Introduction: Aluminum phosphid (AlP) or rice tablet is one of the most common pesticides in the world. Exposure of AlP with water, steam and gastric acid produces phosphin gas (PH3) that results in poisoning. AlP poisoning is widely used for suicide in adolescent and young adult. Two third of poisoned patients expire
Objective: The goal of this research was to study epidemiological, clinical and laboratory changes in poisoned patients
Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study the medical charts of 116 patients who were admitted to Razi hospital from April 2000 to December 2003 was reviewed. Data such as age, sex, residency, number of tablet that used, the time between poisoning & admission, vital sign & lab data such as electrolytes & ABG were gathered from patients charts & entered into the check list previously provided
Results: In this study 54.3% of patients were male. Mean age was 29.47±14.79 years & 41.2% of patients committed suicide with one tablet, 78.4% had GI manifestations, mean of systolic blood pressure was 87.48±28.66 mmHg & the time between poisoning & admission of this patients, number of tablet used, systolic blood pressure, HCO3, PH & O2 saturation were related to mortality rate (P<0.05)
Conclusion: From the total patients, 68 (58.61%) of them died. Using these results and correlation of mortality rate with the time between poisoning and admission of these patients, number of tablets used, systolic blood pressure, HCO3, PH & O2 saturation, we can use these data for further studies to estimate the prognosis of these patients.