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Bismuth vanadate is one of the most widely used semiconductors for photoelectrochemical water splitting using sunlight due to its activity in the presence of visible light, stability, and cost-effectiveness. In addition to having a suitable band gap, this semiconductor has disadvantages such as high electron-hole recombination. In this research, with the aim of reducing electron-hole recombination and increasing the efficiency of bismuth vanadate photoelectrodes, templated mesoporous titanium dioxide prepared by P123, F127, and Brij 58 copolymers were used. The effect of three and two-block copolymers on the properties of prepared mesoporous synthesized titanium dioxide and their effect on the bismuth vanadate photoelectrode was investigated by FE-SEM, XRD, UV-vis, and BET analyses. These copolymers changed the porosity by creating cavities of different sizes, resulting in different loads of bismuth vanadate on titanium dioxide. To evaluate the photoelectrochemical results, LSV and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were performed on the photoelectrodes. Absorption in the visible region showed an increase in current at a potential of 1.23V vs RHE and a low charge transfer resistance in Meso TiO2 / BiVO4 samples. The results showed that the templated mesoporous titanium dioxide increases the activity of bismuth vanadate up to 2.5 times.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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هاورکرافت شناوری است دو زیسته (آبی - خاکی) است که بر روی بالشتکی از هوای فشرده باسانی و با نیروی رانش نسبتا کمی بر روی سطوح آبی و خاکی حرکت می کند. طراحی و ساخت سایت هاورکرافت در اکثر کشورهای جهان با توجه به موقعیت بنادر دریایی و رودخانه ای آنها در نظر گرفته می شود. دلیل اصلی برای این نتیجه گیری این است که این بنادر دارای امکانات بالقوه بسیار خوبی از قبیل امکانات تجارتی، بهداشتی، کنترل تردد، ارتباط با مسیرهای جابجایی و حمل و نقل جاده ای و غیره می باشند. اما از همه این مسایل که بگذریم طراحی یک سایت شناور هاورکرافت موارد خاص خود را دارد و خیلی از این مسایل و شرائط را سایر شناورهای دیگر ندارند که به این مسایل دراین مقاله اشاره خواهد شد.

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هداوند س.

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    اردیبهشت 1384
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این جهاد با راه اندازی پایگاه اطلاع رسانی «شبکه جامع هنر و معماری ایران» سه هدف عمده را دنبال کرده است: الف) اطلاع رسانی ب) آموزش ج) اشتغال زایی با توجه به شرایط ویژه استفاده از اینترنت در ایران و در جهت توسعه ایجاد اشتغال در حوزه های هنر و معماری که ظرفیت های ویژه ای دارند، اولویت زمانی ایجاد این پایگاه اطلاع رسانی در این حوزه ها پیش بینی گردید، تا ضمن قرار گرفتن همکاران طرح در جریان اطلاعات و اخبار موجود در این حوزه، آغازی بر معرفی و فعالیت این سایت برای مخاطبین باشد، با ایجاد سطح قابل قبولی از اعتماد مخاطبین، ارائه آموزش های از راه دور و از طریق شبکه اولویت دوم این پایگاه بوده است. روابط و اعتماد پیش آمده در جهت انجام دو مرحله مذکور، می توانست موجب ایجاد مکان فعالیت در حوزه تجاری یا اشتغال زایی از طریق web باشد و در واقع فعالیت های پیش گفته هزینه ای برای فراهم آوردن فضای فعالیت در حوزه تجاری گردد. در مرحله اول پوشش خبری فعالیت های فرهنگی، هنری در سطح ایران و جهان و به روزرسانی دایره مقالات تخصصی در بخش های متنوع این حوزه به همراه معرفی فعالان و ایجاد بانک های اطلاعاتی در دستورکار طرح قرار دارد.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Publishing advertisement through Internet channel is an issue whose importance has been doubled by commercializing web. Existence of more than 65 billion websites in the Internet has made it impossible to publish advertisement with high efficiency through this channel which seems very easy. In this respect, the present study embarks to answer the question that "what is the most appropriate website for publishing a display ad in the world of web?" Since the concept of "right website" and advertisement in the web are new issues, the combinational method of comparative-inductive is used in this study. In this regard, first a content analysis was conducted on international studies and five features influencing right website selection were identified from among 90 previous studies in the area of Internet advertisement and marketing. The key features include: quality of electronic services, user-oriented design, electronic business model, interaction, and type of website involvement. Then, considering each of the extracted features, the conceptual model of right website selection was designed and in order to evaluate the model, a 5-scale Likert format questionnaire was developed which presented each feature as a hypothesis and tested their effect on the selection of right website for publishing advertisement. Although the test was strict, all hypotheses were confirmed by the experts. After confirmation of the conceptual model, a specific methodology was designed for operationalizing the model on the basis of TOPSIS farness from and closeness to the ideal. According to this mechanism, the model of right website selection is presented. At the end, a case study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the model and the results indicated that the model possess a good operational capacity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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محمدزاده ن.



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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The sense of belonging to university is linked to numerous aspects of the psycho-social health of students. However, there are many ambiguities in the conceptualization and measurement of this construct. The few tools designed in the field of higher education largely assess the sense of belonging and the measurement of the components of belonging to the university has received less attention in previous studies. The current study aimed to develop and validate the "Students' Sense of Belonging to University Scale (SSBUS)." In a correlational and tool development design, 345 students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad were selected in the first stage and 477 students of University of Birjand were selected in the second stage by available sampling method. The results of exploratory factor analysis in the first stage showed four factors with 49.72% variance explanation, which included the components of interaction with professors, interaction with peers, university climate and self-esteem. The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the four-factor model had a good fit, and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the subscales was reported in the range of 0.75-0.90. In addition, other analyses provided evidence to support the internal consistency, convergent validity, and divergent validity of the sense of belonging scale. It was found that each of the dimensions of this scale was significantly related to the measures of commitment to the university, social-emotional loneliness, satisfaction with life, depression and agentic engagement. In addition, the results of the retest coefficient of the subscales were in the range of 0.64-0.74. According to the findings of the present research, the students' sense of belonging to university scale has desirable psychometric properties and can be used as a valid instrument.

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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During the recent years and following several decades of modern experiences in valuable urban texture conservation, Integrated Conservation approach has been considered as a more favorable solution by urban restoration experts. This viewpoint which covers extensive material and spiritual dimensions takes into account the commitment to supply current needs of the city and citizens along with the commitment to support the historical values. But having full knowledge of historical and site structure evolutions is one of the requirements for adopting this approach. The purpose of having such knowledge is to provide a background for a knowledge-based action in line with promoting the quality of the proposed plans; an issue that has unfortunately gained little attention in most of the contemporary interventions in the historical textures of Iranian cities. Historical texture of Iranian ancient cities is one of the main fields affected by the thoughtless and tactless developments. The measures that have been taken in these valuable regions, have often affected the historical and even functional identity of them. An obvious example of this claim is the inadvertent interventions in Tabriz Blue Mosque historical site, resulted in irreparable consequences for the historical prestige of the Two decades ago, i.e. in the early 70s (Hijri Shamsi), simultaneous to civil actions after war, the city governors with the consultation, cooperation and investment of a cultural institute in Tehran tried to destruct interwoven texture around the Blue Mosque. The purpose of this group in destructing the historical structures, was to bare, or in other words, clarify the physical appearance of the Blue Mosque in urban landscape; in addition, another goal was designing and constructing trading complexes around it in order to return the capital and interest. This project that had a high process speed at first and it was expected to end soon, suddenly faced with a crisis and got stop for several years. The situation was another manifestation of “development and conflict” discussion in the third world societies. Although project managers insisted on work continuation and completion, resistance and opposition of public opinions especially the cultural sympathetic strata of the city became a barrier to it. Generally, it should be mentioned that although this non-expertise actions did not merely focus on destruction of architectural buildings and heritage around the Blue Mosque, but it totally destructed awide section of subsurface works hidden in lower layers. The present research has an environmental consideration and reflection while “Integrated Conservation” approach has become the basis of discussion in this. By understanding the mentioned issues we try to find an answer to the question: what is the role of layer study analysis in remaining traces from the excavation at surrounding site of Tabriz Blue Mosque in promoting the quality of the proposed plans for this site. This study has used a descriptive-analytical method of research and the findings indicate that more attentions should be paid by the programmers to this site which has a considerable antiquity dating back to Iron Age as a place in which human societies were settled during several millennia. The findings of this study further reveal that haphazard decisions in different districts of urban designing management have been harmful and evil for the fate of this site. If Integrated Conservation approach had been adopted to save and organize it from the beginning, the aforesaid site could now be an active and attractive cultural pole while preserving its true dignity. Now, for saving this historical site, it is necessary to provide a reasonable and long-lasting protection opportunity, from the viewpoint of Integrated Conservation approach.

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Background and Objectives: Academic websites by introducing history, goals, educational, research, administrative and extracurricular services, and the recruitment of students, faculty and staff, play an important role in the dissemination of educational, research and administrative information of universities. The web is a vast collection of heterogeneous information that are interconnected through links. the information on the web is not organized properly, and this heterogeneous nature of information imposed disordered conditions on the web. However, the organization may provide a large amount of information on its website, but if retrieval of it is difficult, its usefulness will be reduced. Furthermore, a website may have a high level of interaction, but if users can not have access to it, this level of interaction will not be significant. This indicates a key problem in that website’ s visibility and accessibility. Visibility is a very important metric in Webometrics studies, so that the usefulness of the inventories depends on how its content is visible, and the numbers in the inventory is a good indicator for measuring visibility. The visibility of a site also affects its coverage and retrieval by search engines. Accordingly, visibility and clarity are related to enabling interconnections in a space that todays have found a great importance. The topic of web visibility and its important role in different rankings of universities and higher education institutions has been the subject of several models in this field. With regard to the comprehensiveness of the Fishkin & Pollard’ s (2007) industry model, this study intends to examine the characteristics of the top 100 web sites in webometric ranking system. So the main question is, what is the status of the site size, the rich files, and the number of articles, the site links, and the visibility of the top 100 Web sites in Webometric ranking system? And is the size of the website, the number of information rich files, the number of articles retrieved from Google Scholar and Web Links affect their visibility? Methodology: : The present study is an applied research in terms of its objective, and since it seeks to describe the status of the university's superior university webometric system in terms of visibility characteristics, it has been conducted as an analytical survey. Data collection was done by library and field methods in the first six months of year 2017. For this data collection, the checklists according to Fishkin and Pollard’ s (2007) model, containing 30 items for the four subsets of visibility, size of website (including the number of web pages, website size in megabytes, and page rank), rich information files (including PDF, DOC, PPT, PS and RTF) and the number of articles retrieved through Google Scholar, was used. The validity of the instrument was formally determined and its reliability was calculated by using the retest method, and the correlation of the results was obtained (r = 0. 89), which it confirms the reliability of the instrument and then various instruments were used to evaluate each of them. Data analysis was done using the SPSS 21software. Findings: The results showed that 14 features of the industry model were observed in 100% of the websites. The size of the website is more than 89% between 0. 59to 7. 39 MB. The results of the hypothesis test showed that the size and volume of the site (r = 0. 637) at the significance level (Sig. 0. 002), the number of enriched files (r = 0. 546) at the significance level (Sig. 0. 001), receiving referral links (r = 0. 674) at the significant level (Sig. 0. 000), and the number of articles retrieved from Google Scholar (r = 0. 654) at the significance level (Sig. 0. 001) has a direct impact on visibility. In addition, the intensity of the relationship is stronger for the variable of referred links compared to the other three variables. Discussion: The visibility of a website is an important and essential component because it represents accessibility and find ability of a web site by the various search engines in the heterogeneous web environment. The effect of different components on visibility can be investigated from various aspects. For example, receiving referred links on the one hand points to sharing of a website content with other websites, which itself can be the reason for the validity of information content of a site; on the other hand, the visibility of a website and the ability to retrieve it by search engines refers indirectly to links from other sites. The multiplicity of links within the website and from the subpages and subset of a website can also indicate the distribution of the information content of the website on its various pages. This also refers to the architecture of the website and is associated to the size of the website and the number of pages. Therefore, identifying different factors requires further studies in the future.

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