The sixth elementary school, the last elementary school, coincides with the end of the childhood and the admission age. As a result, adolescents need to have basic skills in life. Life skills are categorized into three categories of intellectual, emotional and behavioral skills. The main objective of this study was to identify the status of basic life skills training for sixth grade primary school students from the viewpoint of teachers and specialists. The method of doing research was survey and the statistical society of male and female teachers was the 6th grade elementary school and education experts of Kerman province. 306 people were selected by multi-stage cluster random sampling. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire based on Life Skills Training Life Style Questionnaire (Saatchi, Kamkari, and Asghar, 2010). The external and internal validity of the questionnaire was approved by 15 curriculum experts and the test reliability coefficient was 0. 82 using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. To analyze the data, a single-group t-test was used in the spss21 software environment. Research findings show that behavioral skills training in the dimensions of self-knowledge, creative thinking and critical thinking, emotional skills training in empathy dimensions, effective communication and emotional management, and behavioral skills training in the dimensions of attention to physical and mental health, resolution The problem, purposefulness and decision making is in the best of the viewpoints.