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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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 Contradiction or coordination of the holy ART with different aspects of TECHNOLOGY is the subject of this ARTicle. Anxiety about holy dimensions of life to be scratched with this phenomenon causes the position of TECHNOLOGY to be studied in different fields. Discussions about ART and TECHNOLOGY in the world and also HOLINESS and the HOLY PLACE, are the preludes to the aforementioned topic which facilitates understanding the origin of holy ART and its method of statement. The vastest, the most common and merciful HOLY PLACE is the natural environment created by Almighty God which is the MANifestation of truth and presents the most HOLINESS. It is also possible in the houses of worship, for example Masjed-al-Nabiand Masjed -al- Heram, to pass from one position to another and from the eARTh to the heaven; so they can be called "the HOLY PLACEs". On the other hand, the TECHNOLOGY found in such places is in accordance with their spiritual atmosphere and therefore there exists the destructive TECHNOLOGY in a different form and with a different motivation. The tools and techniques of ART are not holy but they are the source of ART and bring Holy Spirit to the ARTistic works. It seems that the motivation behind creating a work, i.e. whether it is a divine or satanic motivation, brings the feeling of HOLINESS from an ARTistic work and makes it applicable in the human societies. Therefore, (benefiting from TECHNOLOGY) such an ART which originates form MAN's exalted aspect finds a form of MANifestation and eventually is effective in MAN's elevation. As a result, the all factors of atmosphere, place, MAN and ART are in some ways relevant to TECHNOLOGY. So, the association of ART and TECHNOLOGY should not be considered destructive to the holy spirit of ART. Because ART benefits from the tangible exterior to express the exalted meanings and it is MANifested in architecture and writing by a human application and holy identity.-The best examples for this claim are the HOLY PLACEs such as Masjed-al-Haram and Masjid-al- Nabi which benefiting from the required TECHNOLOGY appropriate for its application, have kept the Holy Spirit in the remarkable way.- Another example is the HOLY BOOK of Quran. On one hand, it contains the elevated meaning and so it is spiritual and on the other hand, it is recorded in an eARThly method and so it is material. In both cases it is full of HOLINESS.Therefore, applying TECHNOLOGY as a facilitating tool can imply the esoteric concept. On the other hand, the HOLINESS of ART originates from the ARTists spirit and is inspired by the divine Spirit. While all the chains of truth, need and power are broken for the unruly MAN and considersa role for the application of TECHNOLOGY which is far from being only and is harmful to him and the society. If this aspect of TECHNOLOGY is used in ART, science or anything else, it destroys their HOLINESS.Mentioning the variables, such as holy MAN, HOLY BOOK, and HOLY PLACEs proves that real HOLINESS is not necessarily from the metaphysics; but it is the divine shadow and spirit which has influence on place, MAN and ART from its HOLINESS. Therefore, whether the ARTistic work is created by the primitive tools or the modem techniques has no effects on its HOLINESS.  



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    APA: Copy

    RAHBARNIA, Z., & RAHNAVARD, ZAHRA. (2006). HOLY ART CONFRONTATION WITH TECHNOLOGY. HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA, -(26), 101-108. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/5840/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    RAHBARNIA Z., RAHNAVARD ZAHRA. HOLY ART CONFRONTATION WITH TECHNOLOGY. HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA[Internet]. 2006;-(26):101-108. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/5840/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Z. RAHBARNIA, and ZAHRA RAHNAVARD, “HOLY ART CONFRONTATION WITH TECHNOLOGY,” HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA, vol. -, no. 26, pp. 101–108, 2006, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/5840/en

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