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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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 In 2003, a process was developed in NCHRP Report 486 by TRB for allocating resources in Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation (3R) Projects after which the software called RSRAP was developed to execute such a process. In the said report, a set of impacts encountered after improving a network of road segments as 3R activities, and tradeoffs between them were introduced and quantified as the economic costs and benefits of the project, including:CC: Construction Costs,PSB: Present value of SAFETY Benefits,PNR: Penalty for Not Resurfacing,PRP: Present value of Resurfacing SAFETY Penalty, and PTOB: Present value of Traffic-Operational Benefits.All these costs and benefits were incorporated in a Cost-Benefit Analysis as an economic evaluation method and in an optimization process using Integer Programming Model, in order to find the best alternative in each site of the network. The ten-step process to fulfill the analysis and optimization purpose contains the following components [changes and promotions implemented in this study, are described in brackets]:Identify the sites to be considered [no changes], Identify the improvement alternatives (and combinations of alternatives) to be considered for each site [crest vertical curves, narrow bridges and Permanent Raised Pavement Markers (PRPMs) are added to geometric features], Convert future costs and benefits to present values [discount rate are estimated for Iran], Estimate the construction cost of each improvement alternative [unit construction costs are estimated for Iran], Estimate the SAFETY benefits for each improvement alternative [Accident Modification Factors (Ai\1Fs) are estimated and/or are considered for crest vertical curves, narrow bridges and Permanent Raised Pavement Markers; meanwhile, accident costs are also estimated for each Fatal, Injury and PD~ accident severity level in Iran],Estimate the penalty for not resurfacing [no changes],Estimate the SAFETY penalty for each improvement alternative that involves resurfacing without other geometric improvements [no changes],Estimate the traffic-operational benefits for each improvement alternative [a new definition of VEHICLE SPEED increases is presented and is considered in quantified measure of PTOB; meanwhile, hourly time value is also estimated for each Iranian traveler.], Determine the net benefits for each improvement alternative [new measures of costs and benefits are used for determining the net benefits], and Select the most suitable improvement alternative for each site within the available budget by applying optimization logic [no changes in the model structure but the net benefit for each measure is estimated].In this paper, by introducing the process mentioned above, some correcting measures are proposed to expand the procedure and redraw a more comprehensive perspective due to the future economic status of the 3R projects. The two substantial modifications illustrated in this paper are:1. Estimating and/or considering ACCIDENT MODIFICATION FACTORS (Ai\1Fs) for crest vertical curves, narrow bridges and Permanent Raised Pavement Markers (PRPMs) to expand the measure of PSB.2. Estimating the impact of improvements in geometric features on VEHICLE SPEED increase, beside the 1 mph increase mentioned in the previous research due to resurfacing improvements, and accommodating the total increase in estimation of the PTOB benefit. In addition, referring to the scopes of this research and as a further expansion in the resource allocation process of 3R projects, a wider range of the other impacts rising from such projects are evaluated. The four components which are added to the existing process are: . Assessing the real VEHICLE SPEED increases both due to geometric and resurfacing improvements (DS);DS= DSg +1.6 DSg = ( fLs,1- fLs,2)+ ( fA,1- fA,2) DSg =g (fw,1 - fW,2)+ (fLc,1- fLc,2)+ (fM,1 - fM,2)+ (fA1- fA,2) Where:DS=total speed increase DSg = speed increase due to geometric improvements 1.6= speed increase due to resurfacing FLs=adjustment factor for lane and shoulder width on two-lane roads if adjustment factor for frequency of access points fLw=adjustment factor for lane width on multi-lane roads fA=adjustment factor for right-shoulder lateral clearance on multi-lane roads fLM=adjustment factor for median type on multi-lane roads Subscribes 1 and2: representative for before and after condition respectively Estimating the Present value of Benefits due to reduction of Vehicle Operating Costs (PBVOC) using the new definition of the VEHICLE SPEED increases; PBVOCjk = ADTx365x {1.93L/1000}x(0.2508Speed2 +219.775Speed-0.8681DS2 -715.3583DS -1.7362Speeedx DS+ 10930.48)x [(P| F,l) + (P|  F,i,2) +~(PI F,i,3)] Where: PBVOjk= present value of decreases in vehicle operating costs occurring through 30 months after road 3R improvements (Rials)ADT= average daily traffic (vehicle per day)L= road length (kilometer)Speed= vehicles operating speed before improvements (kilometer per hour)DS=total speed increase (kilometer per hour)(PIF,i,n)= discount factor to change costs at the end of nth year to present values (n=I, 2 and 3) Estimating an approximate measure of the Present value of Benefits due to Economic Developments (PBED) as an indirect impact;PBEDjk = {S3i=1;. ai(k1 -1)}X [P| A, i, n] Where: PBEDjk=present value of benefits due to economic benefits (Rials) i= type of land use (1= industrial, 2= commercial, and 3= tourism) P1=number of units for economic activities on type i a1=average annual income for units acting in type i k1=indicator for influence of road improvement project on type i activities (P/A, i, n)= discount factor to change costs occurring annually through n years Estimating an approximate measure of the Present value of Environmental Impacts (PEI) as an indirect impact.PEIjk =íSdi´Ciý x(P| A,i,n) Where: PEIjk=present value of costs due to environmental impacts (Rials) d1=dimensions of environmental destruction type i C1= unit destruction fee for environmental destruction type i (P/A, i, n)= discount factor to change costs occurring annually through n yearsBy considering all these theoretical changes and modifications in the RESOURCE ALLOCATION process, promotional countermeasures are possible in RSRAP program as a further study.


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    APA: Copy


    Vancouver: Copy

    AYATI E., BEHNOUD H.R.. THE PROMOTION OF RESOURCE ALLOCATION PROCESS IN 3R PROJECTS. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH[Internet]. 2008;5(2):101-114. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/83600/en

    IEEE: Copy

    E. AYATI, and H.R. BEHNOUD, “THE PROMOTION OF RESOURCE ALLOCATION PROCESS IN 3R PROJECTS,” JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 101–114, 2008, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/83600/en

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