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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Utilize the Concept of Urban Breathing Spaces in Neighborhoods with Emphasis on the Environmental Dimension (Case s tudy: Comparative Comparison of Bolaghi Neighborhood and Janbazan Neighborhood in Qazvin City)




 The lack of breathing space in neighborhoods, due to the conges tion caused by the increasing urbanization of cities, has necessitated the use of new approaches to address this shortage. Therefore, this s tudy aims to utilize the concept of Breathing spaces that are small and open-Green spaces in compact cities texture with an emphasis on the environmental dimension. In this s tudy, the criteria for the creation of Breathing spaces in different fabrics and their effects on the quality of life of the neighborhoods are determined by using the consensus of experts and the Delphi method and then ranked by the AHP method. Finally, the criteria s tudied in two neighborhoods with different characteris tics. It concluded, the criteria obtained from the research have a direct effect on the quality of life criteria in the neighborhoods. This is because of the nature of these spaces, their implementation in compact fabrics and rehabilitation's need and renovation is more applicable by adopting appropriate policies. In this paper, based on the mentioned methods, four criteria and eight subcriteria were selected to achieve the research goal and to answer this challenge and then ranked by using the AHP method. According to the results, the criteria were prioritized into four sections. 1. Land use with vegetation criterion has two subcriteria: greenspaces and green levels. 2. Was telands and Open spaces criterion have two sub-criteria: natural and human production. 3. Environmental criterion has two sub-criteria: Biological and physical. 4. Localscale criterion has two subcriteria: socio-cultural and functional-operational. Sub-criteria were prioritized: greenspace, natural of Open space, green levels, and biological characteris tics of the environment, human production of Open space, socio-cultural characteris tics of the local scale, physical characteris tics of the environment and functional-operational characteris tics of the local scale. Then, to better unders tand the subject under s tudy and to evaluate the criteria obtained from different research methods, selected two neighborhoods of Qazvin city as samples of this research. One of them is Bolaghi, which is the old neighborhood. Another is the new one that called Janbazan. They were compared by matching. Finally, the criteria were s tudied in two neighborhoods with different characteris tics his torical and modern neighborhoods. The results of the survey of the neighborhoods based on the criteria and sub-criteria indicate that none of them has enough Open spaces and was telands and land use with vegetation. Regarding environmental criteria, it can be said that the physical sub-criterion of Janbazan neighborhood is better than the Bolaghi neighborhood because the fabric of the Janbazan neighborhood is planned. In general, little attention has been paid to this criterion and its sub-criteria in both neighborhoods. The only difference between the two neighborhoods is the social-cultural aspect at the local scale criterion. This is because the original inhabitants of the Bolaghi neighborhood have a greater sense of belonging and social interaction than the Janbazan neighborhood. Therefore, it is necessary to create Breathing spaces in these neighborhoods to improve their qualification. Furthermore, these spaces are effective in reducing a variety of contaminants and natural hazards.


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    APA: Copy

    Shirmohammadianzade, Rana, & KHATIBI, SEYED MOHAMMADREZA. (2021). Utilize the Concept of Urban Breathing Spaces in Neighborhoods with Emphasis on the Environmental Dimension (Case s tudy: Comparative Comparison of Bolaghi Neighborhood and Janbazan Neighborhood in Qazvin City). HOVIATESHAHR, 15(45 ), 49-64. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/408976/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Shirmohammadianzade Rana, KHATIBI SEYED MOHAMMADREZA. Utilize the Concept of Urban Breathing Spaces in Neighborhoods with Emphasis on the Environmental Dimension (Case s tudy: Comparative Comparison of Bolaghi Neighborhood and Janbazan Neighborhood in Qazvin City). HOVIATESHAHR[Internet]. 2021;15(45 ):49-64. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/408976/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Rana Shirmohammadianzade, and SEYED MOHAMMADREZA KHATIBI, “Utilize the Concept of Urban Breathing Spaces in Neighborhoods with Emphasis on the Environmental Dimension (Case s tudy: Comparative Comparison of Bolaghi Neighborhood and Janbazan Neighborhood in Qazvin City),” HOVIATESHAHR, vol. 15, no. 45 , pp. 49–64, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/408976/en

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