The purpose of this study was to identify and weigh the criteria for assessing the Sustainable Development of Ecotourism (SDE) and measure the level of SDE in the tourist poles of Lorestan province. The criteria were extracted by reviewing previous studies and weighted by AHP analysis. The statistical population consisted of 31 tourism experts from the center of the province and the cities that all of them were selected by census method and the required data were collected regarding the weighting of criteria and the determination of seven eco-touristic areas. Data were analyzed using Expert Choice and Excel softwares. According to the results, seven criteria for measuring SDE were important in cluding security of tourists (relative weight of 0. 255), natural condition (0. 169), recreational attraction (0. 163), social acceptance and participation of local people (0. 133), the existence of tourism infrastructure (0. 110), governmental support of the region (0. 087) and creation of economic opportunities for the region (0. 083). Also, based on the sum of criteria, the most susceptible areas for the SDE in Lorestan province were respectively Gahar Lake, Bisheh Waterfall, Absefid Waterfall, Nozhian Waterfall, Grit Waterfall, Wark Waterfall and canyon of Shirz. Although Gahar Lake and Bisheh Waterfall have the highest average in terms of criteria, other areas also have capabilities that, with the support of the government and the private sector, can be possible to reduce weaknesses in order to SDE.