Leishmaniasis is one of the most common infectious diseases in the world, especially in Iran. The most common treatment is glucantime, a drug related to pentavalant antimoanat. This drug has many side effects such as: GI symptoms, ARF, arrhythmia, pancreatitis, increase in liver enzymes and BUN/Cr levels, but the effect of this drug on the blood indices is not clear. This study was performed on patients referring to Nikoopour clinic in 1380. Method of this study was retrospective and type of study was before and after treatment on patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis as diagnosed form direct smear from ulcer. Patient who had an underlying disease such as hematological disorders, DM and those who were using corticosteroids was omitted from the study. Blood samples for complete blood count were taken before treatment with glucantim (20 mg/kg/ day for 20 days IM). CBC/diff was measured again on the last day of treatment and results of blood indices were compared with Paired t.test. Results showed that use of glucantim led to decrease in RBC, PLT, WBC, MONO, Hb,Hct counts (P<0.05) and increase in the lymphocytic counts, (P<0.05). The PMN, MCH, EOS counts were decreased while MCV, MCHC counts were increased but not statistically significant (P<0.05). Also, age and sex had no effect on the test results (P<0.05). We therefore recommend that CBC/diff be performed for patients with leishmaniasis before treatmnet and in case of hematologic disorders, another treatment such as cryotherapy or hyperthermia, should be performed. Another important point is that patients with co- infection or those on corticosteroids should not be administered glucantime.