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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Investigating the Process of the Relative Depth Decent of Space in Improving the Efficiency of the "Courtyard" in Traditional Houses




 There are different types of space in each house, which have different positions in terms function. the functional action of each of these spaces has a direct impact on the performance efficiency and consequently allocation of weights to different spaces. one of these spaces that has a great impact on the variation of this area is the space of the ” yard” . The aim of this s tudy is to inves tigate and evaluate the fanctional efficiency of the yard space by emphasizing the concept of functional radius in different types of patterns of traditional Iranian homes. In order to perform the mentioned process, mathematical relations will be used in terms of space syntax, which is specifically applied to the relative depth decline function in order to analyze and prove the problem. In the s tudy using Relative Depth Descent function, we need to convert qualitative information to quantitative data. The extraction and conversion of these data is made possible by drawing graphs or briefings, which is actually the use of space syntax method. by examining the relative depth in different types of house patterns, indicators such as functional radius, effective diffusion domain and optimal space efficiency can also be extracted which is effective in determining the value of the yard space as a service space is effective in dealing with the needy Serve space. The firs t s tep in this s tudy was to draw the explanatory plots or graphs of each house used for this purpose by the "Agraph" software. In this connection, the "courtyard" space is considered as the root zone (server space) and the order of other spaces to the courtyard layout is measured as needly serve spaces. The results show that the decrease in the depth and thus reduce the amount of functional radius and, of course, an increase in effective penetration area is effective in determining the fanctional efficiency in the yard. Furthermore, the results of the s tudy show that, according to the definition of the "optimum fanctional efficiency" index, effective performance radius-which is under the set of operating radius of contract-each of the space (which is defined in the framework of space definition) has a direct relationship with the value of space. At this level, the required information is extracted from the jus tification diagrams and used to use in syntactic relationships. Therefore, the method of research in this s tudy is descriptive analytical. In this research, in order to determine the functional efficiency of space, jus tification graphs and syntactical maths are used. Accordingly, the research ques tion in relation to the research goal is as follows: How does changing the functional radius in space increase or decrease the efficiency of the yard in the Iranian home? Accordingly, the hypothesis on the answer to the research ques tion is as follows: The greater the functional radius of a space in the configuration of the building, the effective radius and the sphere of influence of that space decrease, and thus the efficiency of the space increases.


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    APA: Copy

    HEIDARI, ALI AKBAR, & KIAEE, MARYAM. (2021). Investigating the Process of the Relative Depth Decent of Space in Improving the Efficiency of the "Courtyard" in Traditional Houses. HOVIATESHAHR, 15(47 ), 89-102. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/951578/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HEIDARI ALI AKBAR, KIAEE MARYAM. Investigating the Process of the Relative Depth Decent of Space in Improving the Efficiency of the "Courtyard" in Traditional Houses. HOVIATESHAHR[Internet]. 2021;15(47 ):89-102. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/951578/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ALI AKBAR HEIDARI, and MARYAM KIAEE, “Investigating the Process of the Relative Depth Decent of Space in Improving the Efficiency of the "Courtyard" in Traditional Houses,” HOVIATESHAHR, vol. 15, no. 47 , pp. 89–102, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/951578/en

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