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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Effect of postharvest application of salicylic acid, oxalic acid and nitric oxide on improving qualitative properties and extending the shelf life of fresh apricot fruit cv. ‘ Shahroudi’




Apricot is a climacteric fruit withhigh respiration rate, which ripen quickly during the postharvest stage and has a short Shelf life. Therefore, the use of environmentallyfriendly compounds for delaying the ripening process is one of the safe methods for extending the Shelf life and reducing the postharvest losses of this fruit. Hence, the effect of some chemical treatments on quality and shelflife of Apricot fruit cultivar ‘ Shahroudi’ was carried out in a completely randomized design with seven treatments and four replications. The treatments were fruit immersion in individual or combination solutions of Salicylic acid, Oxalic acid and nitric oxide at concentrations of 2, 2 and 1 mM, respectively. The fruits were then packed and transferred to 2° C with relative humidity of about 85 ± 5%. After 4 weeks of storage, their chemical, sensorial and qualitative properties were evaluated. The results showed that the highest fruit firmness was obtained in Salicylic acid (11. 46N) and nitric oxide treatment (9. 85N). Solublesolids content had the highest values in Salicylic acid and combined treatments, respectively. In terms of organoleptic evaluation, Salicylic acid and nitric oxide treatments significantly preserved the texture, taste and appearance of the fruits. The highest Shelf life was observed in Salicylic acid (27. 5 days) and nitric oxide (25. 5 days) treated fruits, while it was only 14 days in control. In general, it can be concluded that Salicylic acid and nitric oxide were the best treatments.


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    APA: Copy

    DOROSTKAR, M., Moradinezhad, f., & ansarifar, e.. (2019). Effect of postharvest application of salicylic acid, oxalic acid and nitric oxide on improving qualitative properties and extending the shelf life of fresh apricot fruit cv. ‘ Shahroudi’. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 16(92 ), 177-189. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/71776/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    DOROSTKAR M., Moradinezhad f., ansarifar e.. Effect of postharvest application of salicylic acid, oxalic acid and nitric oxide on improving qualitative properties and extending the shelf life of fresh apricot fruit cv. ‘ Shahroudi’. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY[Internet]. 2019;16(92 ):177-189. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/71776/en

    IEEE: Copy

    M. DOROSTKAR, f. Moradinezhad, and e. ansarifar, “Effect of postharvest application of salicylic acid, oxalic acid and nitric oxide on improving qualitative properties and extending the shelf life of fresh apricot fruit cv. ‘ Shahroudi’,” IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 16, no. 92 , pp. 177–189, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/71776/en

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