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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Evaluation and comparison of phytochemical and antioxidant capacity of some small fruits collected from Urmia Khan-Dareh-si region




 Recently, due to healthier and nutritional problems of synthetic antioxidants in food processing, using of herbal medicine and its effective components as a natural resources with antioxidant properties have beenevaluated. This study was accomplished in order to examine Phytochemical and antioxidant capacity of different small fruits in 15 accessions (Physalis, Solanum luteum, Raspberry, Hawthron, Barberry, Rose, and Elderberry). After species identification, extraction of samples was conducted using ultrasonic device. Total Phenolic content, total Flavonoid content, total carotenoid and chlorophyll and antioxidant capacity were determined by using Folin– ciocalteu assays, aluminum chloride method, Lichtentaler method, DPPH respectively. The results showed that significant difference (p≤ 0. 01) among small fruits Phytochemical properties. Total Phenolic content was in its highest value (5. 096 mg GAE/g FW) in the genotype of G3 (Rubus ulmifolius sub sp. sanctus), whereas the lowest level (0. 315 mg GAE/g FW) was found in the genotype of G1 (Physalis alkekengi). Total Flavonoid content was in its highest value (14. 433 mg /100g FW) in the genotype of G3 (Rubus ulmifolius sub sp. sanctus), whereas the lowest level (0. 8 mg /100g FW) was found in the genotype of G1 (Physalis alkekengi). The highest level of total carotenoid content (20. 508 μ g/g FW) was found in G13 (sambucus nigra marginata). The highest level of antioxidant capacity in DPPH assays (Rubus ulmifolius sub sp. sanctus) were found in G3 (86. 634 %). These results showed that different small fruits especially Rubus promising sources of natural antioxidants and other bioactive compounds beneficial to be used in the food or the pharmaceutical industries.


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    APA: Copy

    GHASEMI, GH., ALIREZALU, A., & Rahmanzadeh Ishkeh, Sh.. (2019). Evaluation and comparison of phytochemical and antioxidant capacity of some small fruits collected from Urmia Khan-Dareh-si region. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 16(86 ), 15-29. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/71532/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    GHASEMI GH., ALIREZALU A., Rahmanzadeh Ishkeh Sh.. Evaluation and comparison of phytochemical and antioxidant capacity of some small fruits collected from Urmia Khan-Dareh-si region. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY[Internet]. 2019;16(86 ):15-29. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/71532/en

    IEEE: Copy

    GH. GHASEMI, A. ALIREZALU, and Sh. Rahmanzadeh Ishkeh, “Evaluation and comparison of phytochemical and antioxidant capacity of some small fruits collected from Urmia Khan-Dareh-si region,” IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 16, no. 86 , pp. 15–29, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/71532/en

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