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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Assessing Vehicle Damage in Floods in Urban Areas (Case Study: Shiraz Flood)




 The occurrence of climate change around the world increases the probability of flash Floods in cities, which cause great damage to lives and properties. In this paper, the damages caused to the vehicles in the Flood were analyzed and damages of the Shiraz Darwazeh-Quran Flood were focused as a case study. First, a 1D/2D simulation of the mentioned Flood was performed using the PCSWMM model and the maximum depth and velocity values in the parking area adjacent to the water accumulation pool were estimated to be 1. 18 m and 3. 27 m/s, respectively. In this study, using the hydrodynamic index of the Flood, which is defined as the product of the velocity multiplied by the depth of the Flood, the curve presented in AR&R (2011) was evaluated and then corrected and extended to a depth of one meter. It was used to determine the stability and instability of passenger cars during the Floods. The HAZUS MH damage depth curve was used to determine the damage. In the existing damage models, the amount of damage is presented only by considering the water depth, while the Flood has the important variable of water velocity. In this study, by combining the two modified AR&R (2011) curves and HAZUS-MH with the help of their common part, i. e., the depth, and zoning of the surface below the AR&R (2011) diagram, the damage values were determined in different ranges of depth and velocity. Then, with the generation of a distributed Flood risk map, the maximum amount of damage to passenger cars was estimated as 12. 5%. Finally, considering Pride 131 as the flagship vehicle, the total damage was equal to16 billion Rials.


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    APA: Copy

    GOLMOHAMMADI, R., & SHOKOOHI, A.. (2021). Assessing Vehicle Damage in Floods in Urban Areas (Case Study: Shiraz Flood). IRAN-WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 17(3 ), 282-301. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/962402/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    GOLMOHAMMADI R., SHOKOOHI A.. Assessing Vehicle Damage in Floods in Urban Areas (Case Study: Shiraz Flood). IRAN-WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH[Internet]. 2021;17(3 ):282-301. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/962402/en

    IEEE: Copy

    R. GOLMOHAMMADI, and A. SHOKOOHI, “Assessing Vehicle Damage in Floods in Urban Areas (Case Study: Shiraz Flood),” IRAN-WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, vol. 17, no. 3 , pp. 282–301, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/962402/en

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