Bauxitized horizon at Kanisheeteh is located ~ 19km east of Bukan, NW of Iran. This horizon lying between Ruteh and Elika formations. Based upon field evidence and petrographic studies, five bauxitic facies are recognized within this horizon. Petrographic examinations, show nodular, panidiomorphic-granular, ooidic, psuedo-porphyry, psuedo-breccia, and pressure shadow structures in this the horizon. These textural and structural features may suggest that the horizon suffered tectonic stresses, and has an authigenic origin. Based upon type and quanities of constituent minerals, three distinct bauxitic facies are recognized in this horizon, (1) bauxitic chayey iron ore, (2) bauxitic clay, (3) clayey bauxite. Based upon field evidence, geochemical diagrams and the ratios of immobile elements, the diabasic rocks in the area are the most plausible and probable source rock for Kanisheeteh bauxitized horizon. The mass changes of elements were calculated on the basis of Ti (as a monitor immobile element). These calculations demonstrate that elements such as Mg, Na, Ca, Si, Fe, Y, Rb, Ba, P, K, and Mn were leached out of the weathered system whereas elements such as Nb, Hf, Cr, Ce, Ce, V, Zr, Al, La, Co, Th, U, and Ni were concentrated in the residual system instead. Consideration of the overall obtained data suggest that factors such as stability of host minerals, fixation of elements in neomorph phases, heterogeneity of parent rock, and chemistry of solutions involved in weathering probably played crucial roles in concentration variations of rock-forming elements in bauxitized horizon at Kanisheeteh.