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The purpose of this study is to analyze oil and tax revenues in the Iranian economy. Applying the stochastic dynamic general equilibrium approach, a model for the oil exporting economy was simulated. In order to recover the tax system, oil and tax revenues added to the model as a part of government’s revenue. The present study applies Dynare software with Matlab to estimate the model’s parameters by Bayesian statistical techniques based on Monte Carlo method with Markov chain in the form of Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. The period of study is from 1368 to 1396 in a quarterly setting. In order to analyze the shocks, two scenarios were designed. In the first scenario, it was assumed that the government has oil revenues and all oil revenues are spent by the government so that the government does not rely on tax revenues. In the second scenario, it is assumed that 40% of the government's oil revenues are injected into the Development Fund and a percentage of it, is allocated to facilitate the production sector, and the government mostly relies on the taxes. The results show that the tax and oil shock by reducing dependence on oil and reliance on tax revenues, has negative impact on macroeconomic variables in the short term, but in the long run, with increasing tax revenues, production and, consequently, investment, consumption, employment has increased. JEL classification: H21 C13، E17، G5

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استراتژی دریایی یکی از مهمترین ابعاد استراتژی ملی قدرت های بزرگ به حساب می آید. این مساله اگرچه با تحول ماهوی قدرت در سیاست جهانی، اهمیتی را که آلفرد ماهان در «تاثیر و نفوذ قدرت دریایی در تاریخ» مطرح کرده بود را از دست داده است اما در دو دهه اخیر مجددا به عرصه رقابت ژئوپلیتیک قدرت های بزرگ بازگشته است. در این میان، اقیانوس هند و شکل گیری ائتلاف بندی های جدیدی مانند کواد و آکوس در آن را می توان نقطه عزیمت جدیدی در بازی قدرت های جهانی دانست. در این راستا، این مقاله به این سوال اصلی پرداخته است که اقیانوس هند چه جایگاهی در معادلات ژئوپلیتیک قدرت های دریایی با تاکید بر گروه بندی های کواد و آکوس دارد؟ یافته های این پژوهش که به روش توصیفی- تحلیلی صورت گرفته نشان دهنده انتقال تدریجی مرکز ثقل اقتصاد و سیاست جهانی از اقیانوس اطلس به اقیانوس هند-آرام است که در پرتو ائتلاف بندی های نظامی و امنیتی جدید به تشدید رقابت و تنش میان قدرت های بزرگ دریایی منجر خواهد شد.

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احساس امنیت به انعکاس روانی شهروندان از عوامل تهدیدکننده جرم بر می گردد و تاثیر شگرفی بر توسعه اقتصادی و اجتماعی و به خصوص انگیزه سرمایه گذاری و فعالیت های تولیدی در نواحی روستایی می گذارد. لذا این مطالعه با هدف ارزیابی و تحلیل احساس امنیت روستاییان شهرستان زرند به اجرا در آمد. روش تحقیق این مطالعه، پیمایشی و داده های مورد نیاز 200 نفر در 25 روستای شهرستان زرند در سال 92 با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری طبقه بندی با انتساب متناسب گردآوری شد. روایی صوری پرسشنامه با کمک اساتید و کارشناسان مورد بررسی قرار گرفت و پس از اعمال اصلاحاتی مورد تایید واقع شد. همچنین پایایی مقیاس سرمایه اجتماعی، احساس امنیت پرسشنامه با استفاده از آزمون آلفای کرونباخ در نرم افزار spss مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت که ضرایب محاسبه شده به ترتیب 0.77 و 0.78 در حد خوب مورد تایید قرار گرفت. به منظور ارزیابی و تحلیل احساس امنیت از روش های آمار فضایی شامل آماره موران و G_i^*، روش کریجینگ و برای تبیین متغیر وابسته از تحلیل های همبستگی دو متغیره استفاده شد. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد احساس امنیت روستاییان بعد جانی با میانگین 2.26 در سطح مناسبی است. همچنین بعد ناموسی با میانگین 1.97 معنی دار نیست و از طرف دیگر ابعاد مالی، اقتصادی و اجتماعی و شاخص کل به ترتیب با میانگین 1.66، 1.79، 1.73، 1.88 از نظر آماری کمتر از مقدار نظری و در سطح پایین است.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Changes that happened during last decades in the world have severely affected formation and increasing social problems of youths. Iran also like other developing countries from one hand is facing accelerating evolution of globalization, and on the other hand crucial socio-political indigenous events and structural changes driving from those evolutions made a suitable ground for critical and anomic situation and emergence of various social problems as well.  One of due social problems is "sense of anomie" which itself is reflection of shallow organized and anomic society. Anomie is a Situation in which one Feels normlessness and refers to such a status characterized by confusion and disintegration between the individual and Society. Accordingly this article is reflecting research results of assessing economic sense of anomie and some affecting variables of that among youths of Iran. Method: In the light of increasing importance of social Problem of youths, this article focuses on the "sense of economic anomie" in Iran. By constructing a conceptual framework following a review of the literature. After it, by method of survey and using questionnaire and applying interview technique, necessary information was collected. The research utilizes a member of statistical methods to reach the conclusions. The main variable, i.e. dependent .variable "economic sense of anomie" and other independent variables, in initial studies and after that measuring with standard of one or multidimensional scales, gained high validity and reliability. The statistic population was youths of Tehran which among them 816 people with multi stage and random sampling method were selected as size of sample. Finding & Results: Large proportion of youths in their assessment of society draws an anomic and unstable condition and shows a sense of loosing integration with that. Sense of economic anomie among youths of this study is achieved by calculating data's of their opinion on variables like context of socio-economic condition in the domains of economic control, changes in economic condition of country, obeying rules and moral regulations in achieving economic success, cleavage between poor and riches, uncontrolled economic problems such as inflation, disordered of social condition and corruption. Totally 13.2% low, 32% middle and 54.3% were highly feeling economic anomie. This kind of anomie derived from individual, family, attitudes, confusion, distrust and pessimism factors. Among all these, pessimism of youths towards economic condition and possibility to have control over the means of economic success through legitimate rules and regulation has a highest rank in the statistic analysis. Findings of the research confirms the sociological theories particularly those of Durkheim and Merton's that one of the main reason for the emergence and spread of the sense of anomie in a particular society is that there is no balance between culturally desired goals and institutionally accepted mode of achieving it. In Iran also placing value on those who have achieved material wealth and power is growing and the idea those who do not achieved wealth are not accorded status is generating. According to the findings of the research, high sense of economic anomie in different dimensions among youths of Iran has been as following: 55.7% think that only a small part of society has control over the economy. 49.5% think that there should be an action to change the economic condition of country. 61.5% feel that in achieving success they do not need to follow the rules and moral regulations of society. 55% think that there is no control over economic problems such as inflation. 50.2% believe that they have to pay bribe to be able to solve their economic problems and 59.7% also believe that economic condition of society is deregulated. Therefore, sense of economic anomie can generate total anomie in the society. it is necessary to consider this social problem and the factors of that in programs focusing on youth Participation.

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With the explosive growth of social media such as Twitter and Instagram, reviews on e-commerce websites, and comments on news websites, individuals and organizations are increasingly using analyzing opinions in these media for their decision-making and designing strategies. Sentiment analysis is one of the techniques used to analyze users' opinions in recent years. The Persian language has specific features and thereby requires unique methods and models to be adopted for sentiment analysis, which are different from those in English and other languages. This paper identifies the characteristics and limitations of the Persian language. Sentiment analysis in each language has specified prerequisites, hence, the direct use of methods, tools, and resources developed for the English language in Persian has its limitations. The present study aims to investigate and compare previous sentiment analysis studies on Persian texts and describe views presented in articles published in the last decade. First, the sentiment analysis levels, approaches, and tasks are described. Then, a detailed survey of the applied sentiment analysis methods used for Persian texts is presented, and previous works in this field are discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of each proposed method are demonstrated. Moreover, the publicly available sentiment analysis resources of Persian texts are studied, and the characteristics and differences of each are highlighted. As a result, according to the recent development of the sentiment analysis field, some issues and challenges not being addressed in Persian texts are listed, and some guidelines are provided for future research on Persian texts. Future requirements of Persian text for improving the sentiment analysis system are detailed.

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The medical, social, cultural, and economic implications of Covid 19 have been far-reaching, and not limited to those affected. Rather, it has had profound and far-reaching effects on the body of society and society as a whole and has caused a sense of insecurity in society, especially women. Achieve. The study method of this research is qualitative and examines the subject with a grounded theory approach. Data were collected through interviews. After conducting the interviews, data analysis was performed based on the three stages of open, axial and selective coding and micro-line analysis. Using the theoretical and purposeful sampling method, 26 women in Neyriz city of Fars province were interviewed. In this study, sampling strategy with maximum diversity was used and sampling of women with different age and sex spectrum and different economic and social bases continued until the theoretical saturation reached. The key categories found in the study are: gender socialization, social phobia, lack of institutional support, double control, helplessness, mental breakdown, social isolation, institutionalized fear and distrust. The results of this study show that women in Corona pandemic have experienced feelings of insecurity in various areas (life, financial, psychological and social).

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The sense of belonging to university is linked to numerous aspects of the psycho-social health of students. However, there are many ambiguities in the conceptualization and measurement of this construct. The few tools designed in the field of higher education largely assess the sense of belonging and the measurement of the components of belonging to the university has received less attention in previous studies. The current study aimed to develop and validate the "Students' Sense of Belonging to University Scale (SSBUS)." In a correlational and tool development design, 345 students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad were selected in the first stage and 477 students of University of Birjand were selected in the second stage by available sampling method. The results of exploratory factor analysis in the first stage showed four factors with 49.72% variance explanation, which included the components of interaction with professors, interaction with peers, university climate and self-esteem. The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the four-factor model had a good fit, and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the subscales was reported in the range of 0.75-0.90. In addition, other analyses provided evidence to support the internal consistency, convergent validity, and divergent validity of the sense of belonging scale. It was found that each of the dimensions of this scale was significantly related to the measures of commitment to the university, social-emotional loneliness, satisfaction with life, depression and agentic engagement. In addition, the results of the retest coefficient of the subscales were in the range of 0.64-0.74. According to the findings of the present research, the students' sense of belonging to university scale has desirable psychometric properties and can be used as a valid instrument.

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منیری م.

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Today, the importance of feeling safe in the development of human societies is such that it is necessary to have a healthy society. The analysis of factors affecting the sense of security of citizens in the city of Birjand is the subject of this analysis, which has been conducted with the aim of measuring the sense of security (life, economic, cultural, judicial, social, political) of Birjand citizens. The main question is why the sense of security has decreased in Birjand? The theoretical framework of this study is based on the "security theory" of "Bozan and Weaver", the "broken windows" of "Kling and Wilson" and the "hierarchy of needs" of "Maslow". Research method, survey; the statistical population includes all citizens aged 15 to 65 years living in Birjand. Using the "Cochran" formula, 384 people have a specific sample size and have been sampled in a multi-stage and systematic classification method. The findings of the study indicate that 54. 9% of Birjandi citizens do not feel safe. The findings also show that there is a direct and significant relationship between the variable of education and the feeling of security; that is, there is a negative and inverse relationship between the feeling of security and the variables of informal settlement and the sense of being borderline. On the other hand, there is no significant relationship between people's opinion of security governance institutions and the feeling of security. In addition, the test results of the model in multivariate regression analysis show that the independent variables and the selected contexts in this study, in total, examine 31% of the changes in the dependent variable, ie the feeling of security.

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Introduction The sense of security in rural areas is associated with many factors, including the presence of foreigners and strangers from outside the village. As rural security is one of the most important factors in expanding tourism in rural areas, sometimes tourism in a village plays a significant role in improved sense of security of local people. Therefore, villages as a biological location that includes a dense population of diverse individuals and unique attractions will be able to perform their special functions only if the residents have an acceptable level of sense of security. For this reason, in this study, we tried to measure the sense of security among the villagers living in rural tourism destinations. Neyshabur County attracts many tourists thanks to its geographical and historical situation, as well as proximity to main roads. In addition, as the villages in this county are situated on the slope of the mountains, they are surrounded by numerous springs, waterfalls, and other natural attractions which attract many local and non-local tourists, which can serve as an important source of increased income for the villagers. Nevertheless, one of the important factors in development of tourism in the villages is the satisfaction of the villagers with the presence of tourists and the sense of security of the local people. Therefore, this research analyzes and evaluates the sense of security of local people in tourism villages...

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