultural Values on nhancing the Performance of the Space in Rural Homes by Relying on the Role of Behavioral Patterns. HOVIATESHAHR[Internet]. 2020;14(42 ):65-80. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/390139/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ALI AKBAR HEIDARI, and MARYAM KIAEE, “Examining the Effect of Cultural Values on nhancing the Performance of the Space in Rural Homes by Relying on the Role of Behavioral Patterns,” HOVIATESHAHR, vol. 14, no. 42 , pp. 65–80, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/390139/en

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