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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Evaluating Hetrotoxic Potential of Aqueous Extract of Datura stramonium Shoots on Germination Traits and Content of Photosynthetic Pigments of Wheat Cultivars


Rajaei Vahdat | Gholamalipour Alamdari Ebrahim | avarseji zeinab | Naeimi Masuome | Issue Writer Certificate 




 Introduction: Given the known harmful effects of synthetic herbicides, nowadays the utilization of hetrotoxic characteristics of hetrotoxic plants can have a very important role in weeds management and control. In fact chemical compounds, released through roots, stems, leaves, flowers, seed pollen, fruits and seeds can be used as bio-herbicides and bio-pesticides. The purpose of this study was evaluation of the effects of Hetrotoxicity potentials of Datura stramonium L. shoots on germination traits and photosynthetic pigments of wheat cultivars. Materials and Methods: An experiment was conducted to evaluate Hetrotoxicity potential effects of aqueous extract of different organs of Datura stramonium L. such as stems, leaves, fruits and their mixture on germination traits and photosynthetic pigments of two cultivars of wheat (Kohdasht and N8720) as a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with three replications in Weeds Science Laboratory of Gonbad-e-Kavous University in 2017. Datura stramonium shoots were collected at fruit formation stage in the Moghan Plain and were subsequently separated into stems, leaves and fruits. Five ml of the extracts in question and their mixture were added to 25 disinfected seeds of the cultivars under the study separately. Results: The results showed that wheat cultivars had different responses to the organ extract and this difference was also significant for various organ extracts as well as the interaction effect of cultivars in organ extracts. Mean comparison of interaction of cultivars and organs showed that germination percentage of the Kohdasht cultivar decreased under the experimental treatments. The highest decrease was obtained in the leaf extract, which was about 98. 33%. However, stem, fruit and mixed organs increased the germination percentage of N8720, which were about 5. 72, 5. 72 and 1. 41%, respectively. The result of the germination rate was similar to that of germination. Radicle and shoot length of both cultivars decreased under experimental treatments. Leaf extract had the highest inhibitory effects on radicle and shoot length, which were about 96. 70 and 89. 21%, respectively. Content of Total chlorophyll of both cultivars of Kohdast and N8720 increased under aqueous extract of stem (24. 64%) and fruit (14. 62%). Nevertheless, extract of other organs and their mixture decreased the trait of interest. The result obtained for carotenoid was also the same as that one obtained for Total chlorophyll. The speculation is differences in allelochemical concentration in various organs of Datura stramonium and physiological characteristics of the traits studies in cultivars caused the difference. Conclusions: Given the results, use of Datura stramonium biomass, especially the leaf, is suggested as a natural herbicide, which is non-chemical management strategy. To accomplish this, it is necessary to analyze phytochemical compounds of this weed.


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    APA: Copy

    Rajaei, Vahdat, Gholamalipour Alamdari, Ebrahim, avarseji, zeinab, & Naeimi, Masuome. (2019). Evaluating Hetrotoxic Potential of Aqueous Extract of Datura stramonium Shoots on Germination Traits and Content of Photosynthetic Pigments of Wheat Cultivars. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SEED RESEARCH, 5(2 ), 29-41. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/397623/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Rajaei Vahdat, Gholamalipour Alamdari Ebrahim, avarseji zeinab, Naeimi Masuome. Evaluating Hetrotoxic Potential of Aqueous Extract of Datura stramonium Shoots on Germination Traits and Content of Photosynthetic Pigments of Wheat Cultivars. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SEED RESEARCH[Internet]. 2019;5(2 ):29-41. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/397623/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Vahdat Rajaei, Ebrahim Gholamalipour Alamdari, zeinab avarseji, and Masuome Naeimi, “Evaluating Hetrotoxic Potential of Aqueous Extract of Datura stramonium Shoots on Germination Traits and Content of Photosynthetic Pigments of Wheat Cultivars,” IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SEED RESEARCH, vol. 5, no. 2 , pp. 29–41, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/397623/en

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