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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Analysis Quality of Urban Space with an Audience-Oriented Approach




 Major components of space are form, meaning, and function. If these factors have a similarity to the space environment, space will be more successful and efficient. In other words, physical urban space can be imagined as a text which contains meanings. Readers who read the text can be imagined as the people living there. All of the above mentioned are Hermeneutics science. One of the mos t important theories of this approach is related to Georg Gadamer that the present s tudy has been based on it. In his opinion, the aim of Hermeneutics is the combination of horizons, which means the combination of the interpretative horizon and the text horizon. In urban space, the users of space have a deeper and more accurate unders tanding of the space that the unders tanding is very difficult for urban designers to access this information. Urban designers need this information to gain a scientific method that provides the correct information. The purpose of this paper is the use of old citizens' recognition to identify the problems in the urban environment to improve it. It has been tried to use this approach in practical use. In this s tudy, "Tajrish square" has been used as a case s tudy. The method used in this s tudy is the qualitative research method. This means that a researcher interprets phenomena in their natural context and analyses the cognition and interpretation of phenomena in people’ s views. In this method, the analysis of deep interviews to identify the main issues and its editing has been done in a consis tent format. One of the qualitative approaches is Grounded theory that includes information gathering, coding (open, axial, selective), and the basis of theory. Tajrish was chosen as the case s tudy because of having a variety of potentials like leisure, tourism, his tory, religion, and economy. Firs tly, ten residents and elders of the Tajrish area were selected as the s tatis tical population for the interview. Similar techniques or flip-flap, different techniques or far out and challenge technique or red flag have been considered to form ques tions. These three techniques help to find an accurate cognition of Tajrish square. Background, phenomenon, causal factors, action and reaction, intervention factors, and results have been considered to form the ques tions in Grounded theory. After gathering interviews, the analysis of data has been done through coding. Interviews have been done in an accurate way, and after identification of main codes by open coding, the codes arranged by axial coding. After that two major axes are selected by particular coding. These axes include the "life artery" and "identification artery" of Tajrish square. The Life artery includes four main axes (economical, social, functional, and legal context). The Identification artery involves his torical, natural, religious, cultural context. After that use context analyses and get the importance of each of them. Furthermore, theBalance theory has been used to collect codes. The main purpose of this research has been divided into two positive and negative groups. In the next s tep, the kind of relationship and the identification of compatible and incompatible factors lead to presenting guidelines.


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    APA: Copy

    HEDAYAT, HOMA, & HABIB, FARAH. (2020). Analysis Quality of Urban Space with an Audience-Oriented Approach. HOVIATESHAHR, 14(42 ), 55-64. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/399485/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HEDAYAT HOMA, HABIB FARAH. Analysis Quality of Urban Space with an Audience-Oriented Approach. HOVIATESHAHR[Internet]. 2020;14(42 ):55-64. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/399485/en

    IEEE: Copy

    HOMA HEDAYAT, and FARAH HABIB, “Analysis Quality of Urban Space with an Audience-Oriented Approach,” HOVIATESHAHR, vol. 14, no. 42 , pp. 55–64, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/399485/en

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