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Kirman is an old and historic city, which embraces several of prominent monuments, especially in the south-east region of Iran. One of them is a domed building that is known locally as, ” Gunbad-i Jabaliyeh or Jabal-i Sang” , located to the east of Kirman City, adjacent to Sahib Zaman mountain. Owing to octagonal form and its stone material of construction, which is rare in this area, it drew attention of any curious scholar and visitor. These varieties alongside with its specific ratio, has made it an attractive and partially mysterious building; also, its background and function are mainly unknown to the public. Hitherto, many papers have been published on history and architecture of this monument, however through re-examining its architecttural features, this study tried to firstly explain its main characteristics, and to shed light on its original function. Secondly, reviewing all facts and materials, suggest a new date for its construction. Thirdly, owing to the structural feature of the building such as, thick walls, the ratio of the inner diameter of building to the height of it and the form of construction, gauge the original dome of the building as a double shell one. In addition, this study aims to assess and reevaluate its role and impacts on formatting the octagonal monuments, as a new type in the funeral architecture of Iran. This study has been carried out by a descriptive – analytic method, field work and applying a comparative study. The findings of the research show that firstly, the monument was built as a commemorative structure with funerary function. Secondly, the date of its construction probably goes back to the late years of the 4/10 century. Thirdly, the octagonal form of the building and its exterior features has been an inspiration for constructing other octagonal and polygonal mausoleums in the architectural history of Iran.

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The recent approach defines conservation as "thoughtful management of change" and recommends a vision-based approach to cultural heritage management. The UNESCO Recommendation (2011) provides a guidance on the international landscape-based approach to the historic urban landscape (HUL). This document is currently partially implemented by national and local governments. The current study aims to develop an evaluation framework to explain the differences and similarities between existing local policies and management practices and recommended by the historical urban landscape method, defined for four variables: attributes (what), values (why), Stakeholders (who) and strategies (how). The framework presented in this paper in the form of a methodological model based on the conservation and integrated development of the historic city reveals how cultural heritage is defined in the policy framework, both in terms of tangible and intangible heritage and in their combination. It is expected to explain the degree of deviation from various aspects, such as the level of implementation of the HUL approach and the like. This process was suggested in order to protect and control the developments of the historical urban landscape in the form of six measures, including conducting comprehensive surveys and mapping of urban resources, reaching consensus with stakeholders, assessing the vulnerability of urban resources, integrating urban heritage values, their vulnerability in the context of large-scale urban development, prioritizing conservation and development measures, and creating favorable cooperation within local management frameworks. This framework, using case study methods, can be tested on a larger scale as a monitoring tool to study changes at the program level for conservation management and urban development.

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The garden is a body of the perspective and culture, which has shown itself in various ways depending on the beliefs and possibilities of its creators. Gardening has existed in the ancient cultures of many countries, including China and Iran, since time immemorial, which has become a major identity in the culture of the people of these regions. Traditional gardens in any culture and country are objectively reflected in the mindsets of the people of those areas. The application of the two main styles of traditional gardening leads to a better understanding of these gardening styles and shows the cultural complexities of the people of these countries in the form of garden knowledge. In this research, the gardens have been studied with an interpretive-historical view, by introducing the components and elements of the garden and showing its historical course from the emergence of valuable examples in the distant years until modern times. In fact, comparing the analysis of the two approaches to gardening makes it possible to identify the structural components of garden design; although they have a fixed physical nature, are very different regarding semantics and usage. The difference that arises from the rituals, cultures, thoughts and design possibilities of the people of these lands. Finally, in this study, by examining the structures and design identities of these two ancient gardening styles, it can be concluded that both gardening styles are similar and different in aspects. Both styles of gardening focus on beliefs and rituals, but this was more strongly demonstrated in Chinese gardening. There are also many differences in the belief in the design and arrangement of garden spaces. There are similarities and differences in many other aspects, such as the use of water and plants, the design of paths, buildings, etc., which in this study have been analyzed with a comparative approach in both styles of gardening.

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Maragheh is one of the oldest cities in Azerbaijan province, Iran. However, it has been neglected archaeologically and the available information about the history of settlement in its context is very limited; therefore, the results of archaeological excavations in the historical context of Maragheh, can have valuable information about the history of its establishment, development and physical expansion in different periods. The present study is the results of the second chapter of the archaeological excavation of the Kaboud-Circular Site. In this study, based on the results of an archaeological excavation chapter and relying on written sources of the Islamic period, the authors seek to answer the following questions: 1-Based on the results of archaeological excavations, what is the history of settlement in this area? 2. What are the most important cultural findings obtained from the archaeological excavation of the Kaboud-Circular Site and to what extent are these data compatible with written sources? The results of the excavation of the trenches show that there is evidence of permanent settlement in this area from the historical (Parthian) to the contemporary period. Also, a comparative study of excavation data with descriptions of written sources from the Islamic period shows that this area was known as a part of the "Qozzat" neighborhood during the Seljuk period. It has buildings such as a school, a mosque and the tombs of the Seljuk Atabaks, especially the tomb of the Abbasid Caliph. Other results show that the number of tomb towers in this area is 5, which is compatible with the five domes of Atabakan Seljuk.

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Zandimoheb Arezo



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The documents in traditional architectural education in the world relies on educating the Fotowwat-nama of the builders, masons and other existing ones. Fotowwat-nama in each field and fraternity, has been a systematic charter of education in learning technology and skills. The continuity, repetition, and improvements accumulated in the quality of the artifacts over the centuries, is very admirable. An overview of plans and designs in architecture and the interaction between architects and cities is an indication of the appropriate education. The goal of this study is to identify and analyze Fotowwat-nama and traditional training of architectural skills and to find principles of education in the past. The research method is historical-critical, using existing documents, while the aim is to seek to identify the traditional architectural skills education. Using a critical and analytical view, Fotowwat-nama, historical tablets and inscrip7tions, educating methods, historical trends, and their educational values are introduced while studying old documents alongside the literature in this field (44 credible sources were used for research). Theoretical and practical education were taught transmitting the knowledge of the teacher to the student and using the student's experiences inside and outside the construction site. The methods of teaching traditional architecture in accordance with the thoughts, beliefs and rituals, included the methods of joining the class of builders and converging and aligned in the direction of excellence and idealism. Teaching items are in three categories: teaching aesthetics, primitive patterns, geometry and mathematics, drawing methods. Structural education included indigenous methods of execution, materials, ground resistance, and structural laws, and professional ethics education included knowledge of the environment appropriate to human comfort, wisdom and ritual skills, and the laws of profession and market. Evaluation was done with an emphasis on social skills and construction rules.

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According to the remains of ancient historical houses that have existed in many parts of Iran since the sixth millennium BC, each house typically consisted of two parts-one built and enclosed, and the other open (courtyard). The role of geographical and environmental phenomena is clear in the formation of open space or yard of the houses, however, the architecture of housing in every period changes due to the demands and needs of the residents, and these changes significantly affect the aspects and spatial relations of the house. These transformations have led to the change in the closed and open spaces of the houses. The current research has been conducted with the historical approach using the analytical-descriptive method. Documentation of the architectural features is based on gathering the library sources and field study. To achieve this purpose, some traditional houses of Ardabil dating back to the Qajar to Pahlavi eras have been considered in terms of physical elements and yard patterns. To do this research, 23 samples of traditional houses of Ardabil in the historical area of this city have been identified and then classified. The results obtained from the classification strengthened the idea of the dominance of rectangular form in the design of the houses. Houses with a yard built in a single front have the most frequency among the research samples. Also, due to the location of the Ardabil province in the mountainous regions, most of the days of the year have cold weather, and most of the daily activities are done inside the rooms. Therefore, due to the obtained frequencies, the ratio of open spaces was less than 40% of the site’ s area on average.

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