In the past two decades, the applications of computational neuroscience have been increasingly growing. Breaking the neural code is a crucial open problem in computational neuroscience. Various research groups attempt to provide an efficient method to decode human brain activity using fMRI data. The output of these methods is a computational model that can assign brain signals to an external stimulus; in this study, visual object recognition has been investigated. The brain decoders are used in many applications, such as the brain-computer interface or detecting specific mental illnesses. In general, brain fMRI data have a high spatial and temporal resolution that increases the number of features of the problem. Proper feature extraction from brain images is a challenging and time-consuming process. Consequently, the convergence of learning algorithms takes a long time to create an appropriate model. So, breaking down the feature space is highly recommended. We proposed new multi-view learning to solve the brain decoding problem. This approach splits the feature space based on mutual information and finds an appropriate ensemble classification model that detects the related visual object to neural activities in the brain. The proposed method clusters the feature space based on mutual information and splits it into coherent sub-spaces, views. For each feature view, a support vector machine model is learned in parallel; the used SVM version can generate a vector of probabilities for each class. At the test phase, the feature space of test data is divided similarly to the training data, and each model generates a probabilistic vector for the test instances. Then, these vectors are combined in the decision profile matrix. The decision fusion is employed by the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) approach. The proposed multi-view learning methods achieved higher accuracy rates than the single view model. The main advantage of the MV model is that it can run in parallel, making it counterproductive to deal with the high-dimensional problems based on the divide and conquer strategy. The optimization phase to detect the most acceptable parameters for each model is obtained using the simulated annealing, SA, algorithm. We have employed three real fMRI datasets of the human brain to assess the proposed method, obtained from the Openneuro website. Also, the leave-one-run-out cross-validation approach has been carried out to evaluate the proposed method in the intra-subject scenario. Criteria such as accuracy rate and confusion matrix have been undertaken to analyze the results. The single feature view obtains an accuracy rate of more than 50%. While in the ensemble model, the accuracy rate in most subjects is more than 90%.