The objective of the present investigation is to codify a framework for the effectiveness of E-Learning programs of the work and technology course in the Islamic Republic system of Iran. The approach of the investigation is qualitative and the method used is grounded theory Strauss and J. Corbin (1994). The community of the investigation is experts of the domain of training and planning the new technologies and the work and technology course which 18 people of them were selected purposefully as samples. Open, axial and selective categorization techniques were used in order to analyze the data. Based on the results obtained, a matrix effectiveness framework of grounded, causal, inhibitor factors, strategies, and outcomes was formed such that the codification of a framework for the effectiveness of the e-learning programs as a comprehensive content included the mentioned factors. Each of these classes itself has various aspects in the basic contents. It is evident that the findings of the present investigation have made it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the e-learning programs of the work and technology course in the Islamic Republic system of Iran.