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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Effect of Effective Applied Components on Designing Practical Classroom Window with Emphasis on Optimal Use of Daylight Reflection in Tehran




 Paying attention to environmental quality factors in designing educational spaces has a great impact on the performance of the main users of these spaces, i. e. s tudents. In this context, One of the mos t effective environmental quality factors is the use of Daylight in educational spaces, which in addition to affecting how users perform, also affects the amount of energy savings. The quality of Daylight is the mos t important factor affecting s tudent performance. Considering all the features, designers should design the Daylight and artificial lighting from the initial s tage of design so that they can provide a comfortable and healthy environment. Adequate clarity is a prerequisite for performing visual tasks but in many cases, visual vision is s till dependent on other factors depends. To properly dis tribute light, it is important to know that the amount of light in a space is determined by the reflection of surfaces and direct ambient light. The goal of interior architecture in practical classes is to improve the physical and mental function of the space to facilitate its activity. Color, light, textures, furniture, and all the factors in the workshop are an integral part of interior architecture. One of the various factors that affect architecture is the light factor, which in this article deals with the visual quality of this important factor. The purpose of this research is to achieve the extent and effect of the direction and dimensions of the Window on the proper use of Daylight and the quality of lighting in a classroom in various situations. The main variables in this research for Windows are the dimensions of the glass surface and the reflection of the materials, which have been s tudied as factors analyzed in the charitable design and the quality of lighting and the visual and non-visual effects of the Window. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-quantitative in terms of type of research and analytical-numerical research method is based on computer modeling. The example of this research is a common class of practical courses that includes research variables and the software checked the quality of its lighting in different directions on the firs t day of each month then effect of Window dimensions in the workshop was then evaluated by Dialux software. It should be noted that the case s tudy of this article has many similarities in terms of design principles with mos t classes of practical courses in Iranian schools. Possible results sugges t that not only the placement of the Window in the classroom but also the dimensions of the Window and the texture of materials and furniture can have a major impact on the quality and quality of lighting in practical classrooms and the designers of the s tudios will be aware of the quality of work and increase the efficiency of service and s tudy, reduce errors and increase the accuracy of the s taff, prevent the feeling of tiredness and maintain the health and vision of the users of the s tudios and motivate the design is.


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    APA: Copy

    Kargar, Sara Sadat, Mahmoody Zarandi, Mahnaz, & KHAKZAND, MAHDI. (2021). The Effect of Effective Applied Components on Designing Practical Classroom Window with Emphasis on Optimal Use of Daylight Reflection in Tehran. HOVIATESHAHR, 15(47 ), 73-88. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/950452/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Kargar Sara Sadat, Mahmoody Zarandi Mahnaz, KHAKZAND MAHDI. The Effect of Effective Applied Components on Designing Practical Classroom Window with Emphasis on Optimal Use of Daylight Reflection in Tehran. HOVIATESHAHR[Internet]. 2021;15(47 ):73-88. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/950452/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Sara Sadat Kargar, Mahnaz Mahmoody Zarandi, and MAHDI KHAKZAND, “The Effect of Effective Applied Components on Designing Practical Classroom Window with Emphasis on Optimal Use of Daylight Reflection in Tehran,” HOVIATESHAHR, vol. 15, no. 47 , pp. 73–88, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/950452/en

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