One of the discussions about knowledge and interpretation of religious texts is the effect of hidden factors on understanding and thought. These factors include an individual's subsistence level such as ethos and mentality – translator’s or interpreter’s age, gender, intelligence, as well as his/her native and ethnic culture.This study aims to investigate the effect of gender on discourses of two contemporary translations of certain Quranic verses. The translations of two contemporary translators, ‘Tahereh Saffarzadeh’ and ‘Mohammad Mahdi Foladvand’, are therefore analyzed. Using discourse analysis, the research seeks to answer the question of what kind of meaning is created by a patriarchal system and what kind of changes has this system undergone over the period of time.For the purposes of this study, a patriarchal system is considered as a discourse with an ideological function that, on the one hand, consists of various sub-discourses, and on the other hand, acts as a barrier which prevents cultural, social, and even biological facts from being neutrally reflected.The analysis of the effect of gender on the two aforementioned discourses shows major contrast between two semantic systems: one reproduces the patriarchal discourse, whereas the other tries to challenge the order of patriarchal discourse and to build new meanings to reinforce the signifiers of a discourse of equality and thus reveal the prominence of human identity over gender identity. In fact, by using various techniques, each translator tries to distinguish their favorite discourse signifiers and to deconstruct and marginalize the signifiers of the other discourse.