Training in architecture is one of the mos t controversial issues in educational and artis tic centers around the world, as well as training in other fields of art. The s tructure of architectural education is formed around a nucleus called design. The mos t important mission of architectural education is to create comprehensive thinking that provides s tudents with the ability to s tep into the process of architectural design. Ignoring s tudent’ s capabilities, tendencies, and conducting similar educational programs are Part of mis takes in teaching architectural design. The characteris tics of design learners are the same as the characteris tics of all human beings, which are classified as individual differences. It means that design learners differ in their ability, knowledge, insight, and transfer in design activities. It is not possible to provide a specific program for teaching the design process without gaining knowledge of the s tudent’ s differences in each educational group and without the required knowledge to guide the capabilities and improve the shortcomings. Thus, individual education seems necessary. This research seeks to provide a design process model based on learners’ differences and their corresponding educational model. The research method is Grounded Theory that seeks to cons truct a theory through exploration among architectural design ins tructor. Therefore, 100 ques tionnaires were dis tributed among the young teachers of the Islamic Azad University, and Theoretical saturation was obtained with 47 ques tionnaires fully answered, which is followed by the analyzed results. Through open coding, 83 pivotal followings of 9 major categories were produced, out of 472 Primary components, extracted from theoretical foundations and field s tudies which are: cognitive differences of the learner, objective mental processes, purposeful educational s teps, learner-learner interaction, the formation of design personality, learner personality, adaptive s tructure of education, design sys tem of thought and specialized empowerment. The core category was designated as a person-centered process after segregating in condition, interaction, and consequence field. The Person-centered design model was developed, using the cons tructive concepts of grounded theory and spiral paradigm of the design process, which is an action between Individual characteris tics in terms of thought, creativity, knowledge, educational goals and experiential learning cycle, can be entered with any level of ability and any s tyle of thinking and learning, but successful getting out of this spiral which has moved forward in time depends on individual abilities of designers. Actions between these components will form the main cycle of the design process, which are: thought, creation, and tes ting. The mentors’ mission is to recognize these characteris tics, their growth, and developing them in line with the design goals. In the end, the educational s trategies corresponding to the mentioned concepts were presented in the form of architectural design training models based on the cognitive differences of the designers. In the cons truction of this model, among the major categories obtained in the cons truction of contextual theory, 5 categories were used that are operational and can be planned and implemented by the learner. The other four categorizations are conditions, interactions, or hidden consequences in the model, which are inherent in the learner's nature or are acquired through teaching methods.