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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The epical action versus the tragic action in the Aeschylus ’ tragedies




 The Homer’ s Epic (9 th Century BC) in the ancient Greece shows an Epical action which is resulted from the Hero’ s relation with the values and the aristocratic types that makes the Hero aware of his moral action. The aristocratic-Epical values, which were part of the general conscience of the Greeks, were enacted in the Constitution of Athens and exit the monopoly of the aristocracy and publicized. During the period of transition to democracy, these values which were based on the specific patterns recognized in the new law as tradition in fact the Constitution was influenced by aristocratic tradition and governed people as a general conscience. So, these aristocratic values generalized because the Constitution was formed based on tradition. And, aristocratic values were parts of this tradition. The moral patterns of aristocrats transformed to the Polis law, and citizen and governer were identified in case of implementing those patterns. Therefore when Aeschylus drawing attention to the Constitution in his tragedies, he expresses the values and Epical action unavoidably. After tragedies flourishing period (5 th AD) Aristotle believed that the Tragedy tells a story which causes pity and fear due to the character’ s Hamartia (tragic flaw). tragic action implies on a story in which a character falls down because of the action he made by his flaw or unawareness and then admits his/her guilt or denies it. Such a human who is a tragic character creates a tragic situation and stay away from Polis ideal patterns and imperil the public conscience. On this basis, in this essay we will show that Aeschylus ’ tragedies with showing an action which is based on Epic-legal patterns is against the tragic action and situations that are resulted from lawlessness and ignorance The Epic action is done by the Hero and he reveals an ideal with it. Aeschylus applies the Epic action in the interest of open and legal 141 73 society and expresses Hero’ s values and they were legalized Aeschylus’ stance on faults and his defense of peace and freedom in Polis, make them closer to the realm of law which resulted from aristocratic Epic values. As the first tragedian, Aeschylus considers Epic action to be superior to tragic action. Rather than a tragic story, the Tragedy can have an Epical character with an Epical story. Thus, Tragedy seeks for clarification and awareness and is against the tragic action which is based on fault and creating crisis by the predominance of awareness and living courageously, ignorance, lawlessness and eventually tragic situation will be vanished. Hence, Aeschylus ’ tragedies are influenced by law and Epic.


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    APA: Copy

    NAZER, ERFAN. (2018). The epical action versus the tragic action in the Aeschylus ’ tragedies. THEATER, -(73 ), 116-137. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/407517/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    NAZER ERFAN. The epical action versus the tragic action in the Aeschylus ’ tragedies. THEATER[Internet]. 2018;-(73 ):116-137. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/407517/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ERFAN NAZER, “The epical action versus the tragic action in the Aeschylus ’ tragedies,” THEATER, vol. -, no. 73 , pp. 116–137, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/407517/en

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