This experiment was conducted during 1997-98 growing season in Kermanshah Province. Application methods consisted of (1) soil application, (2) foliar application, (3) soil and foliar application, and (5) seed and soil application. Besides, we had five fertilizer treatments as follows: T1= N+P+K, T2= T1 + Mg, T3= T1 + Zn+Mn+Cu, T4= T3 + Fe+b, T5= T4 + Mg. The experiment was replicated 3 time and had a CRB design. The highest yield was abtained for T3 with soil application. The average yield increase of the treatments compared with the control plot was 17%. Highest protein content was obtained in T5 applied both to the soil and the crop foliar: protein content increased from 11.9 to 14.3%. Seed concentration of these elements increased more when foliar application was included in the treatment. Average seed concentrations of Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, B, Mg were, respectively, 27%, 38%, 17%, 15%, and 13% higher than the control.Effect of magnesium sulfate in different application methods was similar to that of the other micro-nutrients. The average yield increase in different application methods was 222 kg/ha. According to our results, soil application was the most economical method.