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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Searching on Traditional Gardens of Iran and China Regarding AnalyticHistorical Perspective




 The garden is a body of the perspective and culture, which has shown itself in various ways depending on the beliefs and possibilities of its creators. Gardening has existed in the ancient cultures of many countries, including China and Iran, since time immemorial, which has become a major identity in the culture of the people of these regions. Traditional Gardens in any culture and country are objectively reflected in the mindsets of the people of those areas. The application of the two main styles of Traditional Gardening leads to a better understanding of these gardening styles and shows the cultural complexities of the people of these countries in the form of garden knowledge. In this research, the gardens have been studied with an interpretive-historical view, by introducing the components and elements of the garden and showing its Historical course from the emergence of valuable examples in the distant years until modern times. In fact, comparing the analysis of the two approaches to gardening makes it possible to identify the Structural components of garden design; although they have a fixed physical nature, are very different regarding semantics and usage. The difference that arises from the rituals, cultures, thoughts and design possibilities of the people of these lands. Finally, in this study, by examining the structures and design identities of these two ancient gardening styles, it can be concluded that both gardening styles are similar and different in aspects. Both styles of gardening focus on beliefs and rituals, but this was more strongly demonstrated in Chinese gardening. There are also many differences in the belief in the design and arrangement of garden spaces. There are similarities and differences in many other aspects, such as the use of water and plants, the design of paths, buildings, etc., which in this study have been analyzed with a comparative approach in both styles of gardening.


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    APA: Copy

    Gholinejad Pirbazar, Alireza, KHAKZAND, MEHDI, & Kiani, Kamyab. (2021). Searching on Traditional Gardens of Iran and China Regarding AnalyticHistorical Perspective. ATHAR, 42(1 ), 40-61. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/986214/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Gholinejad Pirbazar Alireza, KHAKZAND MEHDI, Kiani Kamyab. Searching on Traditional Gardens of Iran and China Regarding AnalyticHistorical Perspective. ATHAR[Internet]. 2021;42(1 ):40-61. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/986214/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Alireza Gholinejad Pirbazar, MEHDI KHAKZAND, and Kamyab Kiani, “Searching on Traditional Gardens of Iran and China Regarding AnalyticHistorical Perspective,” ATHAR, vol. 42, no. 1 , pp. 40–61, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/986214/en

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