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Approximately 32% of the world's energy is consumed in buildings. Among the various solutions to reduce this consumption, the selection of appropriate types of windows in the shell of buildings can play a vital role in their energy efficiency. With population growth and indus try development, preventing energy was te and saving it has become one of the mos t important concerns of countries around the world. The city of Tehran is one of the mos t consumed cities in Iran due to its large size and population. Therefore, it is important to pay more attention to the cons truction method in this city. Among the building envelopes, the south envelope forms at leas t half of the main walls of the buildings due to continuous sunlight. Because of the continuous solar radiation to the southern envelope, in this s tudy, the effect of different parameters of the double glazed window, such as the type of glass, as well as the filling gas between the double glazed windows with four different air dis tances has been inves tigated. Given that a significant part of energy consumption in office buildings is related to lighting, heating, and cooling space, it is important to choose the right type of window in reducing energy consumption. In this research, the findings and their analysis are deductive, which is presented in the form of a diagram. In the simulation of this research, double glazed windows with clear glass and an air gap of 3 mm filled with air have been selected, which is one of the mos t common and commonly used windows in Tehran. This window on the southern envelope is assumed to be the bes t and mos t common envelope for providing light and placing the window in the climate of Iran and Tehran. Then selected efficient components were applied as project variables in the simulation. The simulation model of this research was drawn in SketchUp software and entered into the Energy Plus engine in Open S tudio software. Simulation and s tudy of energy consumption of the research model have been done with Open S tudio by Energy Plus Engine. Findings show that the use of reflective glass with xenon gas and an air gap of eight millimeters provides maximum energy savings of 14. 99% compared to the reference model for the southern front. The results show that the choice of absorbent and low-emission glass is not a great choice for Tehran even in the bes t conditions, because compared to the reference model, they increase energy consumption by 0. 53% and 3. 79%, respectively. Therefore, the bes t window position in the south direction is related to the double glazed window with reflex glass, which has an air gap filled with xenon gas and has a 15% reduction in energy consumption compared to the reference window. This window has the mos t optimal energy efficiency and offers the use of this window for the city of Tehran. This s tudy sugges ts the use of this type of window for the city of Tehran, especially office buildings that have a large amount of energy in the world.

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Urban spaces have a unique role in fulfilling the social and individual needs of children and youth. This is especially essential when considering that the world’ s population of children in urban areas of developing countries is on the rise. Child-Friendly City (CFC) projects generally purposed to create opportunities for children to shape or change their environment better than before. Improving the quality of these spaces has a growing number of benefits. Giving civil rights to children is one of them. This is followed by health and physical s trength, improving their knowledge, s trengthening social interactions and help their participation abilities, group correlations, increasing creativity in children, decreasing violence agains t children, etc. On the other hand, painting is a path to acquire abilities and creativity for children. Generally, the lack of mental connections of children with urban spaces is one of the problems, finding in their paintings due to the inability of communicating and conveying the message correctly. Therefore, the purpose of this s tudy is to identify the mos t effective indicators of child-friendly urban spaces based on children’ s painting. The research method is qualitative, and the data is collected through the survey research method. The s tatis tical society of the s tudy consis t of 7 from 12 years old children in Mashhad, the second greates t city in Iran, and the s tatis tical sample is selected through the purposive non-random sampling model. For this purpose, 70 paintings on urban spaces are painted by children and based on drawing-sketching model of the cognitive map and analyzed by MAXQDA software. By analyzing the research variables, including used symbols and colors in the paintings, optimal features of urban space are extracted from the children's perspective. The results show safety and comfort with 17. 89% of the importance, which is the mos t significant features of childfriendly urban spaces and appropriate access to green and natural spaces, recreational and entertaining zones. These lead to public spaces, appropriate public transportation sys tem, access to essential facilities and services, the exis tence of a non-polluting environment, attractive visual elements and the possibility of children’ s participation, are next ratings. To reach these factors, attention mus t be focused on safety, designing and locating of child-friendly urban spaces. In that way, they feel safe and free to access green and natural spaces. Developing a child's attraction to urban space and increasing his/her sense of satisfaction from spaces, he/she mus t unders tand urban spaces and their utilization. In other words, a child could involve himself/herself in spaces when he/she unders tands it; unders tanding spaces happens when they feel safe. Surveys have shown features of child-friendly urban spaces and proper access to green and natural spaces, recreational and entertaining zones, public spaces, appropriate transportation sys tems, basic amenities and services, pollution-free environment. Attractive visual elements and children’ s possibility of participation are the next children’ s priorities. These features allow them to play in space as they get pleased. Creating artificial and natural spaces together, using sophis ticated and simple supplies allows them to grow their creativity. Besides, paying attention to playgrounds, which is not jus t a park can help them to grow and develop.

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In the definition of education, it can be said that one of the professional activities of the teacher is, education. The set of attempts and efforts are made to clarify the topic of learning that is planned by the trainer. And then, there is an interaction between the trainer and the recipients. Recognizing and unders tanding different learning s tyles is an important factor in improving the learning process and preventing talents and aptitudes from declining and was ting away. On the other hand, coordination between the learner and the teacher through various learning s tyles and educational plans can boos t the training and help the learner with his/her educational achievements. This aim of this s tudy is to inves tigate and compare the different learning s tyles of two academic groups, namely the s tudents of the continuous undergraduate program (4-year bachelor) and the s tudents of the discontinuous undergraduate program (2-year associate+2-year bachelor), in the field of architecture in the universities of Hamedan Province based on academic performance and gender. These universities included the s tate universities (Bu-Ali Sina and Malayer), the Islamic Azad University Hamedan, Malayer, Bahar and Asadabad Branch and the private universities (Science and Culture University, Civil & Development and Hegmataneh) which were active during the academic year 2017-2018. The methodology was causal-comparative. Ques tionnaires (Kolb’ s LSI) used for the collection of the required data and the chi-squared tes t, was used for the analysis of the collected data. S tatis tical operations were performed on a total number of 309 persons, and 19 individuals exited the sample population. Then, the ques tionnaires were redis tributed in a growing number of universities to improve the quality of this s tudy. SPSS software was used for the analysis of the data collected via the ques tionnaires. Pearson correlation tes t was used to examine the relationship between the components of the learning s tyles ques tionnaire. The results of Pearson correlation tes t show a significant relationship between the components of the learning s tyle. Moreover, the average score of the educational units passed by the s tudents was determined to comprise the academic performance index. As a result, the assimilation learning s tyle had the highes t (31. 7%) frequency, and the divergent learning s tyle had the lowes t (15. 9%) one. In addition to the observation, there is a significant difference between the learning s tyles of the s tudents, who were continuous and dissentious BS programs, and the learning s tyles of different universities. The s tudents of the continuous undergraduate program had the highes t frequency in the assimilation learning s tyle and the lowes t one in the divergent learning s tyle. On the other hand, the s tudents of discontinuous undergraduate program had the highes t frequency in the accommodation learning s tyle and the lowes t in the divergent learning s tyle. Nonetheless, no significant difference was found between different genders and s tudents. Based on the results, it is recommended that different subsidiary courses and curricula be designed and implemented in the undergraduate program. This leads to help motivate s tudents and improve their talents and a more comprehensive introduction be offered to applicants before entering the field of architecture to better familiarize them with the artis tic aspect.

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Training in architecture is one of the mos t controversial issues in educational and artis tic centers around the world, as well as training in other fields of art. The s tructure of architectural education is formed around a nucleus called design. The mos t important mission of architectural education is to create comprehensive thinking that provides s tudents with the ability to s tep into the process of architectural design. Ignoring s tudent’ s capabilities, tendencies, and conducting similar educational programs are Part of mis takes in teaching architectural design. The characteris tics of design learners are the same as the characteris tics of all human beings, which are classified as individual differences. It means that design learners differ in their ability, knowledge, insight, and transfer in design activities. It is not possible to provide a specific program for teaching the design process without gaining knowledge of the s tudent’ s differences in each educational group and without the required knowledge to guide the capabilities and improve the shortcomings. Thus, individual education seems necessary. This research seeks to provide a design process model based on learners’ differences and their corresponding educational model. The research method is Grounded Theory that seeks to cons truct a theory through exploration among architectural design ins tructor. Therefore, 100 ques tionnaires were dis tributed among the young teachers of the Islamic Azad University, and Theoretical saturation was obtained with 47 ques tionnaires fully answered, which is followed by the analyzed results. Through open coding, 83 pivotal followings of 9 major categories were produced, out of 472 Primary components, extracted from theoretical foundations and field s tudies which are: cognitive differences of the learner, objective mental processes, purposeful educational s teps, learner-learner interaction, the formation of design personality, learner personality, adaptive s tructure of education, design sys tem of thought and specialized empowerment. The core category was designated as a person-centered process after segregating in condition, interaction, and consequence field. The Person-centered design model was developed, using the cons tructive concepts of grounded theory and spiral paradigm of the design process, which is an action between Individual characteris tics in terms of thought, creativity, knowledge, educational goals and experiential learning cycle, can be entered with any level of ability and any s tyle of thinking and learning, but successful getting out of this spiral which has moved forward in time depends on individual abilities of designers. Actions between these components will form the main cycle of the design process, which are: thought, creation, and tes ting. The mentors’ mission is to recognize these characteris tics, their growth, and developing them in line with the design goals. In the end, the educational s trategies corresponding to the mentioned concepts were presented in the form of architectural design training models based on the cognitive differences of the designers. In the cons truction of this model, among the major categories obtained in the cons truction of contextual theory, 5 categories were used that are operational and can be planned and implemented by the learner. The other four categorizations are conditions, interactions, or hidden consequences in the model, which are inherent in the learner's nature or are acquired through teaching methods.

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The urban soundscape is a new branch in the field of urban s tudies, which is related to various sciences, including acous tics. Soundscape is the perceptual quality of the heard sounds. Its desirability is clarified by subjective assessment. In fact, s tudies in this field seek to explain how people feel about the sounds they hear in urban spaces and how they perceive it as a whole. Numerous factors affect the desirability of the soundscape. The frequency and reason for the presence of people in urban spaces are among the factors affecting the quality of the urban soundscapes. Because different groups of people have different feelings and mentalities towards the urban sound landscape; therefore, necessary measures should be considered in planning and designing the urban soundscape for diverse groups. In the present s tudy, the effect of this issue on the advantage of the soundscape of Tabriz Bazaar has been s tudied. Based on the frequency and reason for the presence in Tabriz Bazaar, three categories of people can be dis tinguished like Bazaar merchants, citizens of Tabriz, and touris ts. Bazaar merchants are present in space every day for a long time to perform essential activities. The citizens in Tabriz periodically go to Bazaar for optional work. Finally, touris ts probably visit Tabriz Bazaar a limited number of times for optional and social activities. This s tudy aims to discover the possible correlation between frequency and reason for the presence in Tabriz Bazaar and the desirability of its soundscape. This is followed by determining the quality of sound perception of each mentioned categories and what factors affect it. To clarify how different people, perceive the soundscape of Bazaar, a ques tionnaire was used in which 384 people from three groups were tes ted. The hours allocated for answering ques tions are the peak times of the presence of people in the Bazaar, which are the busies t and noisies t hours of the day. Spearman correlation between the proposed components is calculated and is s tatis tically significant. Findings indicate that the higher the exposure to the soundscape, the less pleasant it is. On the other hand, people consider sounds pleasant or unpleasant, depending on the purpose for which they are present in Tabriz Bazaar and how often they visit. Therefore, Bazaar merchants clearly unders tand the soundscape of the market more unpleasantly than others. Touris ts find it more pleasant than others due to their peace of mind and short exposure to the soundscape of Bazaar. For the citizens in Tabriz, the soundscape of the Bazaar is acceptable and has a median s tatus between merchants and touris ts. Considering the touris ts' satisfaction with the soundscape of Tabriz Bazaar, by presenting s trategies, it is possible to increase the memorability of the soundscape of Tabriz Bazaar and provide a platform for tourism development through the attractions of "Bazaar sound". The spaces of Tabriz Bazaar are quiet and comfortable in terms of sound, and the mos t important factor that reduces the sonic comfort and hurts the desirability of its soundscape is the sudden occurrence of sounds with differences in SPL.

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Paying attention to environmental quality factors in designing educational spaces has a great impact on the performance of the main users of these spaces, i. e. s tudents. In this context, One of the mos t effective environmental quality factors is the use of daylight in educational spaces, which in addition to affecting how users perform, also affects the amount of energy savings. The quality of daylight is the mos t important factor affecting s tudent performance. Considering all the features, designers should design the daylight and artificial lighting from the initial s tage of design so that they can provide a comfortable and healthy environment. Adequate clarity is a prerequisite for performing visual tasks but in many cases, visual vision is s till dependent on other factors depends. To properly dis tribute light, it is important to know that the amount of light in a space is determined by the reflection of surfaces and direct ambient light. The goal of interior architecture in practical classes is to improve the physical and mental function of the space to facilitate its activity. Color, light, textures, furniture, and all the factors in the workshop are an integral part of interior architecture. One of the various factors that affect architecture is the light factor, which in this article deals with the visual quality of this important factor. The purpose of this research is to achieve the extent and effect of the direction and dimensions of the window on the proper use of daylight and the quality of lighting in a classroom in various situations. The main variables in this research for windows are the dimensions of the glass surface and the reflection of the materials, which have been s tudied as factors analyzed in the charitable design and the quality of lighting and the visual and non-visual effects of the window. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-quantitative in terms of type of research and analytical-numerical research method is based on computer modeling. The example of this research is a common class of practical courses that includes research variables and the software checked the quality of its lighting in different directions on the firs t day of each month then effect of window dimensions in the workshop was then evaluated by Dialux software. It should be noted that the case s tudy of this article has many similarities in terms of design principles with mos t classes of practical courses in Iranian schools. Possible results sugges t that not only the placement of the window in the classroom but also the dimensions of the window and the texture of materials and furniture can have a major impact on the quality and quality of lighting in practical classrooms and the designers of the s tudios will be aware of the quality of work and increase the efficiency of service and s tudy, reduce errors and increase the accuracy of the s taff, prevent the feeling of tiredness and maintain the health and vision of the users of the s tudios and motivate the design is.

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There are different types of space in each house, which have different positions in terms function. the functional action of each of these spaces has a direct impact on the performance efficiency and consequently allocation of weights to different spaces. one of these spaces that has a great impact on the variation of this area is the space of the ” yard” . The aim of this s tudy is to inves tigate and evaluate the fanctional efficiency of the yard space by emphasizing the concept of functional radius in different types of patterns of traditional Iranian homes. In order to perform the mentioned process, mathematical relations will be used in terms of space syntax, which is specifically applied to the relative depth decline function in order to analyze and prove the problem. In the s tudy using relative depth descent function, we need to convert qualitative information to quantitative data. The extraction and conversion of these data is made possible by drawing graphs or briefings, which is actually the use of space syntax method. by examining the relative depth in different types of house patterns, indicators such as functional radius, effective diffusion domain and optimal space efficiency can also be extracted which is effective in determining the value of the yard space as a service space is effective in dealing with the needy Serve space. The firs t s tep in this s tudy was to draw the explanatory plots or graphs of each house used for this purpose by the "Agraph" software. In this connection, the "courtyard" space is considered as the root zone (server space) and the order of other spaces to the courtyard layout is measured as needly serve spaces. The results show that the decrease in the depth and thus reduce the amount of functional radius and, of course, an increase in effective penetration area is effective in determining the fanctional efficiency in the yard. Furthermore, the results of the s tudy show that, according to the definition of the "optimum fanctional efficiency" index, effective performance radius-which is under the set of operating radius of contract-each of the space (which is defined in the framework of space definition) has a direct relationship with the value of space. At this level, the required information is extracted from the jus tification diagrams and used to use in syntactic relationships. Therefore, the method of research in this s tudy is descriptive analytical. In this research, in order to determine the functional efficiency of space, jus tification graphs and syntactical maths are used. Accordingly, the research ques tion in relation to the research goal is as follows: How does changing the functional radius in space increase or decrease the efficiency of the yard in the Iranian home? Accordingly, the hypothesis on the answer to the research ques tion is as follows: The greater the functional radius of a space in the configuration of the building, the effective radius and the sphere of influence of that space decrease, and thus the efficiency of the space increases.

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Researchers in the field of Design-Process have focused on effective techniques to enhance creativity in the design of many s tudies. This leads to a focus on the effects of two techniques: metaphor and analogy. This research has challenged us to take consideration about: "Is the effectiveness of these techniques in all the activities of the design process to the same extent? Whichever metaphor and analogy techniques play a more meaningful role in which part of the design process? Nowadays, skills in innovation and methods that improve the knowledge of the design-problem have emerged as main features for designers. Metaphor is frequently expressed as a key role for enhancing creative design. Few empirical researches have been performed on how junior designers can use it within their performances. A metaphor is a figure of speech for rhetorical effect, directly refers to one thing by mentioning another. It may provide clarity or identify ambiguous similarities between two ideas. A metaphor also is containing an implied comparison and allows us to unders tand one concept in terms of another, enriching our mental imagery and imbuing concepts with meaningful attributes. Reasoning embraces the retrieval of a known concept and its application to an unfamiliar situation. The analogy is a cognitive process of transferring information or meaning from a particular subject (the analog, or source) to another (the target), or a linguis tic expression corresponding to such a process. This means that the analogy is an inference or an argument from one particular to another particular, as opposed to deduction, induction, and abduction, in which at leas t one of the premises, or the conclusion is general rather than particular nature. It can also refer to the relation between the source and the target themselves, which is often a similarity, as in the biological notion of analogy. As a result, two kinds of knowledge would be attained deep knowledge of the design problem, and deep knowledge of many other kinds of natural and artificial objects from/ to which one may analogize. The purpose of this article is to s tudy the research related to analogy and metaphor. Moreover, research related to the design process or its parts, in order to positioning each of these two techniques in teaching the design path. The methodology of this research is based on library s tudies and logical reasoning. In the firs t s tep, s tudies related to the design process, banner design training in Iran, and metaphor and analogy are collected and classified. This is followed by reviewing the content of these s tudies, the focus of each one on the different parts of the design process is identified and their final result reached with the same sensitivity. The mos t important result of this s tudy is that metaphor and analogy are considered as effective techniques in creative design education. Metaphors in the s tages of analysis and synthesis (unders tanding the design and concept production) and analogy in the s tages of synthesis and evaluation (solving and promoting the problem or Concept Development) is more effective.

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