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اعمال فیلتر

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اعمال فیلتر

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اعمال فیلتر

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اعمال فیلتر

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This study presents the results of a correlational design to assess the relationship between high school students’ English learning anxiety and gender among 120 high school EFL students (60 males and 60 females) in Tikme Dash City, East Azarbaijan Province who had about 6 years of experience of English learning. Two instruments were used for this study. There was a questionnaire assessing students’ anxiety level and an achievement test. The test was used to assess students’ English achievement was the final exam administered at the end of the semester. The results of Independent-samples t-test indicated that there was a significant difference in scores for male students (M=94. 95, SD=9. 93) and female students (M=88. 68, SD=19. 97; t (118) = 2. 17, p=0. 03, two-tailed). It is concluded that the male participants experience relatively greater amount of anxiety than females. It is extremely recommended that teachers should take the affective factors into account through creating a comfortable classroom atmosphere for students and involving them in learning which can make them feel safe to express themselves and participate eagerly.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The sixth elementary school, the last elementary school, coincides with the end of the childhood and the admission age. As a result, adolescents need to have basic skills in life. Life skills are categorized into three categories of intellectual, emotional and behavioral skills. The main objective of this study was to identify the status of basic life skills training for sixth grade primary school students from the viewpoint of teachers and specialists. The method of doing research was survey and the statistical society of male and female teachers was the 6th grade elementary school and education experts of Kerman province. 306 people were selected by multi-stage cluster random sampling. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire based on Life Skills Training Life Style Questionnaire (Saatchi, Kamkari, and Asghar, 2010). The external and internal validity of the questionnaire was approved by 15 curriculum experts and the test reliability coefficient was 0. 82 using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. To analyze the data, a single-group t-test was used in the spss21 software environment. Research findings show that behavioral skills training in the dimensions of self-knowledge, creative thinking and critical thinking, emotional skills training in empathy dimensions, effective communication and emotional management, and behavioral skills training in the dimensions of attention to physical and mental health, resolution The problem, purposefulness and decision making is in the best of the viewpoints.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Education is a complicated and time consuming task. To take action on this great work is the first step. Determine the goals we are going to, to get to them and getting to these goals requires the use of methods. Awareness of methods and goals education it requires recognition of the votes of great educators and philosophers, Especially Islamic. Hence the purpose of this research is to survey the education from the perspective of Ibn sina. The method used in this research an analytical citation what content of texts and theories Ibn sina are it analyzed. Research resources include books, dissertations, journals, articles and research related to the topic. The tool is a collection of data through snapping. The statistical population includes written explanations and electronic resources. The statistical sample of all written and electronic sources is available. Ibn sina important and main goal of education make reach person and society to perfection and prosperity. Earn moderation, on between and moral virtues one of the most important goals education this is a great philosopher. To our philosophers opining required education student recognition is also and not only to next individually educated Black to social networking also paid and to the various dimensions of education Think about it and do that perfectly has dominated. In this research been tried, up with research in the thoughts of this precious scientist, the important of education in his view paid and methods and levels education from their point of view and in finally as much as you can to a summing up Summary of payments.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of mother's emotion regulation training on the level of impulsivity and relational aggression in children with learning disabilities. A quasiexperimental research with pretest-posttest design with control group and statistical population of mothers of all mothers of students with learning disabilities studying in the second elementary school (fourth, fifth and sixth grade) of Isfahan city in the academic year 98 The sample size was 30-97 (two groups of 15 people) using available sampling and random assignment method. After sample size drop, 10 individuals (two groups of 5) were selected as the sample. Statistically selected. Research tools were Colorado Learning Disorders Diagnosis Questionnaire (2011), Shahim Primary Schoolbased Relationship Aggression Questionnaire (2006), and Herschild Impulsivity (IS) Scale (1965), to analyze the data using descriptive and inferential statistics. Inferential statistics were used to describe the mean and standard deviation at the descriptive level, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used at the descriptive level by SPSS software. Findings showed that the mean score of impulsivity in post-test in experimental group was higher than the mean of impulsivity level in pre-test in experimental group and the mean of relational aggression in post-test was higher than the mean of relational aggression in pre-test. The test in the experimental group as well as the mean of explicit aggression in the post-test in the experimental group was more than the mean of the aggression in the pre-test in the experimental group. The results showed that emotion regulation training on the level of impulsivity and reducing the dimensions of relational aggression in children with learning disorder is significant.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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