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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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ENGLISH: Molecular and Serological Study of Neospora caninum Infection among Dogs and Foxes in Sanandaj, Kurdistan Province, Iran (FRENCH: É tude Molé culaire et Sé rologique de Neospora caninum chez des Chiens et des Renards dans le District de Sanandaj, Province du Kurdistan (Iran))




Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT) 
Nested-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 
Iran (FRENCH:Neospora caninum 


 ENGLISH: Neospora Caninum, a protozoan parasite, causes abortions in cattle, as well as neurological disorders and reproductive problems in dogs. This study aimed to investigate the serological and the molecular prevalence of N. caninum among Foxes and dogs using indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and nested-polymerase chain reaction (PCR). For this purpose, 288 and 95 both fecal and serum samples of dogs and Foxes were collected, respectively, from around industrial and traditional dairy flocks in different parts of Sanandaj, Kurdistan Province, Iran, from 2013 to 2015. The sera were examined using IFAT, and fecal samples were microscopically assessed for detecting Neospora oocyst and by nested-PCR. The findings revealed that N. caninum seroprevalence were 4. 86% and 4. 21% in dogs and Foxes, respectively. In addition, no Neospora oocysts were found microscopically and by PCR. Since this study is the first serological and molecular investigation of N. caninum among both dogs and Foxes in Sanandaj, the findings of indicated that stray dogs is a main source of N. caninum infection in dairy farms in Sanandaj, Iran. FRENCH: Ré sumé : Neospora Caninum, un parasite protozoaire, provoque à la fois des avortements chez les bovins ainsi que des troubles neurologiques et des problè mes de reproduction chez les chiens. Dans cette é tude, la pré valence sé rologique et molé culaire de Neospora Caninum a é té é tudié e chez les renards et les chiens par le biais de test d'immunofluorescence indirecte (IFA) et une nested-PCR. Pour cela, 288 et 95 é chantillons fé caux et sé riques de chiens et de renards ont é té respectivement collecté s entre 2013 et 2015 dans des troupeaux laitiers industriels et traditionnels dans diffé rentes parties du district de Sanandaj, dans la province du Kurdistan. Les sé rums ont é té examiné s avec le test IFA et par nested-PCR, alors que des é chantillons de matiè res fé cales ont é té examiné s au microscope pour dé tecter la pré sence d'oocyste de Neospora et. Les ré sultats ont ré vé lé que la sé ropré valence de N. caninum é tait respectivement de 4, 86% et 4, 21% chez les chiens et les renards. De plus, aucun oocyste de Neospora n'a é té dé tecté au microscope et par PCR. Comme cette é tude est la premiè re enquê te sé rologique et molé culaire de N. caninum chez les chiens et les renards de Sanandaj, les ré sultats de l'é tude ont indiqué que les chiens errants sont une source majeure d'infection à N. caninum dans les fermes laitiè res de Sanandaj.


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    APA: Copy

    ADHAMI, GH., DALIMI, A., HOGHOOGHI RAD, N., & FAKOUR, SH.. (2020). ENGLISH: Molecular and Serological Study of Neospora caninum Infection among Dogs and Foxes in Sanandaj, Kurdistan Province, Iran (FRENCH: É tude Molé culaire et Sé rologique de Neospora caninum chez des Chiens et des Renards dans le District de Sanandaj, Province du Kurdistan (Iran)). ARCHIVES OF RAZI INSTITUTE, 75(2), 267-274. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/781598/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    ADHAMI GH., DALIMI A., HOGHOOGHI RAD N., FAKOUR SH.. ENGLISH: Molecular and Serological Study of Neospora caninum Infection among Dogs and Foxes in Sanandaj, Kurdistan Province, Iran (FRENCH: É tude Molé culaire et Sé rologique de Neospora caninum chez des Chiens et des Renards dans le District de Sanandaj, Province du Kurdistan (Iran)). ARCHIVES OF RAZI INSTITUTE[Internet]. 2020;75(2):267-274. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/781598/en

    IEEE: Copy

    GH. ADHAMI, A. DALIMI, N. HOGHOOGHI RAD, and SH. FAKOUR, “ENGLISH: Molecular and Serological Study of Neospora caninum Infection among Dogs and Foxes in Sanandaj, Kurdistan Province, Iran (FRENCH: É tude Molé culaire et Sé rologique de Neospora caninum chez des Chiens et des Renards dans le District de Sanandaj, Province du Kurdistan (Iran)),” ARCHIVES OF RAZI INSTITUTE, vol. 75, no. 2, pp. 267–274, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/781598/en

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