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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Digital Reconstruction of Dā r al-Funū n School in the Qajar Period, Based on Visual Evidence




 Dā r al-Funū n School was established in the early 1850s, under Nā ser al-Dī n Shā h’ s rule and by the patronage of his chancellor Mī rzā Taqī Khā n Amī r Kabī r. The building of this school has faced a lot of changes during its life. Its first building (the Older School), which was ordered by Amī r Kabī r in 1266 AH/ 1850 AD, was designed by Mī rzā Riż ā Khā n Muhandis-Bā shī and constructed by Muḥ ammad Taqī Khā n Miʿ mā r-Bā shī . The building remained the same until 1290-1296 AH/ 1873-1879 AD that it underwent some changes by the design of Mī rzā ʿ Abbā s Muhandis Bā shī and construction of Muhammad Ibrā hī m Khā n Miʻ mā r-Bā shī . These changes altered the face of the building as much as it seemed to be another building (the Old School). Later, at about 1295-1305 AH/ 1878-1878 AD another building was built on the north side of the old one called the New School. Dā r al-Funū n didn’ t face any other major changes till the end of the Qajar period, but at the beginning of the Pahlavi period, the buildings were destroyed and replaced by another building with the design of Nikolai Markov. Therefore, through the life of Dā r al-Funū n, there are three phases of the school we are faced with, which are not recognized and reconstructed yet. Even some of the photos of the school are not pinpointed correctly in some researches. The only published research that, by a thorough study of the evidence, introduces the different phases of Dā r al-Funū n is the article “ The Architecture of Dā r al-Funū n School and Its Changes in Qajar Era” ; but there is no reconstruction of the building yet. In this research, the visual evidence, as photos and maps, are used to reconstruct the three mentioned phases of the school. Throughout this research, the photos and the maps of Tehran (Krziž and Abdul-Ghaffā r’ s map) are transformed into architectural plans and elevations by means of Geometry methods and software. The rather accurate plans, elevations and the 3D model of the building were gained through comparing photos and the plans several times. The results were achieved by considering unity in style and checking the results with the written evidence. There are merely any pictures from inside of the building, so the reconstruction is limited to the exteriors of the building.


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    APA: Copy

    Moossavi, Seyed Boshra. (2020). Digital Reconstruction of Dā r al-Funū n School in the Qajar Period, Based on Visual Evidence. SOFFEH, 30(88 ), 107-140. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/405140/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Moossavi Seyed Boshra. Digital Reconstruction of Dā r al-Funū n School in the Qajar Period, Based on Visual Evidence. SOFFEH[Internet]. 2020;30(88 ):107-140. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/405140/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Seyed Boshra Moossavi, “Digital Reconstruction of Dā r al-Funū n School in the Qajar Period, Based on Visual Evidence,” SOFFEH, vol. 30, no. 88 , pp. 107–140, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/405140/en

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