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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Hidden capabiliies in historical farmstead of Niasar




 BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In Based on historical geography and documents of the Qajar era in the geographical zone of Niasar, the built biological complexes signiicantly afected the living and ecology and created a special economic and social culture on their scale. Due to ixed and loaing populaion and defensive, religious, service, and physical components and the existence of water sources and rural properies, these farmsteads were known as residenial ones and survived unil the end of the irst Pahlavi era. Residenial farmsteads have played a pivotal role in the natural and living system of Iran central plateau and the management of the provincial afairs of various governments in Iran. Owning or dedicaing the farmsteads, most rulers and poliicians took care of the economic afairs of their dominated areas, employed many workers and peasants, and developed their sociopoliical inluence realm. Many historical residenial farmsteads are now ruining, or their use has been changed. The duraion of this process will ruin any documents in the ield of architectural, cultural, social, economic, and administraive systems. Numerous factors have been inluenial in their destrucion. Coninuous developments and instability of economic and poliical afairs of the country in a wide ime range and feudalism and land reformaions in the contemporary era and climaic and environmental variables are considered the most important factors of farmstead destrucion. METHODS: This study aims to understand the historical residenial farmsteads of Niasar through their features. It tries to interpret and read the writen documents and survey materialisic monuments through an “ underlying theory” and historicalinterpretaional approach. On this basis and as the case study, most of Niasar farmsteads were ideniied through ield studies, aitude assessment, and document research. First, the locaion of 27 farmsteads was ideniied and mapped in required scales through ield surveys and the aerial images within a 15-kilometer radius of Niasar Cultural Center. Following that, the qualiies of farmstead formaion were invesigated based on writen documents and references such as Zarabi, 1956; Ghomi, 2006, and the studies of Niasar Cultural Heritage Base speciically. The whole informaion was invesigated through qualitaive quesionnaires and interviewing the stakeholders of physical, cultural, social, and economic ields. Within the process, some of the residenial farmsteads of Niasar were found again and adapted with historical documents. Therefore, two speciic species were recognized; rural property castles and rural property complexes, and their capabiliies and their three-fold systems were ideniied. FINDINGS: Two quesions are queried in this paper; irstly, the “ hidden capability” concept will be scruinized, and next, diferent types of hidden capabiliies in Historical Farmsteads of Niasar will be invesigated. Niasar farmsteads have been invesigated as the smallest biological complex in Rostagh village in Kashan for responding to the research quesions. In order to idenify their features, the qualiies of the locaion, formaion periods, shapes, water, and rural property and service, religious, residenial construcions have been menioned. The related indings to the ownership, exploitaion speciicaions, and economic, living, social, and populaion coordinates have also been invesigated. In Table 2, all such features introduced a part of hidden capabiliies and deployed systems in residenial farmsteads of Niasar. Physical, architectural, economic, cultural, and social systems in two funcional and physical forms are some of the capabiliies hidden in the farmsteads and have been revealed in the study process ater some decades. CONCLUSION: Historical residenial farmsteads of Niasar have lost their idenity, and their menioned capabiliies have remained unknown. They are being ruined due to massive immigraion of naives, the replacement of non-naives, and urban or rural unbalanced development. According to the current paper, invesigaing the concepts of historical residenial farmsteads as inill cultural and economical packages is suitable. This paper considers the vitality and conversion of farmsteads to “ living areas” instead of recognizing them as absolute historical areas to move toward achieving sustainability in farmsteads. Therefore, it suggests that all components of a farmstead should be prepared in the form of a coherent whole enitled “ Historical Farmstead” to be inscribed on the Naional Monuments List. Meanwhile, awareness and legal support and the hidden protecion capabiliies can contribute to the sustainability of Historical Farmsteads in Iran. Historical residenial farmsteads shall approach their historical role in protecing living and biological systems of cultural and natural heritage groups. It will not be realized unless they are ideniied qualitaively and quanitaively, and their existence and efect are recognized in diferent afairs of the country throughout history.


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    APA: Copy

    Raie, Hosein. (2021). Hidden capabiliies in historical farmstead of Niasar. IRANIAN ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM, 12(1 ), 157-174. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/416545/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Raie Hosein. Hidden capabiliies in historical farmstead of Niasar. IRANIAN ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM[Internet]. 2021;12(1 ):157-174. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/416545/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Hosein Raie, “Hidden capabiliies in historical farmstead of Niasar,” IRANIAN ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM, vol. 12, no. 1 , pp. 157–174, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/416545/en

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