The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of shift work on marital satisfaction of female nurses and its predictor variables. A randomly selected sample from 6 different hospitals, from both day and night shift, were given ENRICH questionnaire to measure marital satisfaction. T-tests revealed that night shift nurses are significantly lower than day shift ones on two variables namely "Sexual relationships" and "Financial management" (p<0.02), but not on marital satisfaction subscale. Based on path analysis method, it was found that shift work has direct effect (0.09) and indirect effect through "Communication" on "Sexual relationship" and "Financial management" (0.08). In total, shift work accounted for 0.17 of variance of marital satisfaction. These results indicate that participants are likely to be adapted to night shift work over the time, and at the time of the study it seems that shift work might only had affected those aspects of marital satisfaction which demand more physical closeness such as sexual relationship. It seems that educating shift workers on time management and conflict resolution could help them to control the discussed interferences more effectively.