Modernity is the trait of the new world which began from the west and extended to the east. The important question here is that what the essence of modernity is and whether it is in harmony with Islam. In Descartes’s view, the essence of modernity is objectivity and in Kant’s view it is subjectivity. What intended by objectivity and subjectivity in Cartesian and Kantian philosophy is to prioritize human knowing subject by whom the existence of other existences even God is assigned. It is possible for this essence to prove God or have doubt about it or even deny it and in all of these three conditions it is not accepted in the paradigm of modernity that the divine knowing subject deals with the whatness of human being and universe and speak about the quality of their developments. Not only in modernism, but it is the case in postmodernism. All the outcomes of the modern age including philosophy, science, technology and industry, politics, security, spirituality, health, art and architecture, media and communication etc, originated from human self-centered and egoist rationality. While Islam accepts a rationality that is independent of religion, it rejects the subjectivism and emphasizes on the divine knowing subject. This does not mean an objection to all outcomes of the modern age. Islamic rationality helps the religious to deal with modern outcomes with a critical and selective attitude.