The city and its elements, through exchanges they make (including mass, energy and information) face with transformation. This transformation entails shortages, problems, difficulties, limits and needs. Resolving the shortages and needs and solving problems and difficulties initiates with the establishment and determination of the goal. By referring to the shortages, needs and limits the instrumental goal, and by referring to the problems and difficulties, the' fundamental goal is established and sets the city progress in a determined track. Considering this issue, it is crucial to establish and determine the goal in the planning process. Studying and inspecting the city by the systematic approach, sets the city in different levels. Accordingly, facilities, capabilities, abilities, shortages, problems, difficulties, limits and needs of the same level of the city (hierarchically) are put as the outcome. In addition to these, demands and needs are determined based on estimations and assessments. The goal would be established and determined within a hierarchical process. The Input of such system is the outcome (products and patterns) of other two levels in the planning process. These levels are the upper goals and the identification level and identification of city division system. In this article, the process of determination and explanation of the goal as a method is presented. By applying the features, aspects and characteristics, the goal is processed correspondingly. Features, aspects and properties are provided by the facilities, demands, capabilities, abilities and needs. Resources, implements, agents, time, place, quantity, method, quality and patterns are the features. Each feature has physical, economical, social, cultural, psychological, security, natural, quantitative and qualitative and other aspects. Markers, attributes, characteristics and traits determine the dimensions. Determination and explanation of goals is done according to the dominant value system of the city. The values systems are framework, which, coordinate and sort out the goals with respect to the superior ones. Sorting continues by prioritizing the goals as the input for the other levels of the city planning process in order to be laid into operation.