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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Designing a pattern for e-content development based on the factors affecting satisfaction in e-learning




 Background and Objectives: Despite the enormous potential of Electronic Learning (e-learning), learners sometimes decide to drop out of school and are reluctant to pursue their education; therefore, it is so important to find variables to accept it. Among these variables, satisfaction is a key factor which is one of the important indicators in the quality of education. Experts consider several effective factors for e-learning satisfaction including the quality of e-content. The role of content in the e-learning curriculum is much more prominent and influential than the role of content in the conventional education curriculum. Because in elearning, content also plays a role in other elements of the curriculum, including; teaching, teaching-learning activities, time, place, evaluation and feedback. Therefore, in compiling Electronic Content, which is a procedural content, special attention should be paid to the basics of pedagogical sciences. Considering what was said, this issue is raised: can e-content be developed based on factors affecting e-learning satisfaction? What are these factors? And how can a good e-content design model be created to satisfy e-learning? The general purpose of this study was to design a pattern for developing Electronic Content based on the factors affecting satisfaction of e-learning courses. The secondary objectives of the study were as follows: 1) identifying the factors affecting e-learners’ satisfaction with e-learning according to the research literature; 2) determining the characteristics of e-content based on learners’ satisfaction from the perspective of experts; and 3) determining the role of e-content characteristics on learners’ satisfaction of e-learning Methods: This study was conducted with a hybrid and exploratory method in three stages. In the first stage, meta-analysis research method was used to identify the factors affecting satisfaction and in the next stage, a descriptive-survey method was used to analyze the experts’ opinions. The statistical population of this study consists of two groups: a) the research studies related to the factors affecting satisfaction in e-learning which have been published in the national and international credible journals; b) the experts working in the field of e-learning all over the country. The sample of this study consisted of three groups: A) in the meta-analysis section, the research that was most relevant to the research topic purposefully selected and evaluated (29 foreign studies and 19 domestic studies, a total of 48 studies). B) in the qualitative section (interview), 30 elearning professionals were identified nationwide through targeted sampling. In the quantitative section (questionnaire), 117 specialists were identified. In this study, the following three tools were used to collect data: 1-Checklist (in the meta-analysis section), 2-Interview-unstructured (in the qualitative section), 3-researcher-made questionnaire (in the quantitative section). In order to perform data analysis, 48 studies were first studied in the first phase in the meta-analysis section, and 209 satisfaction-related factors were identified, some of which were duplicate, that is, exactly one word was used and a number of words were different but synonymous and with the same meaning and purpose. In the analysis section, the researcher placed the same and synonymous factors in one class, which eventually formed 41 classes, and the frequency and percentage of their frequency were calculated. Then, in the second stage, after conducting the interviews and writing them, the researcher examined and analyzed the code for each of the interviews. In this way, the written content of the interviews was read and each significant unit that represented an Electronic Content feature (analysis unit) was written in the column below the category. After studying all the content of the interviews and identifying the units of analysis, it was the time to re-read and categorize them, and the columns of the categories were obtained and after studying and categorizing the categories, the main components were identified. In the third step, the data from the questionnaire were analyzed at the levels of descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings: The results of the study in the meta-analysis stage are indicative of the fact that factors such as content, interaction, technology, teacher, service quality, design, ease of perceived use, personalization, perceived usefulness, learner, perceived value and self-efficacy are among the most important factors affecting satisfaction in e-learning. Regarding the interview, from the viewpoint of the experts developing Electronic Content, the principles of content development, learner, consequential implications, attention to the approaches related to learning and the role of teacher have the most significant impact on learner’ s satisfaction in e-learning, respectively. Conclusion: All the components are to measure the structure of Electronic Content characteristics in such a way that the component related to attention to the approaches of learning and the role of teacher with path coefficient (0. 99) and attention to the consequential implications with path coefficient (0. 89) principles of content design with path coefficient (0. 85) attention to the features of the learner with path coefficient (0. 82) were confirmed by the experts and are the ones developing the model. The model states that "attention should be paid to learning-related approaches in the polygonal rule, that is, this component is the basis of content development. " The two components of "learner" and "teacher role" should be placed on both sides of the pattern, which is the characteristic of the two main elements of the Electronic Content processes. In total, paying attention to these five components will lead to the development of effective Electronic Content.


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    APA: Copy

    Pourtavakoli, A., ALINEJAD, M., & Daneshmand, B.. (2021). Designing a pattern for e-content development based on the factors affecting satisfaction in e-learning. JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY OF EDUCATION (JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION), 15(1 (57) ), 119-138. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/407213/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Pourtavakoli A., ALINEJAD M., Daneshmand B.. Designing a pattern for e-content development based on the factors affecting satisfaction in e-learning. JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY OF EDUCATION (JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION)[Internet]. 2021;15(1 (57) ):119-138. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/407213/en

    IEEE: Copy

    A. Pourtavakoli, M. ALINEJAD, and B. Daneshmand, “Designing a pattern for e-content development based on the factors affecting satisfaction in e-learning,” JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY OF EDUCATION (JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION), vol. 15, no. 1 (57) , pp. 119–138, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/407213/en

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