This study examines the plant root up as one of the most important factors of vegetation degradation, on the basis of which three assumptions of the present study are identified. These assumptions are :(1) the need of tribal population for the pasture and range land plants as the livestock feed, (2) the need for fuel and (3) the lack of appropriate law and regulation for preventig vegetation degradation. In this study summer range lands of northern Semnan have been studied, in which the nomadic tribes of Sangesari, Chashmi, Hiekoee, Mostaghel paravari and Shelly tribes spend their summer grazing period. According to the available statistics the number of these tribes amount to 656 households or 3854 persons. For the purpose of this study and with regard to the main characteristics of these tribes such as migration route, average income, the form of migration and the number of population, these tribes are divided into three categories which are: Sangesari tribes, Mostaghel-parvari and Chashemi, Heikoee, Deh-soofian and Shelly tribes. Samples were selected from each category by using proportional stratified random sampling. These samples were 69 persons for Sangesari, 70 persons for Mostaghel- parvari and 68 for Chashemi, Heikoee, Deh-Soofian and Shelly tribes. Required data were collected through filling out questionnaire forms. The study obtained the following results: 1. The need of the tribes for the pasture plant is one of the reasons of vegetation degradation of the region. 2. Difficulties for providing fuel is another reason for rooting up the bushes and shrubs. 3. Lack of appropriate law and regulation for the prevention of vegetation degradation. 4. The results of study also revealed that total amount of bushes and shrubes that were rooted up during the summer period amounted to about 2350.8 tons in the region.