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Toxic behaviors of managers are behaviors that cause emotional pain in employees. This pain has a negative effect on their self-esteem and reduces their focus on work-related tasks. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to discover the latent toxication in the mind of managers. In order to analyze the information researchers use the method of qualitative research and systematic data-based strategy as well that presented by experts. By using snowball improbable sampling 15 professional staffs that were under poisonous behaviors of managers interviewed by experts. Data analysis performed in three stages of open, axial and selective coding by Max QDA software. At first, 67 primitive codes (696 semantic units) extracted and grouped in 13 categorizes. Some categorizes used as axial codes, and the others make a new axial code to eventually design the paradigm model of poisonous behaviors of managers. In this model, worldview (causative factor), toxic managers include authoritarian, selfish, dictator, paranoid, absent and unpredictable (main category), environment inefficiencies (context), organizational weakness including inefficient organizational culture, structural inefficiency and, non-functional human resources (interfering conditions), political behavior intensification (strategy) and poisonous behaviors consequences (outcome) were identified. Finally, relationship between axial codes performed and selective coding proposed by using the researchers’ opinion and the software proposal.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Aluminum phosphid (AlP) or rice tablet is one of the most common pesticides in the world. Exposure of AlP with water, steam and gastric acid produces phosphin gas (PH3) that results in poisoning. AlP poisoning is widely used for suicide in adolescent and young adult. Two third of poisoned patients expire Objective: The goal of this research was to study epidemiological, clinical and laboratory changes in poisoned patients Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study the medical charts of 116 patients who were admitted to Razi hospital from April 2000 to December 2003 was reviewed. Data such as age, sex, residency, number of tablet that used, the time between poisoning & admission, vital sign & lab data such as electrolytes & ABG were gathered from patients charts & entered into the check list previously provided Results: In this study 54.3% of patients were male. Mean age was 29.47±14.79 years & 41.2% of patients committed suicide with one tablet, 78.4% had GI manifestations, mean of systolic blood pressure was 87.48±28.66 mmHg & the time between poisoning & admission of this patients, number of tablet used, systolic blood pressure, HCO3, PH & O2 saturation were related to mortality rate (P<0.05) Conclusion:  From the total patients, 68 (58.61%) of them died. Using these results and correlation of mortality rate with the time between poisoning and admission of these patients, number of tablets used, systolic blood pressure, HCO3, PH & O2 saturation, we can use these data for further studies to estimate the prognosis of these patients. 

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A ten-month-old heifer was referred to the Clinic of Veterinary School of Islamic Azad University, Karaj. The history revealed consumption of Nerium oleander. Electrocardiographical examination showed second degree AV-block and ventricular escape beats. The cow was treated with atropine sulphate with an N dose of 0.3 mg/kg BW. After treatment, cardiac arrhythmia returned to sinus rhythm with tachycardia. Fallow up examination carried three days after discharging the animal from hospital showed regular rhythm and normal heart rate.    

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and purpose: Nowadays, plants are more available and many are used for treatment purposes, therefore, the rate of poisoning by plants has increased. According to the geographical location of Isfahan in Iran, the present study aimed at investigating this problem since there is paucity of information about plant poisoning in the region. Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study, patient data poisoned with poisonous plants were collected from Khorshid Hospital (a referral center for poisoning) in Isfahan between 2010 and 2019. Demographic and clinical, paraclinical and, therapeutic information were studied. Results: In 72 patients with plant poisoning, the most common cause was unknown plants (29%) followed by castor seed poisoning (22. 2%) and datura (16. 6%). The majority of patients were male (60%) and the highest rate of poisoning occurred in people aged 20-39 years old. Conscious poisoning was most often reported to be with datura (46. 7%) in patients of 10-19 years old, while accidental poisoning was found to be more common with unknown plants (34. 1%) in children (0-9 years of age). Poisoning due to treatment purposes was seen manily by unknown plants and castor seeds (61. 6%). Suicide by self-poisoning was mainly done by oleander (66. 7%). At admission, patients with datura poisoning often had tachycardia (58%) and mydriasis pupils (91%). In patients with castor bean poisoning, gastrointestinal symptoms were more frequent (nausea and vomiting in 94%). Most of the patients were discharged within 24 hours after admission. None of the patients needed antidote and intubation and all were discharged with supportive treatment and complete recovery. Conclusion: Most of the cases studied had mild symptoms and only needed supportive care.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Poisoning was common strategiy used for eliminating the political opposition which has been usual among different states. It could be so secretly and subtly done that the criminal would be unknown for long time. The first caliph, who utilized this method to remove his opponents, was Muawiyah. In this descriptive-analytic research through the present historical sources, we studied the methods and motivations of Muawiyah and how he chose the performers for eliminating his opponents by poisoning. The study affirms that Muawiyah used poisoning to eliminate some of his political opponents neither leaving any traces nor letting any reactions to arise. In order to implement his plans, Muawiyah considered their personal and financial incentives and tried to provide them with intelligent strategies to use the appropriate opportunities while committing the crime successfully.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Application of insecticidal baits is one of the most common and effective strategies for controlling German cockroach, (Blattella germanica L.) The current study was designed to investigate the susceptibility level of German cockroach to fipronil and imidacloprid gel baits in laboratory situation and to recommend its usage in Iran.Methods: This experimental study was conducted on eight German cockroach strains. Tests were conducted on newly emerged adult males (Ultimately 3 weeks old). Adult male German cockroachs starved for 12 hours, and then ingested fipronil and imidacloprid gel baits for 2 hours. After given time was over, we removed the bait and replaced it with mice foods. Mortality was recorded at 12 intervals for 6 days. Data were pooled and assessed by probit regression analysis.Results: Feeding assays revealed that in all strains mortality rate after 2 hours ingestion of fipronil and imidacloprid gel baits for 144 hours (6 days) was 100%. In all strains more than 60% mortality in imidacloprid ingested gel bait after 24 hours and 100% mortality (except Shahmorady and Zanjan dormitory strains) after 48 hours was observed. Whereas, in some strains 10-30% mortality in fipronil ingested gel bait was seen and in some strains no mortality after 24 hours while most of them had a rate of 60% mortality after 48 hours. These observations indicate that the imidacloprid gel bait operates faster than the fipronil gel bait as is expected. The susceptible strain showed LT50 of 47.13 and 11.31 h for fipronil and imidacloprid gel baits, respectively. The result of this investigation indicated that all feral strains are susceptible to fipronil and imidacloprid gel baits.Conclusion: Considerins the ever-increasing infestation of human habitations with German cockroach, and its resistance to conventional insecticides (esp. pyrethroides), its intensity in the future. is increasingly growing Toxic fipronil bait can be an appropriate substitute for controlling this hygiene pest in Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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فسفید آلومینیوم AlP یا قرص برنج یکی از شایع ترین آفت کش های دنیاست. این ماده در حضور آب، بخار آب یا اسید معده، گاز فسفین PH3 آزاد می کند که موجب مسمومیت می شود. مسمومیت ناشی از فسفین بیشتر به قصد خودکشی است و روز به روز بر تعداد آن افزوده می شود. دو سوم مسمومین جان خود را از دست می دهند.روش کار: در یک مطالعه مقطعی 116 (Cross-Sectional)پرونده موجود در مرکز آموزشی درمانی رازی رشت در فاصله زمانی فروردین 79 لغایت آذر 82 بررسی شد.نتایج: 54.3% بیماران مذکر و بقیه مونث بودند. میانگین سنی 14.79±29.47 بود، بیشتر بیماران با یک قرص مسموم شده بودند (41.2%). 78.4 % علایم گوارشی داشتند و میانگین فشار سیستولیک آنها 28.66 ± 87.48 بود. 95.7% اسیدوز و 80.2% HCO3 پایین داشتند. همچنین مرگ میر ناشی از مسمومیت با قرص برنج با مدت زمان بین مسمومیت تا رسیدن بیمار به مرکز درمانی، تعداد قرص، فشار خون سیستولی،PH ،HCO3  و درصد اشباع اکسیژن رابطه معنی دار داشت (P<0.05).بحث: با توجه به رابطه مرگ و میر با مدت زمان بین مسمومیت تا رسیدن بیمار به مرکز درمانی، تعداد قرص، فشار خون سیستولی،PH ،HCO3  و درصد اشباع اکسیژن می توان با انجام مطالعات دقیق تر از این معیار ها به عنوان تخمین پروگنوز این مسمومیت استفاده کرد. بدیهی است، نتایج این مطالعه، راهگشای ما در انجام کارهای مطالعاتی بیشتر در آینده خواهد بود.

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لطفا برای مشاهده چکیده به متن کامل (PDF) مراجعه فرمایید.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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According to the international standards, presence of the antibiotics in the milk and milk products is not tolerated because it may initiate allergic reactions and other problems in the alimentary tract.On the other hand, presence of the antibiotics in milk interferes with the fermentation activities of the starter bacteria necessary in cheese, butter and other dairy products production. Presence of antibiotics in the raw milk should be checked thoroughly in the pasteurization plants.Aminoglycosides, including gentamicin, are a group of antibiotics that are used in the treatment of mastitis in the milking and dry dairy cows in the form of systemic and/or local preparations. After using antibiotics, until the end of withdrawal time, almost all of them appear in the raw milk. One of the best methods to determine presence of Gentamicin in the milk is ELISA which has high sensitivity and specificity. In the present study, 68 milk samples including 40 bulk tank raw milk samples and 28 pasteurized milk samples have been tested by ELISA. Results of the test showed that total1y, 11.76% of both raw and pasteurized milk samples were contaminated and 88.24% contained no gentamicin residue. In the contaminated milk samples, the highest concentration of the antibiotic was in the range of 0.63-1.25ng/ml of milk and the least concentration was in the range of 0.3- 0.625ng/ml. Antibiotic concentrations in the raw and pasteurized milk were not significantly different (p>0.05). In order to have a more precise assessment of the results, supplemental lab tests were required (i.e. by use of HPLC) for reconfirmation of the results. Results of the experiment showed the necessity of the routine monitoring of milk and milk products for the detection of antibiotic residues.

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