Background and Objectives: The aim of this present study is to review the effects of antibacterial propertiesof oak fruit, inner husk of oak fruit, and Jaftex mouthwash. Subjects and Methods: The present study is a narrative literature review conducted using electronic databasessuch as ISI, PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, SID, Magiran, and IranMedex from 1995 to 2019. The keywords that were searched included “, Oak fruit”, , “, Oak tree”, , “, Jaftex mouthwash”, , “, Antibacterial”, , “, Antimicrobial”, , and “, Microorganism”, . Results: Review of previous studies showed that oak fruit, Jaft, and Jaftex mouthwash have antimicrobialproperties against different microorganisms. Jaftex mouthwash significantly reduced number of microorganismsin mouth, however it had less antimicrobial effect compared to chlorhexidine. Jaftex had agreater inhibitory effect on bacterial growth than Matrica and Persica. Conclusion: Oak fruit and Jaft have antibacterial properties which is related to presence of phenols, tannin, proteins. Various studies confirmed antibacterial property of these types of plants. The antibacterial characteristicsof Jaftex mouthwash is mainly related to Jaft extract. Jaftex is recommended as an antibacterialmouthwash.