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اعمال فیلتر

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The x-ray flurescence technique uses attached polymer films to prevent sample spilling. The light transparency and chemical resistance are major properties for these films. The analayzes were made using same measuring conditions (Voltage, Current, Time, Filter and medium) but different protective x-rey films. The results were affected by different types of x-ray films such as polyester, polycarbonate, polypropylene and prolene.

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Bazman Andalusite deposit is located in south-east of Iran in Sistan-Balochestan province, and due to it high ore reserves could be considered for further extraction and Processing operations. In order to study on processing of Bazman ores, the required sample was prepared, and then it was analyzed in chemical analysis and XRD tests. The results indicated that the sample consisted of 25% of Alomina, and 20% of andalusite, and the other minerals were mica, quartz, feldspar and etc. The mineralogical studies showed that the andalusite particles in sample are fine, and therefore heavy media separation would not be effective to process it, as it requires particles coarser than 500 microns. Therefore it was attempted to study on the effect of scrubbing on the andalusite processing in three different size fractions; -3000+1700, -1700+500, and -3000+500 microns. Various scrubbing experiments were carried out and based on obtained results the optimum conditions were determined.

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The Copper-Gold deposit of Masjid Daghi Area is located in the East Azarbaijan Province in north -west Iran. The outcropping rocks are andesite, trachyandesite and quartz mostly  resulting from Tertiary volcanic and volcano- sedimentary activities which have affected the region and intersected by Late Eocene intrusives. Mineralographic studies have shown that the mineralization in the area is copper sulfide type in the form of veins, veinlets and stockwork. Mostly pyrite is seen with amounts of chalcopyrite and chalco-pyrrhotite increasing with depth. Paragenetic observations of gangue and alteration surrounding the veins indicate the presence of gold bearing epi-thermal veins with high sulfide content. Native gold mineralization is seen to occur in the siliceous zone and the host rock of the veins as well as in the form of inclusions (about 15 microns) in chalcopyrite. This phenomenon is being reported for the first time from this area. Lead and Zinc mineralization is present in the body of the vein but not in the altered zone. Very small amounts of molybdenite is present adjacent to the veins and stockwork. Alteration types present in the area are potassic, phyllic, carbonate-phyllic, argillic and propylitic. Furthermore, selective sercitic, sericitic-chloritic and alunitic alterations are seen around the mineralized veins.

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Qolqoleh gold deposit is located in northwestern part of Sanandaj-Sirjan zone. Igneous and sedimentary units exposing in the area have undergone greenschist metamorphism. The area was affected by NE-SW trending shear zone and subsequent deformation. Two different types of mineralization were distinguished in the Qolqoleh gold deposit based on geological–structural situation and microtextural analysis: ductile and then brittle. The maximum gold concentration with NW dipping lenticular shape occurred along the 2 km long, 250 meter wide NE-SW trending (N50-60E) ductile shear zone. Ductile deformation occurred as protomylonite، mylonite and ultramylonite. Brittle type mineralization includes quartz-sulfide bearing microfractures, microveins and veinlets in mesoscopic-microscopic scales that are both parallel and cross-cutting with mylonitic foliation.The rock units hosting the above mentioned shear zones mainly consist of intensely deformed meta-acidic and mafic volcanics and volcano-sedimentary rocks (felsic and mafic metavolcanics and sericite schist). The most important alterations are sericitization, chloritiztion, carbonatization, kaolinitization, silicification and sulfidation. Silicified and sulfide alteration observed in the inner parts of alteration zones, coincide with the ore-bearing zones. The investigation showed spatial and temporal relationship between deformation and alteration. Spatially, this relationship is distinguished by overlapping alteration and deformation zones. High gold grades belong to silicified highly deformed mylonitic and ultramylonitic units and silicified sulfide–bearing microveins and veinlets coinciding with the inner parts of alteration zones. Important point is that, in the Qolqoleh deposit the presence of large volumes of weakly mineralized mylonite, gold concentrations are slightly higher than background (1 to 20 ppb), with a weakly alteration, and also the presence of some silicified high grade protomylonites (16 ppm) indicating the specific role of brittle deformation in high grades gold mineralization. Mineralogical paragensis consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrhotite, magnetite and sphalerite. It seems that, gold mineralization in the Qalqoleh deposit can be used as a model for prospecting and reconnaissance of gold mineralization in similar districts between Saqez and Sardasht that have similar geological features.

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Sarsefidal area in the northeast of Iran is part of Torbate haydarieh darouneh Volcanic-plutonic belt that composed of calc-alkaline to K-Rich calc-alkaline rocks, in this area different alterations are present such as propylitic, argillic, silisic and sericitic. The porpose of this study in recognition of ore mineralization and alteration at this area. At the first step of prospecting in the south of Sarsefidal, extended argillic and silisic alteration recognised. Argillic and silisic zone extended in the south of Sarsefidal area that silisic zone more occurred on top of the granite and volcanic rocks and argillic zone at the volcanic rocks. Petrographic study of argillic zone show that this zone have variate mineralogy and composed of Quartz, Kaolinite, Albite, Pyrophyllite, Moscovite, Calcite, Clinochlore, Diaspore, Dickite and Illite. Iron oxide mineralization composed of specularite, limonite and goethite minerals. For doing geochemical study variate sample of sediment, soil and rock analysis from south sarsefidal. High value of Zn is in such sediment sample also after the analysis of rock samples show high content of Zn in volcanic rocks that these related together.Morethan granite completely differentiated but low values of Be, Nb, Zr, Sn, Li, Rb and W show this granite is barren. Using of different diagram such as Rb/Sr versus Fe+3 /Fe+2 and low content of Rb, P, Th+U in this granite show this granite is barren. Results of rock snd soil analysis in the north part of granite show high values in such element such as Ba, Li and Sn. iron oxide ore mineralization inthis point show anomaly values in Sn and Li. Iron oxide ore mineralization in the south Sarsefidal show textures similarity with IOCG (Iron oxide copper gold) deposits.

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Bauxitized horizon at Kanisheeteh is located ~ 19km east of Bukan, NW of Iran. This horizon lying between Ruteh and Elika formations. Based upon field evidence and petrographic studies, five bauxitic facies are recognized within this horizon. Petrographic examinations, show nodular, panidiomorphic-granular, ooidic, psuedo-porphyry, psuedo-breccia, and pressure shadow structures in this the horizon. These textural and structural features may suggest that the horizon suffered tectonic stresses, and has an authigenic origin. Based upon type and quanities of constituent minerals, three distinct bauxitic facies are recognized in this horizon, (1) bauxitic chayey iron ore, (2) bauxitic clay, (3) clayey bauxite. Based upon field evidence, geochemical diagrams and the ratios of immobile elements, the diabasic rocks in the area are the most plausible and probable source rock for Kanisheeteh bauxitized horizon. The mass changes of elements were calculated on the basis of Ti (as a monitor immobile element). These calculations demonstrate that elements such as Mg, Na, Ca, Si, Fe, Y, Rb, Ba, P, K, and Mn were leached out of the weathered system whereas elements such as Nb, Hf, Cr, Ce, Ce, V, Zr, Al, La, Co, Th, U, and Ni were concentrated in the residual system instead. Consideration of the overall obtained data suggest that factors such as stability of host minerals, fixation of elements in neomorph phases, heterogeneity of parent rock, and chemistry of solutions involved in weathering  probably played crucial roles in concentration variations of rock-forming elements in bauxitized horizon at Kanisheeteh.

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Kharvana Cu-Au prospect is located in East Azarbaijan, NW Iran, in Alborz-Azarbaijan tectonomagmatic province. Here a porphyritic pluton and associated dykes and sills intruded into a sequence of calcareous sandstones to sandy limestones, siltstones and shales of Paleocene age. The pluton is rhyodacite to dacite and andesite of chalc-alkaline affinity. The dykes and sills are hornblende-andesite to trachyandesite and dacite. Potassic, Phyllic, Propylitic, Argillic and silicic alteration zones are developed within the pluton and the dykes. The pluton is characterized by high Al2O3 and Sr, and low MgO, Y, and Yb and can be classified as adakite. This is clearly evident on Sr/Y–Y and La/Yb–Yb discrimination diagrams. The intrusions caused extensive thermal metamorphism and metasomatism, leading to the formation of voluminous hornfels and skarns. Exoskarn occurs as banded and massive types rich in garnet (andradite) and epidote (pistacite). Endoskarn is locally developed. EMP analyses indicated high contents of fluorine in both garnet and epidote, implying a magmatic source for the reacting fluids. The high fluorine, garnet chemistry, and lack of pyrrhotite suggest that the fluids were oxidized.Zones of As, Sb, Bi, Ag, Au, Cu anomalies are discovered in both intrusive bodies and in skarns. Mineralization occurs as disseminated, stockwork, veinlets and veins. Pyrite, chalcopyrite and subordinate bornite are the main sulfide minerals.δ34SCDT values for 16 samples of sulfidic materials from the porphyry, dykes and skarns fall in a narrow range around 0.0‰ (δ34SCDT = +1‰ to −2.5‰) implying a magmatic source for sulfur and ore fluids. Kharvana porphyry bears similarities to world-class Sungun porphyry and many other productive porphyries worldwide.

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Alborz belt extends for about 1000 kilometers from Aras Fault (west of the South Caspian Depression) to the south of Kopeh Dagh in north of Iran. Miocene sediments and evaporate deposits which called Upper Red Formation in foreland basins in the south of Alborz nappes are simply folded so strata are horizontal to vertical therefore rounded hills upon plains or walls of sandstone and cliffs over hanging valleys with numerous obvious or hidden salt structures are the most common morphs. Iljaq salt structure is formed by gypsum, salt and potash plays which are covered by marls, sandstone and conglomerates.Iljaq is a swollen circular salt structure which its topography in rims is higher than the center, dip of the strata near the rim is almost 90 degrees and a vertical gypsum layer around the structure in the top of ring shows the border of salt. The origin of pure secondary picromerite and halite in the southern rim is the primary potash layers or lenses, therefore an intersecting radial core drilling plan designed and was done. Underground data show the conical structure is built by intrusion of salt into the crest of a double plunge incline anticline as the stratigraphic column is stay without any change but flow folds are distinguishable in potash zone. After structural analysis and according to the roll of nearest the potash reserve is more than 2,000,000 tons and the average grade of potash minerals is 57.3%.

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Ground vibration, induced from blasting operation, takes a considerable part of blasting energy and also can cause many destructive effects. Many empirical relationships have been developed in this regards. In this paper, with the help of Artificial Neural Network (ANN), a model for simulation of ground vibration of blasting operation in Sarcheshmeh copper mine has been presented.The model is has shown a good flexibility for different situation. To determine the efficiency of the model, it was examined with data obtained from actual operations in the mine. Finally, comparing the output of the model and of the data actual operation, it has been observed that the model could be used suitably for prediction of ground vibration due to blasting.

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One of the most critical and complicated steps in mine design is to select an suitable mining method based upon geological, geotechnical, geographical and economical parameters. Since there are many factors involved for the selection of mining method, which is decision-making process, the problem is very difficult to solve. In this paper, Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) with 12 criteria is used to develop a suitable mining method for the Ghale-zari copper deposit in Birjand. Three alternatives (Shrinkage stopping, Sublevel stopping and cut and fill stopping) are evaluated. The studies show that the suitable mining method appropriate mining technique for this deposit with regard to the present situation is shrinkage method.

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Determination of slope angle is one of the important parameters in designing open pits. Selection of high slope angle may reduce safety and cause slope failure. On the other hand, with low slope angle, stripping ratio is increased considerably. Therefore, preventing failure and excessive stripping, a compromise is necessary to choose an optimum angle for pit slope. There are several methods for analyzing stability of open pit slopes such as limit equilibrium methods, physical modeling and numerical simulation. In this paper, a relative critical section of Songun copper mine in which geo-mechanical characteristics of constituents rocks are low, has been selected and analyzed with the help of numerical method (software FLAC). In the static loading conditions, for different slope angles, safety factor was determined; thereafter by regression analysis, a relationship between these parameters was developed. This equation can be used for prediction of stable angle of slope for this section and the other similar sections.

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To determine the uncertain parameters in mining economics in Iran a software was developed using Visual Basic. This software can evaluate the sensitivity of economic indicators to the variation of input parameters. The results can be expressed in terms of spider diagrams. To evaluate the accuracy of this software, data from a coal mine called “Zemestan-Yort” in Golestan Province were used and it was cleared that the price of commodity is the most influential variable on economic viability of the operation as even the smallest variation of this parameter can present a pronounced economic effect. A 10% decrease in selling price causes a drop of 14% in rate of return. In the other hand an increase of 10% in operating costs causes a 4.2% decrease in ROR. However a 10% increase in labor cost or a 25% increase in mine life does not present a considerable change in rate of return and proved not to be vital.

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Qolqoleh gold deposit is located in northwestern part of Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, and hosted in a ductile and brittle shear zone and is categorized in orogenic gold deposits. Concentration and distribution of elements from the analysis samples collected from trenches perpendicular to ore-bearing zones, showed geochemical changes of major, minor and trace elements in host rock lithologies and encompass ore-bearing zones of different deformation and alteration. According to the present study, silica, iron, copper and potassium of major elements and mercury, arsenic, molybdenum, barium and tungsten of trace elements showed positive correlation with high-grade zones accompanied by deformation and alteration. Calculated correlation coefficients in correlation matrix of elements showed a maximum gold positive correlation with silica, mercury and barium and to a lesser amount with potassium. Moreover, gold showed a weak positive correlation with arsenic, iron, and uranium. According to the calculations, gold showed a maximum negative correlation with chromium, sodium, scandium, lead and zinc and to a lesser amount with aluminum, calcium, cadmium, manganese, magnesium and nickel, and the least negative correlation with antimony, cobalt, strontium and vanadium. Gold, mercury, silicium, iron, sulfur and copper positive correlation showed that gold mineralization and other accompanying elements as well, are the result deposition of silicic fluids containing auriferous bisulfide complexes, during a homogenous alteration in an intensely deformed shear zone. Interesting point is that, the high volumes of LOI indicating the major role of alteration and mineralizing fluids in gold deposition from bisulfide complexes. Mineralogical paragensis consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrhotite, magnetite and sphalerite. It seems that, geochemical variations of major, minor and trace elements in the Qolqoleh gold deposit as sulfide and silicic alteration shear zones of high deformation (mylonite-ultramylonite) and also microfractures, microveins and veinlets can be used an exploratory guide for gold deposit prospecting and exploration of this type.

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Medium consumption is a significant component of the cost of operating a dense medium plant. This study aimed to identify and quantify many of the factors contributing to overall consumption. Particular attention was given to the effect of operating density on medium loss. Density should therefore be minimized, commensurate with process requirements. There is also unequivocal evidence that consumption increases significantly with plant downtime, probably due to housekeeping wastage and overloading of regeneration circuits during return of dumped medium to circuit. Medium consumption in zarand washing coal plant is reported 5kg/t. investigation is perform of tree dansity (1/3, 1/4, 1/45 kg/l). cause medium loss related screen washing configuration, magnetic separation and screen drainage efficiency.

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In tectonomagmatic Modelling of ore deposits the most important parameters of Gold metallogeny consist of tectonic setting, crustal composition, level of formation, granitoid type (I, S, M, A), compositional evolution, Degree of fractionation (factors such as K/Rb ratio), oxidation state, distance from magma source and mechanism of deposition. the division of granitoid into ilmenite and magnetite series is very useful because Au, Cu and Mo deposits are typically related to magnetite-bearing granitoids. The combination of these parameters and the areal extent of suits can be used on a district to regional scale to interpret relationship between magmatic rocks, metal zonation and type of gold deposits. Recently, remote sensing technique which is able to recognize hydrothemally alteration minerals can be used to identification and delineation of high potentially gold mineralization provinces. Some elements such as Re and Os and isotopic ratios(such as 187Os/188Os) of them are well indicators to understanding the origin of gold in geologic environments. In these paper we discusses tectonomagmatic pattern of Iran gold mineralizations specially porphyry, mesothermal and epithermal ones.

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Probably, shaking table is most effective method in gravity separation and usually used for beneficiation of garnet. Therefore this method was used to study the beneficiation of Bazman garnet. Main minerals of this ore are garnet (grossular type), wollastonite and diopside. Grade of garnet in ore was 47.73%. Garnet grains contain fine inclusions mostly diopside and wollastonite. Size of inclusions is about 30-50 microns and constitutes 10-30% of these grains. Shaking table tests were done for various grain sizes, angles and water flow rates. Maximum grade of garnet was obtained in coarse fraction (600-1700 microns) and 81.79% with a recovery of 12.1%.

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Due to the recent increases in the zinc price, has caused the processing of the plant tailings being put into consideration and has both environmental and economical benfits. The great amounts of tailings are stockpiled around the Dandi lead and zinc processing plant in the Zanjan province. A 200 kg sample was prepared from 12 trenches in the tailing dam and the representative sample was characterized with mineralogical studies and chemical analysis. The main lead and zinc minerals in the sample were observed as Cerrusite and Smithsonite respectively. The lead content of the sample was 4.6% and the zinc content was 23%. Also the lead and zinc distributions in different size fractions were determined and then two gravity separation techniques (moltigravity separation (Mozley) and vibrating table) were used to upgrade the different size fractions of the sample. In the Mozley experiments using the size fraction of -200 mesh, a zinc concentrate containing 36.7 % Zn was produced and the recovery was 68%. A zinc concentrate with the grade of 33.44% Zn was also produced by vibrating table on the +60 mesh size fraction and the zinc recovery was 66.8%. The results obtained in the different stages of the study and the optimized parameters are discussed in this article.

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Khoonik prospect is located in Lut zone, Central of Iran. The Lut zone,s magmatic activity is related to Neo-tethyan subduction underneath the Central Iranian microplate. The Great Kavir or Douruneh fault is generally accepted as its Northern border. The Lut zone is separated from Tabas block in the west by Shotori range and Nayband fault system. In the east the Lut region is isolated from the Sistan block by the Harirod fault. The southern edge is defined by the volcanic complex of Bazman, Kuh- e - Shahsavaran and further south by Jazmorian depression.The volcanic-plutonic rocks can be divided into andesite, trachyandesite, lattite, dacite and diorite based on the geochemical characteristics. Andesitic and dacitic rocks are characterized by low of Nb, Ti and Zr contents and correspond to typical of subduction zone arc magmas. Gold is disseminated type and native form in the Khoonik prospect. Pyrite is the main sulfide mineral commonly associated with minor chalcopyrite, covellite, digenite and bornite. The maximum  ore-grade of samples are 16.5 ppm Au, 47.5  ppm Ag, 4200 ppm Cu, 730 ppm Pb ,1376 ppm Zn, 207 ppm As and 74 ppm Mo. The wall-rocks are intensively altered and the main alteration minerals are quartz, carbonates, illite, sericite, chlorite, kaolinite, hematite, limonite and alunite.Fluid inclusion data are available for 8 samples from quartz veinlets. The average temperature of homogenization (TH) is 280ºC accompanied with a peak up to 450ºC. The salinity ranges from 2.5 to 15 wt% NaCl equivalent.The available sulfur isotope data for 6 pyrites from veins and trenches which their δ34S CDT values vary from + 0.3 to + 1.4 permile. These values indicate certain magmatic source for sulfide ore mineralization in Khoonik prospect.

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The Dasht Zehab tunnel with 48 kilometers in length is one of the water conveyance projects in western part of the country. In order to excavate the second part of the tunnel having a length of 25.741 km, feasibility studies were carried out and the Double Shield TBM excavating method was chosen. The total cost of the project is 855.5 billion Rls, which is to be spent in a four year time period. The distribution of the share of activities and different cost items with regard to total project cost are the main factors in management and control projects. With regard to uncertainty of data utilized in cost estimation, sensitivity analysis of expected values with respect to critical variables is essential. In this research study, estimation and analysis of costs of Dasht Zehab tunnel were carried out. Sensitivity of the total cost of the project with respect to effective variables was also analyzed. The investigation shows that 65% and 35% of the total construction costs belong to excavation and lining activity, respectively. The sensitivity analysis of costs shows that the inflation rate, construction time and Euro exchange rate (critical variables) have the biggest effect.

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Field trip to Central Chile porphyry deposits was started on 25th April 2005 and finished on 28th April 2005. We have visited three of the main porphyry systems in Central Chile (El Teniente, Rio Blanco-Los Bronces and Los Pelambres).The Chilean Andes are the most richly endowed copper province on the Earth.  A total resource (including production) of about 490 million tones of fine copper has been identified in more than 63 porphyry copper deposits and numerous prospects.Andean porphyry deposits occur along five metallogenic belts that extend from central Chile to southern Peru and northwest Argentina. They formed between the Early-Late Cretaceous and Pliocene. Within these belts the deposits occur in clusters associated with multiphase plutonic complex. These relationships are particularly prevalent in the Late Eocene –Oligocene belt, the most prolific of all.  The time span between the oldest and youngest belt corresponds to the period in which contractional tectonism of the Andean cycle was established and developed from late Cretaceous to Recent.The five porphyry belts reflect Andean tectonomagmatic evolution, with progressive eastern migration of volcanism and plutonism with time .Arc migration correlates with discrete and transient periods of increased convergence velocity and convergence angle.These periods coincide with the strongest deformation events that in turn correlated with the temporal   development of each one of the five porphyry belts. These events resulted in regional uplift, shortening, and crustal thickening which in turn produced syn-orogenic erosion.Porphyry copper emplacement occurs syn-tectonically and the resultant multiphase intrusive complexes have variable compositions ranging from granodiorite to tonalite, Monzonite and quartz monzonite evolving in all case from intermediate composition pre-mineral phases to more felsic intra-mineral phases .A reversal to more mafic magmatism has been reported locally.Alteration and mineralization processes evolved from early magmatic stage dominated by high-temperature fluids to late stage dominated by low or more moderate temperature hydrothermal fluids with magmatic and meteoric components.Supergene modifications such as oxidation, leaching and secondary enrichment have been very important in developing the high-grade copper ore bodies that are presently being profitably mined in the Andes. Lateral migration of copper-bearing solutions has developed proximal exotic deposits.

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A diapir can be defined as a ductile mass that has penetrated or appears to have penetrated its overburden by gentle or strong eruptions.Measurements suggest that the climatic and tectonic signal interact to shape of viscous diapirs on Earth. The surface of Venus is covered by salt (sulfates) which flow at different rates with Earth, but in similar ways. The plutonic diapirs (granite) are viscous materials similar to salt diapirs and PDMS diapirs (in analogue modeling).The combination of radial symmetry, a steeply sloping perimeter, and strong relief exhibited by domes at Venus suggests that they may have formed from viscous lava that erupted uniformly from a central vent. The models suggest they may result in the final stages of a multioverhanging system, when the magma source is not very powerful. In this case the Pseudo droplets change to pseudo fountains and later the pancakes changed to pseudo droplet-fountain. The fractures in Venus domes may imply that the surface temperature for a spreading cone or diapirs with multioverhangs are important for the change of a viscous to semi viscous ,semi brittle and brittle material during time. The flat surface volcanic and plutonic diapirs on the surface of Venus showed that the intrusions spread laterally over a rim less than 15 degrees. These droplet shape diapirs showed that rate of rise was very less than rate of spreading .The hottest temperature on Earth measured 56.7 degrees C(120 F) and 475(900 F) on Venus. The high temperature of atmosphere (Venus) 475 degrees decreased the primary rim and spread a volcano to larger spread mountain. Both the diapirs and country rock spread during high temperatures, and formed overhangs in the models probably under extension. With increasing 47 degrees to the air temperature, PDMS spread 0.25 times faster than primary state with 9 degrees in temperature. The mountain same size at 8 and 22 minutes in the same 24 degrees atmosphere. The daily measurements (by simple tape and thermometer) in salt diapir Central Iran, and calculation of micro strains suggest that the high activity area of The In SAR image (salt) and related faults are mainly affected by climatic changes. The Pancake diapirs of Venus and low angle tapers imply to understanding atmospheric, lithosphere temperature and pressure for the shaping of diapirs. The spreading sheets of PDMS under different temperature and pressure (on Venus) results same structures (folds) and strain markers with normal positions (Earth) but in different tightness. The analogue models suggest that the shape of other plutonic diapirs on Venus is similar to Earth.

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Zonality indicators are the most authentic standard for estimating the level of erosion and determining the base of them is stabilished by sampling of different horizons. The Darrehzar porphyry copper deposit is situated in the Urmieh – Dokhtar magmatic assemblage of central Iran. For determining the level of erosin of Darrehzar deposit, zonality indicators (Pb.Cu)/(Cu.Mo) were used. At first, according to the surface data, the numerical maps of scattering quantities of this indicator were plotted. It was clear that in N-S faults of darrehzar, there were fewer quantities. Then, the graph of this indicator values according to the depth, by means of borehole data, was drawn and trendline on this chart accompanied by trendline equation were calculated. After that, according to the surface data, maximum values of the numerical maps of scattering quantities of this indicator, in each the western and eastern parts of N-S fault of Darrehzar, were put in trendline equation that with subtracting the height, difference height about 70m was gotten for these two parts. This amount proves that the western part of N-S fault of Darrehzar with comparison to eastern part of that was eroded more.

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Boroujerd granitoidic complex with Middle Jurassic age, and approximately 180 to 200 Km2 in area, is a part of Sanandaj-Sirjan zone (Western Iran). This complex consists of mainly three units including qaurtzdiorite, granodiorite and monzogranite. It is accompanied by sphene granitic stocks, pegmatitic and aplitic dykes and mineralized quartz-tourmaline veins. Field studies, petrography and mineralography of the mineralized veins is the aim of this paper. Host granitic and metamorphic-sedimentary rocks have been intersected by quartz-tourmaline veins with 0/5 to 2 thicknesses and general trend NW-SE. gangue part of these veins includes minerals such as quartz, tourmaline, biotite, calcite and dolomite. Scheelite, arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, malachite, azurite, sphalerite, covelite and goethite are the ore part of these veins. At the studying area, scheelite exists as primary ore from hydrothermal and probably magmatic origin. Scheelite accompanied by tourmaline, arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite and exsolution in sphalerite and Abundant fractures in pyrite and arsenopyrite with cataclastic texture indicate that scheelite was formed at high temperature and pressure.

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Khunik Gold-bearing district which is located in south of Birjand is belonged to Central zone of Iran lithological units are consisted of tuff, agglomerate, andesite, rhyodacite, microdiorite and altered argillaceous unites. These units have NW-SE Trend. Mineralization is related to hydrothermal breccia and has a 100 × 500 meter exposure. Based on previous Exploration. Projects the grades of gold in stream sediment were 5-900 ppb. Also it has found about 1-90 grain of gold in heavy mineral samples. Maximum grade of gold in mineralized zones was 6.ppm and has recorded farm main trench. It seems that if the exploration could be concentrated on around of microdioritic sub volcanic unit, better results would be gained.

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Khuni area is located in central Iran. Main part of this area covered by Proterozoeic Metamorphic Anarak Complex and Eocene-Oligocene potasic igneous rocks. Kal-e-Kafi-Khuni ring structure is situated in this area and is related to often mineralization zones. Six mineralization zones are recognized in Khuni area. Three of these zones have oxide mineralization kind that in this paper were studied. Mineralization occurred in the conjugate irregular veins system with north-south and east-west orientation. The host rocks of these veins are recrystalization dolomite and calcite marble. Oxide iron, especially hematite and few magnetites are main ore of mineralization veins. With mineralization are showed propylitic, potasic and calcitic alteration. Veins have in the average 1.8ppm gold, 4 wt% base metals and 70 wt% iron that this geochemical composition is same to porphyrytic and related mineralization composition. Attention to field evidences, which showed relationship between mineralization and dyke or appophyses, and similar main ore and geochemical characters between veins and dykes. These mineralization zones are from related intrusive body kind. Also on the base of alteration, geochemistry and ore microscopy of veins showed the mineralization fluid had colorific compelex and neutral acidity and oxide condition. According to these results genesis of oxide mineralization veins, opposite of previous idea, is from mother lode kind.

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Skarn type Zn-Pb mineralization in Namar deposit, Central Alborz, has occurred as vein form, karstic cavities filling and disseminated within Lar Formation impure limestones. Contact metamorphism has happened and the lower parts of area subsequent to emplacement of trachytic body in the low depths and advanced to garnet and pyroxene formation. With the beginning of magma crystallization and release of hydrothermal fluids, complex metasomatic reactions have occurred that its result, the presence of mineral assemblage such as zoned garnet, magnesiohornblende, Na-bearing amphibole (pargasite), orthoclase, epidote, actinolite, clinochlore and sphene. Alkali metasomatism alteration of trachytic body has occurred contemporaneously with metasomatic processes and its result orthoclase formation in the exoskarn zone. Sericitic alteration of igneous body is contemporaneously with precipitation of ore minerals. Mineralization within the limestone and achieved in two oxidized and reduced stages. Oxidized stages distinguished with the presence of magnetite. With evolution of hydrothermal fluids and to rise of sulfur fugacity, sulfide minerals precipitation in turn. Geochemichal evidence like the absence of Ce anomaly, presence of positive Eu anomaly and high (La/Yb)cn ratios in the skarn samples explain the role of magmatic hydrothermal fluids in the skarn formation.

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The study area is located 35 km SE of Torbat-e-Heydarieh in Central Iran structural zone. The oldest rocks are upper Triassic slates and slaty shales, Jurassic quartz bearing sandstone and conglomerate . The lower Cretaceous transgressive sequence including conglomerate, sandstone, micritic to dolomitic limestone, tuff, limestone, dolomite, shale with interbedded limestone and green shales has overlain the Jurassic rock units by unconformity. Geochemical studies on Fe-Mn ore composition. Include study of major elements, trace elements and rare earth elements. In the major elements study, Mn/Fe, Si/Al and Na/Mg ratios are used. These ratios indicate formation of Fe-Mn ore by hydrothermal processes in shallow marine environment. All trace element diagrams show low contents of elements such as Ni, Co, and Cu in the Fe- Mn orees. Therefore, deposits of the study area in this diagram locate in the area of hydrothermal deposits. The REE patterns for the Fe-Mn ores from the area have more similarity to those of hydrothermal deposits.

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Hydrocarbon material which have been made up in the depth of earth find their ways through some roads like falts and joints to the surface of the land, and because of pressure reduction on the surface and nearly air volatile parts are separated from solid material and after a while the rest is solid and it remains in those joints or falts as bitomin or natural asphalt and these consists bitomin deposits.In Ilam region because of hydrocarbon deposits existence and techtonical structure of the region the possibility of exploring of these deposits are available. As we know that different kinds of bitomin indexes have been explored in this region, and some of these indexes such as sanery, herghotgah, ghale jogh, kohe sorkh, shorabe, melepanjab, and etc, at this time primitively are exploitated.After considering of province mines it has been clarified that exploration and exploitation of existional bitomin don’t follow any scientific and principally ways large amount of bitomin deposit of the province. So after considering ways of mine material construction some systematic ways to exploite in regional scale and semi extension have been proposed, and some optimized ways to exploite and material processing of this mine material have been suggested.

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Miveh Rood is located in Kharvana area, East Azarbaijan, NW of Iran, in the Alborz-Azarbaijan tectonomagmatic zone. Here, a porphyritic pluton and related dykes and sills intruded into Paleocene flysch-type sediments. The pluton is granodiorite to quartz-monzonite and displays features characteristic of chalc-alkaline rocks from continental magmatic arcs. The dykes and sills are andesite to trachyandesite and dacite.The intrusions caused extensive thermal metamorphism and metasomatism leading to hornfels and skarns. Two types of exoskarns are presnet, massive and banded, the former composed of garnet, epidote, calcite, quartz, the latter of light (quartz-feldspars) and colored (garner-epidote rich) bands. Endoskarn is locally developed. Geochemical studies have indicated anomalies of Au, Cu, Ag, Sb, As and Bi. Mineralization occurs as disseminated, stockworks and scattered veins and veinlets. Pyrite, chalcopyrite and bornite are the main sulfides. Average gold contents are ~ 3 ppm in mineralized dykes; limited assays from massive skarn shows up to 1% Cu, 0.7 ppm Au and 23 ppm Ag.To identify the source of sulfur and the origin of ore fluids, 8 sulfidic samples were collected for sulfur isotope ratios: 2 samples from mineralized dykes, 3 from banded skarn and 3 from massive skarn. Samples were analyzed at Dept. of Earth Sci., Univ. of Ottawa, Canada, using a Delta Plus IRMS. δ34SCDT values from skarns )δ34SCDT= + 0.4‰ to −2.7‰) and mineralized dykes (δ34SCDT = 0.1‰ and −0.3‰) define narrow ranges near zero. The sulfur isotope data suggest a magmatic source for sulfur. The data are consistent with results from a parallel study on Mivehrood porphyry that indicated a magmatic source for sulfur in various alteration zones within the porphyry.

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Fuzzy c-means cluster analysis (FCMC) was applied to the results of a geochemical exploration project where 175 stream sediment samples were analysed for 20 elements, using X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRFS) The FCMC technique allowed to separate the dominant associations of lithologies and specified the background concentration for all lithotypes. Using the residual components of the geochemical signals, the anomalous locations were detected across the study area.

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Barika Au-Ag-(Zn-Pb-Cu) and barite mineralization occurred in a Cretaceous metavolcano-sedimentary sequence at northwestern Sanandaj-Sirjan zone. Mineralization occurred as lenticular orebodies in a meta-rhyolite to rhyolitic tuff host unit that has developed parallel to Barika shear zone foliation. Mineralization from footwall to hangingwall consists of: 1- Silica-sulfide zone, 2- Sulfide-sulfosalt rich zone, and 3- Massive barite zone. Concentrations of Au, Ag and other metals in this deposit are considerable. The grade of Au in some samples from sulfide-sulfosalt rich zone is more than 100 ppm. The most important characteristics of mineralization of the Barika deposit such as tectonic setting, host rocks, mineralogy, metal contents and wallrock alterations, shows similarities with gold-rich volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits, e.g., Rosbery, Hellyer and Que River deposits in Tasmania and some Kuroko type deposits at Hokuroko Basin, Japan.

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The bafq mining district is located in the eastcentral Iran, Yazd province. This area include Precambrian basement with Infracambrian to Triassic platform. Most of the units in the region occur in the Infracambrian volcano-sedimentary exhalative com plex. Iron mineralization occurs as breccia pipes, massive ore and banded Iron ore associated with Rhyolitic-keratophyric Tuffs, lavas and Jaspilite. The most important host rocks to the iron ore are keratophyric and sodic alkaline rhyolite formed by sodium metasomaism during submarine exhalative volcanism.The main ore minerals consist of magnetite, hematite and pyrite that in the supergene zones are weathered to goethite.The presence of tourmaline, albite, actinolite and scapolite in the ore and host rocks with Jaspilite, keratophyre, glaciomarine conglomerate (diamictites) and glacial floating fragments (dropstones) and absence of gabbroic, Noritic and anorthositic rocks, indicate the Rapitan model of banded Iron Formation.

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The history of Crystallotheraphy is related to arcient time which is continved up to now. There are many studies and researshs on various subjects about the stones done by different scientists but less scientific, methodical and practicd work done for therephy prothodical of crystals.So, in this article we try to give a brief ex planations about the therapy properties of stones for private and common uses, and how to choose various precious stones for each fingers, and finally the relation of each fingers with different parts of body.The main goal is to know more about the energy centers, visible physical body, and non visible energy body of the human and heal and treat the diseuses more fust by properties.So, for all mentioned above it is necessary to use properties and potential abilities of crystals and finally see the miraculous results. As the saint Augusing said, the miracles happean, not in contradiction with the nature but in contradiction with our knowledge’s in the nature.

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Sungun copper mine is one the most important mines. It is in the final stage of development. The rate of production of this mine is 7 Mt and 14 Mt in the first and second phase, respectively. Average grade of the deposit is 0.6% and the grade of mill concentrate would be 30%. Feasibility study and mine design are carried out on the basis of several techno-economical and financial variables. Estimation of these variables is made under uncertainty condition of basic data and therefore, sensitivity of output of the project should be evaluated for these uncertainties.In this research work, at first step, with the help of Excel and Comfar software’s for project economic and financial analysis, a model was developed. And then the model was run considering scenarios for a certain variation of expected value of variables. Finally, it was concluded that internal rate of return is affected more by concentrate price comparing to other relevant factors. In this regard, mill recovery plant, exchange rate, capital costs, mine overall slope angle and operational costs can be considered in the next degrees of importance.

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The Darreh-Zar deposit is located southeast Volcano-Plutonic Belt, Dahaj-Sardoieh Belt, Kerman province and in 8 km south of the Sar-Cheshmeh Mine copper .The Darreh-Zar porphyry granodiorite intrusion cut Eocene Volcano-Sedimentary rocks ranging from Rhyolite to Andesite. In order to illustrate these changes quantitatively, iscon plot have been applied. Iscon plots illustrate that Al, Ti and Ga were relatively immobile during alteration, and the mass was essentially conserved during alteration. In the potassic alteration zone there is an obvious enrichment in K and depletion in Na,Ca,Mn and Fe. These changes were due to replacement of plagioclase and amphibole by K-feldspar and biotite, respectively. Potassic alteration was associated with a large increase in Cu represented by disseminated chalcopyrite and bornite in this zone. Phyllic alteration was accompanied by the depletion of Na, K, Fe and Ba and the enrichment of Si and Cu. The loss of Na, K and Fe reflects the sericitization of alkali feldspar and the destruction of ferromagnesian minerals. The addition of Si is consistent with widespread silicification which is a major feature of phyllic alteration and the addition Cu, mobilized from the potassic zone which is depleted in this element.

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Igneous bodies related to various types of skarn deposits, have approximately unique properties, in the light of major and trace element values. In this relation,  Namar subvolcanic body that associated with Zn-Pb skarn mineralization, has studied from the viewpoint of value and variation of major and trace elements. In comparision between major oxides of Namar igneous body, Harker variations diagram, specially MgO versus SiO2 and A/CNK and A/NK molar ratios, show very good conformity with other plutons related to Zn-Pb skarn deposits. In order to more exact consideration of the plutons nature, the study of trace elements and some their ratios has been proposed. In this context, the value and variations of elements such as: Ni, V, Rb, Sr, Zr and Ba of Namar igneous rocks has examined and recognized that variations of this elements is very concordant with other plutons related to Zn-Pb skarns. Therefore, by the study of this elements, we can obtain valuable base information about probability of carrying or barren igneous body that outcrop in the surface in order to find out probability of mineralization in depth and exploration of this deposits.

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A rapid and precise method for simultaneous measurement of ferrous and ferric ion concentrations in solution with new synthesized b diketone (2 Methoxy Benzene Thiol Acetyl Acetone) is reported. The determination of both ferric and total iron concentration is maded in the same solution at the same light wavelengths, which significantly reduces the error of the analytical procedure. The method is based on the colorimetric measurement of red colored ferric-b diketone complex formed at low pH. After the addition of Hydrogen peroxide which leads to the oxidation of ferrous ion, the b diketone (2 Methoxy Benzene Thiol Acetyl Acetone) forms a complex with all the iron ions in solution. The maximum wavelength of the complex was 464 nm. The relationship between iron concentration and the absorbance obeys beer's law under the optimum conditions that were studied. The optimal ratio and volumes of the reagent used were also determined. The effects of the interference ions were studied. It was found that the color complex was stable for a long time (at least 10 h).

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The Sharafabad gold deposit is located in east Azerbaijan province north-west of Iran. Extraction of gold from main vein was done. The head sample contains 5.7 ppm Au, 4.2 ppm Ag, 0.55 % Pb, 9.68 % Fe2O3 and 74.24 % SiO2. After pretreatment, agitation and bottle roll cyanidation and a combination of tests the gold recovery was about 96.76%, 65.5% and 95.09% respectively. After optimization of cyanidation for the gold extraction carbon active and zinc foil tests were investigated on pregnant liquid. Active carbon and zinc foil recovered 99.79 % and 79.17 % of gold from solution respectively. 

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The Geotourism (Geology Tourism) Term is combined of three words: Geo, Tour and Ism. Geo means earth, Tour means walk, traveling, journey, and Ism means work, action and function. In the type section of Sachun Evaporate Formation which located in Interior Fars Area have found two carbonate zone with nodules in 482 and 609 meter from top of section. These nodules are commonly spherical and elliptical. They are huge, too much and covered by thin layer of Iron Oxide. From Geotourism point view, these nodules are very important and it will be discussed in follow.

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Zaghar pluton is located 5 km W-SW of Tafresh in Markazi Province. The pluton and related felsic-intermediate dykes are diorite, qurtz-diorite, monzodiorite to granodiorite in composition with sub-alkaline to calc-alkaline affinity, and features characteristic of I- type granitoid series emplaced in a continental magmatic arc.Zaghar pluton intruded into Triassic calcareous shales and Cretaceous Lst leading to the formation of hornfels, marble and skarn. The skarns are composed mainly of quartz,calcite,epidote,garnet. They are rich in sulfides (pyrrhotite, pyrite, minor chalcopyrite). Pyrrhotite dominates pyrite, implying that ore fluids were reduced. Stream sediments originating from skarns contain 20-200 ppb gold. Heavy mineral concentrates contained up to 25 gold particles 100–250 µm in size. Chip samples from mineralized skarn yielded 100 to 2500 ppb gold. The geochemistry of Zaghar pluton suggests that theparent magma was not much fractionated, making the pluton potentially favorable for Fe, Cu, Au skarns (Meinert 1990). Considering the reduced nature of the ore fluids, copper becomes less important, but potentials for gold increase; this is consistent with the stream sediment and ore analyses. Reduced gold skarns are an important source for gold; this makes Zaghar a promising target for further explorations.

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The host rock of mineralization within the deposit is a part of Sanandaj-Sirjan, Oligo-miocene age. The composition of these rocks is mainly from moderate to basic volcanic units of porphyritic pyroxene andesite that approximately has covered most of the area. The geological sequence of the locality is cut by some stocks and diabasic dykes. Tree zones of alteration were detected from TM satellite images with W-E elongation in area including silisification, prophilitic,phillic, Argillic, quartz-calsedonit-Alunite and advanced argillic alteration. The mineralization displays alteration pattern consisting of a core of residual (vuggy) silica, bordered outward by zones of quartz-kaolinite, alunite and montmorillonite. Some veins have occurred in alteration zones including gold-copper bearing veins in the west area and silver and base metals bearing veins in the middle area. Mineralization studies of alteration in the west area around silica veins by XRD indicated association of quartz, kaolonite, alunite, montmorillonite, jarosite, anatase. Mineralization studies on polished samples of silica veins by optical microscope and scanning electron microscope have showed anatase, tree generation of pyrite, enargite, tenantite, native gold, electrum with some barite and chromium minerals. The composition of veins varied in different veins. The veins are formed of vuggy silica which the vuggs (usually 5-20µm) hosted gold bearing third generation thin pyrite. Oxidation of the sulfides extricated gold in to secondary residual limonite. The type of mineralization, alteration, textures and situation of deposit forming in relation to intrusion bodies shows similarity to an epithermal high sulfidation deposit type with variation of mineralization in veins.

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Kuhe-Dome magmatism is occurred in the Eocene volcanic zone of Tertiary volcanic belt of Central Iran. It is characterized by magnetite series features, related to subduction zone with calc-alkaline nature. The intrusion is mainly garanodioritic and intruded in Paleozoic metamorphic rocks, Cretaceous limestone, lower Eocene andesite, tuff and rhyolite in upper Eocene time, followed by numerous dykes cutting intrusion and country rocks. Granodiorite is composed of plagioclase, microcline, hornblende, biotite and quartz with minor apatite and sphene. Granite intrusion experienced a weak hydrothermal alteration. Patchy kaolintization of feldspar and chloritization of mafic minerals occurred in granodiorite and diorite. Massive epidotization is recognized in some parts of intrusion. Silicification with minor tourmaline and monazite is widespread along faults. Differentiation and oxidation ratios in Kuhe-Dome intrusion are comparable with the Au-Bi host intrusions. Mineralizations are related to granodiorite which shows regional zonation from quartz veins inside and in border of intrusion with Au+Cu±Bi±W paragenesis, proximal Fe±Cu skarn, Au+Ag+Cu+As+W±Pb veins and distal base metal mineralization. Main parts of mineralizations have been eroded which create a possibility of gold and tungsten placer formation in surrounding areas.

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The Dehaj-Sarduiyeh volcano-plutonic belt is part of central Iranian Sahand  Bazman belt in Kerman province. This belt is dominated by Eocene extrusive rocks of trachybasalt, trachyandesite, dacite, rhyolite composition intruded by Oligo- Miocene plutonic association of diorite, quartz diorite, granodiorite, quartz monzonite and granite. Hydrothermal alteration is extensive and includes potassic, sericitic, propylitic and argillic halos. The extensive alteration haloes in volcanic rocks may indicate blind porphyry copper ores in deeper part of the belt. The presence of frequent potassic and sericitic alteration halos indicates that hydrothermal fluids were rich in water, potassium and many other mineralizing elements. Geochemistries of about 200 samples represent positive correlation between K2O, L.O.I, SiO2, Cu and Mo. The potassic nature of plutonic and volcanic rocks in retaled to a potassic-rich parental magma generated by melting of phlogopite- bearing eclogitic oceanic crust in a continental arc setting.

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The purpose of this study is coal recovery from the slime tailing flotation of eastern Alborz coal cleaning plant using oil agglomeration of vegetable oil. The recoveries of coal not only prevent from coal firing, but also keep the environmental safe. For this research, the -300 micron fractions of coal sample were studied for oil agglomeration using different oils that Ladan vegetable oil was selected. By using of optimum amount of vegetable oil, valuable coal slime was recovered and the sah content were reduced from 65.32% to 38.89%. For the optimum condition, coal recovery and separation efficiency of combustible coal were 82.01 and 54.26%, respectively.

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The area of north Semnan, part of Centeral Alborz, has 25 Lead and Zinc abondened mines and accurences. The most of these deposits have formed in upper Cretaceous succession. In this work 3 abondened mines Reza-Abad, Heydar-Abad and Darband and Bozmolla occurrence studied from this succession. Using thin microscopic sections which were staind by Alizarin Red-s and Potassium Ferro Sianor, polish section, XRD graphs, Wet chemical analysis, XRF and ICP-MS, 2 types of hypogene and supergene mineralization and also dolomitic alteration and little silicification have been recognized. Hydrothermal dolomites detected with more than 55% carbonat calcium. Above-mentioned 3 deposites and 1 accurences have been placed in one horizone stratigraphy, but hypogene, supergene and gangue minerals differ from each other. These differences relate to the direction of migration of meteoric and strata water and effect this fluid and hydrothermal fluid on included rock and presipitation mechanism from one deposite to the other deposite. These deposites are Mississippi valley type because mineralization simple hypogene, larg scale galen crystal, existance of limited minerals in hydrothermal dolomite bed rock and emplacement scattered of galen is accompanied by calcite veins and in collaps and tectonic breccias cement.

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The Hired gold mineralization is located in 140 km SW of Birjand in Lut Block. This area consist of Jurassic shale and sandstone units, upper Cretaceous shale, conglomerate, sandstone, marl, lime tuff and sandy limestone, Paleocene and Eocene volcanics and pyroclastics and Neogene young volcanics. Reduced subvolcanic granodiorite to quartz diorite with post Eocene age and porphyry texture intruded the Eocene volcanics and pyroclastice units, and caused alteration and gold mineralization. The mineralization divided into three parts in the Hired gold mineralization: intrusion-hosted deposit, proximal deposit and distal deposit. The three parts are different in host rock, mineralogy, alteration, structure and texture and metal assemblage. The hired gold mineralization contain metal anomalies Au, As, Ag, Zn, Pb, Cu, Sb, Sn, W. paragenesis of This mineralization include arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, bornite, tetrahedrite and bismutenite, accompaniment with biotite, sericite, carbonate and silica alteration. Hired gold mineralization on the basis of tectonic setting, type of intrusions bodies, paragenesis, alteration, metal anomalies and structure and texture can be regarded as a deposit related to reduced granitoid intrusions.

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The basic purpose of this research was to study the investigation of cyanide adsorption on activated carbon surface from tailing dam water in AGHDAREH-TAKAB gold processing refractory in West Azerbaijan. In this refractory industrial activated carbon is used for the adsorption of gold complexes. Then in this work the same activated carbon was used for absorbing the cyanide from the tailing dam water. Solution pH, adsorption time, amount and size of activated carbon and temperature are some important parameters in the adsorption mechanism. Activated carbon was used in two fraction (6-12) mesh and (100-150) microns in tests. The optimum conditions (500-1000) microns fraction were obtained in pH=12, adsorption time=35 minute, temperature less than 30, activated carbon=34(gr/l) and adsorption percent=80. For (100-150) microns were obtained in pH=11.5, adsorption time=35 minute, temperature less than 30, activated carbon=38(gr/l) and. adsorption percent=82. Copper sulfate increasing caused an increase in the adsorption percentage. The (500-1000) microns fractions follow from freundlich isotherm rather than Longmuir isotherm and (100-150) microns fraction are due to both isotherm.

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Chemical leaching of aluminum from red mud, the major waste product of the alkaline extraction of Al from bauxite, was examined. Sulfuric, nitric, citric, oxalic, gluconic, malic and lactic acids were employed individually or as mixtures in chemical leaching experiments. The preheating of red mud and its effect on leaching process has been studied. By using citric and sulfuric acids 78.2% and 93.7% of Al2O3 was extracted while the concentrate of Al2O3 was 12.5 and 14.5 g/l respectively. In case of mixture of acids (citric, oxalic and subsequent H2SO4 addition to reach pH to 1.5), the recovery was 84.6 while 13.5g Al2O3 came into solution. Despite of an impure solution of Al obtained with H2SO4 alone, it may be more efficient and economical due to high concentration extracted Al and high price of organic acids. In other hand, leaching of Al from red mud appears feasible an industrial scale using sulfuric acid.

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The mobility and toxicity of arsenic and its compounds in the environment varies dependent on its oxidation states. As a result determination of its oxidation state is necessary. Extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) provided element specific, averaged short range structural information on the radial environment surrounding the target element (As). Thus it was possible to obtain local coordination number, interatomic distances and neighbouring atoms by nanomineralogical methods. The mean bond length between, As-Ag, As-S, Fe-S, Sb-S and As-As in arsenic minerals was determined by XAS. The ligands information around arsenic atoms was obtained directly from EXAFS and indirect from XANES. Direct measurements of disorder parameters (Debye – Waller factors) in the samples were obtained by EXAFS methods. Rietveld refinements are used to determine the unit cell parameters and site occupancy for powder XRD patterns. Arsenic bearing phases and diffusion of As in minerals were distinguished by HRXRD, SEM and EPMA. The XANES analysis showed that, although other As states were observed in the samples, but As5+ was the dominant oxidation state. The study showed that arsenic sorbed to iron oxides through a distinct mechanism. These data indicated that although arsenic adsorbed strongly by iron oxide minerals; but the major adsorbent of As is trivalent iron.

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Chah-Bagh gold deposit is located in central part of Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, in Muteh mining district. Gold mineralization occured in ductile to ductile-brittle shear zones and is comparable with orogenic gold deposits. Principle ore minerals observed in mineralized zones are pyrite, chalcopyrite, Cu-bearing arsenopyrite, covellite, digenite and silver. Silver commonly occurs as native Ag intimately associated with siliceous gangue (nearly 5 µm) and as invisible association with the sulfide minerals. The maximum concentration of invisible Ag content is present within chalcopyrites. Although gold is not present as native form in siliceous gangue and altered sulfide mineral margins, but the electron microprobe analysis found evidence of invisible gold association with the sulfide minerals. Two phase of gold mineralization occur in the Chah-Bagh area: 1- invisible gold association with coarse-grain sulfides (pyrite and chalcopyrite); 2- invisible gold (the main phase) association with gold-bearing fine-grain sulfides (gold-bearing pyrite and chalcopyrite). Evidently, the replacement and precipitation of gold is an integral part of hydrothermal alteration systems and is associated with sulfidization.

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During the last two decades, due to various reasons such as intensity of global competition, increasing instabilities etc., tendency of investment in small industries has been grown up rapidly. Small scale industry has affected world economy positively by generating many job opportunities and creation of wealth. This trend can be observed in mining industries also. The effect of small scale mining (S.S.M.) can be considered for improving of economy in many developing countries. In this approach, on the contrary to large scale mining, the level of technology, management and capital investment is not so high. S.S.M. has created approximately 11.5-13 million employment opportunities throughout the world. Though the aforesaid benefits, this sector of industry can cause environmental problems and lessen safety and health conditions in mining operation.According to UN employment index, in Iran, 60% of coal mines, 30% of iron ore mines and 50% of metal (non-ferrous) mines are operated in small scale. Presently, Gilan and Eilam provinces are having minimum amount of S.S.M. and in Khorasan and Hamadan provinces maximum amount of this activity can be observed. There are many cases (newly small discovered indexes, small gold deposits and abandoned mines) which can be operated economically only by S.S.M.

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The lower Cretaceous transgressive sequence in SE Torbat-e- Heydarieh in Central Iran structural zone, hosting some of Fe-Mn deposits such as Kaafar doogh, Bagh ghereh, Badamak, Nooq, and Band- e- bisheh. The oldest rocks outcropped are upper Triassic slates, Jurassic sandstone and conglomerate. The lower Cretaceous transgressive sequence including detrital and carbonate facies with andesitic to basaltic tuffs has overlain the Jurassic rock units by unconformity. In lower Cretaceous transgressive sequence from bottom to top, there are 4 ore horizons, of which 2 horizons are mineable and 2 horizons are subordinate. In the ore horizon (I) country rock is dolomite, and has conguruent lenticular geometry, and textures of ore are disseminated, laminated and open space filling. The mineral paragenesis consists mainly of pyrolusite, psilomelane, hematite and goethite. The ore bearing facies of this horizon is dolostone and depositional environment is bar. In the ore horizone (II) country rock is massive grey limestone. Geometry of ore in this horizon is congruent lenticular and ore textures are disseminated, veinlets and residiual with mineral paragenesis of pyrolusite, psilomelane ,hematite , goethite and rare of sulfide minerals such as pyrite. The ore bearing facies of ore horizone (II) are sandy glauconitic bioclast oolith grainstone, oolith grainstone and bioclast grainstone. Depositional environment of these facies are bar to bioclastic bar. Country rocks in subordinate horizons are basal cretaceous sandstone and andesitic to basaltic tuff. Ore texture in these horizons are disseminated, vein and veinlets and mineral paragenesis are hematite, pyrolusite and psilomelan.

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Markazi province is located in central of Iran and it belongs to Metallogeny zone of Sanandaj Sirjan and Magmatic zone of Oromieh-Dokhtar.Ancient mining activity in Markazi province shows there are some potential area for precious and semi precious stone such as Garnet, Tourmaline, Zircon, Quartz, Jasper and so on.A primary exploration improved the existence of these minerals in Khoshgehdar and Ghaleh Agah Hamid in Saraband and also Nezam-Abad in Arak and finally zali-bolagh, Nivasht and Koh-pang in Saveh.About 100 sample collected from the study area and cut and polished in Iran and India.The result shown 1-Tourmaline and Garnet due to their maturity, crakes and colors has not good characteristics for cutting and polishing although there are enough amounts of these stones in the area of Khoshgehdar and Ghaleh Agah Hamid.2-Quartz has a good characteristic for cutting and polishing although there is a good outcrop in the surface but, we do not know about amount of reservoir underground.3-Jasper is the only mineral that has a good condition for cutting and polishing and also has enough reservoirs in Markazi province. According to our researching, although there are enough amounts of these Semi Precious stones in Markazi province but there is not any recognized market of Jasper in Iran. We should explore, extract, cut and polish Jasper in Iran and then export these production to some country such as U.S.A, Germany, France, Russia and India that has a good market for jasper.

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In a region with the geological characteristics of Western Sistan & Baluchestan Province in southeast Iran,(continue of Jebal e Barez zone) metallogenic models usually anticipated are basically confined to Epithermal type (Gold and associated elements) this area is one of the important target of regional exploration in sistan & Baluchestan.About this area tobe prepared a mineral geological & geochemical map of 1/20000 that its extent is 81 km2.after processing data and identification ore zones was drilled 30 trench that they are vertical to veins also took one sample for each 5 meter and this samples was studied.Tectomagmatic event and large fracturing with strike N30 E lead Hydrothermal solution and cause extensive alteration.The Altration in andesits show a regional propyilitizitation and in lavas and it s pyroclastics cause a large argilitic-silicious altration. besides argilitic-silicious altration, is form thin silicious veins with calcedoni, colloform, cockade and vesicular structures in strike N30E. this veins consist paragenesis of Quartz Adularia and is considerable about genesis of gold and involve main phase of forming gold.

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Barika deposit occurred in a Cretaceous metavolcano-sedimentary sequence at northwestern Sanandaj-Sirjan zone. Gold-rich volcanogenic (VMS) massive sulfide mineralization occurred in a meta-rhyolite to rhyolitic tuff. Major ore elements in this mineralization, in order of abundance, are Au, Ag, Zn, Pb and Cu. Other high anomaly elements consist of Sb, As, Hg and Cd. All of these elements have positive correlations with each other in ore. Also, Tl has high positive correlation with other elements in the ore horizon. Tl content in the footwall and hangingwall rocks is low (<10); whereas, it reachs its highest amount (60ppm) in the ore horizon. Based on Smith and Huston (1992) and Large et al. (2001), increasing of Tl content from footwall toward ore horizon and  its decreasing in hangingwall rocks, could be useful in distinguishing ore horizon stratigraphic position. REE pattern in altered andesitic to trachyandesitic footwall rocks is flat or has a very low dip and has a clear negative Eu anomaly and weak depletion in REE content. REE Pattern in host rock and the ore is irregular with a large positive Eu anomaly. REE Pattern in non-altered hangingwall meta-tuffs is flat with negative Eu anomaly. Based on Graff (1977) and Bence (1983), the negative Eu anomaly in the footwall and hangingwall altered rocks and positive Eu anomaly in the ore, could be useful in lithogeochemical exploration for gold-rich VMS deposits in the Barika area.

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Zarigan Prospect Area is located 50 Km North of Bafgh (East of yazd Province). This area is part of  central Iran intercontinental drift , formed During pre-Cambrian. Calc-alkaline magmatic process (500Ma) with felsic composition has brought about different types of metasomatism. Radioactive mineralized zone were accosiated with Na-Ca-Si rich hydrothermal fluid that intruded following tectonic activities. Mineralization is related to albite, albite-epidote-Amphibole metasomatism and silica-zone that emplaced in the margin of Diabasic Dykes trending E-W. The main host rock is felsic Tuff. The width of mineralization is between 0.3-2 meters, dipping 30-35ºN. Main minerals in the active zone are: Ti-magnetite, Davidite, pitchblend, other radioactive minerals, Quartz and some sulfide minerals such as pyrite (3-5%) , which are found mainly as disseminated, irregular veinlets and dispersed lenses. Uranium and thorium grade varies between 50-2500ppm and 50-5000 ppm respectively.The content of Fe, Ce, Ti, Zr is also high in the ore.

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Kharvana Cu-Au prospect is located in East Azarbaijan, NW of Iran. The prospect is associated with a porphyritic pluton and a suite of dykes and sills intruded into Paleocene flysch-type sediments. The pluton is granodiorite to quartz-monzonite, with a distinct calc-alkaline affinity, emplaced in a continental magmatic arc setting. The dykes and sills are hornblend-andesite to trachyandesite and dacite. The intrusions caused extensive thermal metamorphism and metasomatism leading to development of hornfels and skarns. Potassic, phyllic, propylitic, argillic and silicic alteration zones are developed in the porphyry and dykes. Previous studies have indicated elevated Cu-Au contents in Mivehrood and Usterghan areas. Mineralization occurs as disseminated, stockworks and scattered veins and veinlets. Pyrite, chalcopyrite and bornite are the main sulfides, variably oxidized at the surface. To evaluate the source of sulfur and the origin of ore fluids, ten samples of sulfide-rich materials were collected from Ustergan and Mivehrood areas. The samples were analyzed at Dept. of Earth Sciences, Univ. of Ottawa, Canada, using a Delta plus IRMS. The δ34SCDT values fall in a narrow range around zero permil (δ34SCDT = +1.0‰ to –2.8‰) implying a magmatic source for sulfur. The sulfur isotope data support the role of magmatic fluids in the formation of sulfides in various alteration zones. The d34S values further suggest that the magma is least contaminated by crustal materials. The d34S values from kharvana are comparable to those from Potassic and Phyllic zones in Sungun porphyry copper deposit. 

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Majarity of Iran's Bauxite deposits are in karstic classification. Consider in plate tectonic theory bauxite deposits are found in orogenic belt. Because distributions of bauxite deposits are depend on stratighraphic hiatus which expand in active period of geological time.In case of this study these period are defind and the period which have most expanding bauxite deposits is destingush.Geological study shows that 5 period of bauxite creation are exist. Most of bauxite deposits are found in permo-teriassic period (36.53)%.Permian (26.92)%,Triassic-Jurassic (17.3)%, Cretaceous (7.69)%.In the map coming in the text distribution of bauxite deposits is described.

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Middle Permian carbonates of Roteh Formation in Alborz Mountain of NOTHERN IRAN host a number of stratabound barite and galena deposit. Microthermometric measurements on two phase (H2O + vapor); water rich inclusions with low vapor to liquid ratios yield a mean homogenization tempretures of 105oC. Salinities range from 20.4 to 23.9 equiv.wt percent NaCl. The constant salinity during barite and galena deposition and lack of correlation between salinity and mineralization tempreture indicate that mixing of fluids with different salinities did not occur in the ore zone.

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The iron ore reserve of anomaly XI of Se-Chahun iron ore deposit is estimated to be 145 million tones. The grade of iron varies from 32-42 percent with average 37 percent. The planned annual production is 3.4 million tones.The ultimate pit limit shows the position, dimensions and shape of the mine at the last stage, i.e. mine life.The amount of mineable ore reserves and waste materials which have to be moved are also outlined on this area. In this area the points which are not suitable for construction of surface facilities such as processing plant, administrative buildings & etc, have been marked. That portion of the reserve which is placed beyond the ultimate pit limit is not feasible for exploitation.The aim of this research work is to determine the ultimate pit limit to obtain the maximum net present value on the basis of lerches-grossman method. For this purpose, NPV scheduler software has been used. Comparing the results of the present work with results of determination of pit limit with hand method, revealed that stripping ratio 37 percent is reduced using NPV scheduler software.

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The net present value (NPV) is one of the most important methods for economical evaluation of project. In this method the present worth of incomes and costs are calculated.A project with positive NPV is economic.As a case study, the Sarbisheh basalt-andesit  mine which is located  at the 74 km from southeastern of Birjand and 9 km from east of Sarbisheh is investigated. The access road to mine is Birjand-Nehbandan road.The 1:500 topography map from area was made and evaluation deposit was done. Then the values of capital investments were calculated. In next step the value of exploitation costs by considering of total production and the scope of other activities were determined. The discounted cash flow (D.C.F) table was accomplished by computing the tax, depreciation, return over and royalty values.The NPV method, among of different methods, is applied for basalt-andesit mine evaluation. as a result the NPV value obtained 6451918946 (RLS).by considering the evaluating criteria for NPV method (NPV>0), the execution of this project is economical.

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Cost estimation is one of the most important parts of feasibility studies reports of mining projects. Cost estimation of projects is carried out by various methods according to project goals, feasibility study levels and accessible information. There are several technical and economic alternatives in prefeasibility study stage, so the cost estimation is repeated for each alternative in a cycle. Thus applying mine cost estimation software’s can facilitate these studies and save the time.Sherpa Software was applied for capital and operating costs estimation of open pit mines and prepared with Western Mining Engineering Inc. In this software, costs are estimated based on WMEI econometric model and efficient database. Furthermore, it helps to cost estimator for mine equipment selection.In this article, not only various cost estimation methods are introduced and analyzed, but also performance of Sherpa software in cost estimation of Iranian open pit mines is described in detail. Capital and operating costs of anomaly II of Golgohar iron ore are estimated with this software in order to better recognition and performance analysis of sherpa. As estimator can select board range of entry data proportional to Iran condition, satisfied result can be achieved.

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