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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


ENGLISH: A Clinical Case of Weak A Antigen on the Erythrocytes in a Person with Coexistent Anti-A Antibodies (FRENCH: Un cas clinique d'un taux faible d’ antigè ne A sur les é rythrocytes d’ une personne avec des anticorps anti-A coexistants)




Weak A antigen (FRENCH:Absorption 
antigène A faible) 


 ENGLISH: This study investigated a person with an AB0 discrepancy. Her blood group initially typed at the birth as AB Rh+ (positive); however, it was B Rh+ (positive) or Rh-(negative) when she was in her teens. At room temperature, her erythrocytes were agglutinated by anti-B, and the Agglutination was significantly weaker at 37 º C. As a result, her erythrocytes did not absorb anti-B but anti-A. Furthermore, her erythrocytes were agglutinated by anti-A at 37 º C with signs of Hemolysis in the presence of complement. The unwashed erythrocytes were also agglutinated in an antiglobulin test by polyclonal anti-A at 37 º C and by heated polyclonal anti-A and anti-A MAB 2-8 at room temperature. Moreover, her serum agglutinated A erythrocytes at room temperature with less activity at 37 º C; however, it agglutinated B erythrocytes at 37 º C. The ability of the erythrocytes of this person to absorb anti-A came along with the Agglutination of her erythrocytes at 37 º C by polyclonal serum and decreased activity of the serum to agglutinate A erythrocytes at 37 º C, compared to room temperature. The absence of anti-B absorbance by the person’ s erythrocytes was accompanied by the presence of anti-B in the serum, which was active at 37 º C. The incubation of the person’ s serum with 0 erythrocytes induced the ability of erythrocytes to absorb anti-A and to be hemolyzed by anti-A in the presence of complement in accordance with the person’ s characteristics of erythrocytes. The reaction of absorption and Agglutination at room temperature and 37 º C by heated serum with the use of complement may help to reveal both weak A and B antigens and anti-A and anti-B antibodies while AB0 blood typing. FRENCH: Ré sumé : Cette é tude a examiné e une personne pré sentant un é cart AB0. Son groupe sanguin a d'abord é té typé à la naissance comme AB Rh+ (positif); cependant, celui-ci a é té rapporté B Rh+ (positif) ou Rh-(né gatif) lors de son adolescence. À tempé rature ambiante, ses é rythrocytes ont é té agglutiné s par des anti-B, et l'Agglutination é tait significativement plus faible à 37 ° C. En consé quence, ses é rythrocytes n'ont pas absorbé les anti-B mais les anti-A. En outre, ses é rythrocytes ont é té agglutiné s par anti-A à 37 ° C avec des signes d'hé molyse en pré sence de complé ment. Les é rythrocytes non-lavé s ont é galement é té agglutiné s lors d’ un test à l'antiglobuline par un anticorps polyclonal anti-A à 37 ° C et par un anticorps polyclonal anti-A et anti-A MAB 2-8 chauffé à tempé rature ambiante. De plus, son sé rum a agglutiné les é rythrocytes A à tempé rature ambiante avec moins d'activité à 37 ° C; cependant, il a agglutine les erythrocytes B a 37 ° C. La capacité des é rythrocytes de cette personne à absorber les anti-A s'est accompagné e de l'Agglutination de ses é rythrocytes à 37 ° C par le sé rum polyclonal et d'une diminution de l'activité d’ Agglutination du sé rum vis-à-vis des é rythrocytes A à 37 ° C, comparé e aux analyses effectué es à tempé rature ambiante. L'absence d'absorbance anti-B par les é rythrocytes du sujet s'est accompagné e d’ une pré sence d'anti-B dans le sé rum, qui é tait actif à 37 ° C. L'incubation du sé rum de la personne avec 0 é rythrocytes a induit la capacité des é rythrocytes à absorber l'anti-A et à ê tre hé molysé s par l'anti-A en pré sence de complé ment conformé ment aux caracté ristiques des é rythrocytes de la personne. La ré action d'absorption et d'Agglutination à tempé rature ambiante et à 37 ° C par du sé rum chauffé avec l'utilisation de complé ment peut donc aider à ré vé ler à la fois des antigè nes A et B faibles et des anticorps anti-A et anti-B lors de la dé termination du groupe sanguin AB0.


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    APA: Copy

    Dielievska, V., Korzh, M., Leontieva, F., Ashukina, N., & Borzova, O.. (2020). ENGLISH: A Clinical Case of Weak A Antigen on the Erythrocytes in a Person with Coexistent Anti-A Antibodies (FRENCH: Un cas clinique d'un taux faible d’ antigè ne A sur les é rythrocytes d’ une personne avec des anticorps anti-A coexistants). ARCHIVES OF RAZI INSTITUTE, 75(2), 257-265. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/785524/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Dielievska V., Korzh M., Leontieva F., Ashukina N., Borzova O.. ENGLISH: A Clinical Case of Weak A Antigen on the Erythrocytes in a Person with Coexistent Anti-A Antibodies (FRENCH: Un cas clinique d'un taux faible d’ antigè ne A sur les é rythrocytes d’ une personne avec des anticorps anti-A coexistants). ARCHIVES OF RAZI INSTITUTE[Internet]. 2020;75(2):257-265. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/785524/en

    IEEE: Copy

    V. Dielievska, M. Korzh, F. Leontieva, N. Ashukina, and O. Borzova, “ENGLISH: A Clinical Case of Weak A Antigen on the Erythrocytes in a Person with Coexistent Anti-A Antibodies (FRENCH: Un cas clinique d'un taux faible d’ antigè ne A sur les é rythrocytes d’ une personne avec des anticorps anti-A coexistants),” ARCHIVES OF RAZI INSTITUTE, vol. 75, no. 2, pp. 257–265, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/785524/en

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