Tuberculosis is the main infectious cause of mortality and morbidity in the world. One of the basic methods of the diagnosis of T.B is evaluation of radiological manifestations of the patients. Considering that Hormozgan is among the areas with high prevalence of T.B, by evaluation of radiological manifestations of patients with pulmonary T.B, its prevalence, with respect to some factors such as: age, sex, sputum examination, association with AIDS and prevalence in certain groups such as prisoners was investigated. On the other hand, this study was aimed to help evaluation and earlier diagnosis of the patients.
First chest X-Ray of a total of 262 new cases of pulmonary T.B. who referred to Bandar Abbas health center was reviewed. Results showed that 74.8% of the patients were male andJ25.3% female. 12 patients (4.58%) were in the pediatric age group. 5 patients (1.9%) had military T.JB. 2 cases (0.7%) were accompanied with AIDS. 57 patients (22%) were prisoners and 172 patients (65.7 %) had positive AFB.
Prevalence of radiological manifestations in these 262 patients were: Infiltration 86.25 %, cavity 49.62 %, pleural thickening 44.27%, calcification 35.11 %, fibrosis 31.24%, atelectasis 19.8%,
lymphadenopathy 18.32%, hydro thorax 13.74%, bronchiectasis 2.24% and tuberculoma 1.9%.