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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction and aim: Carbohydrates cover the surface of most cells. The thickness and composition of these components are different. Carbohydrates play some major roles in many biological phenomena. In this project, there is an attempt to study the changes in glycoconjugates in crista ampularis hair cells during rat embryonic development. Material and methods: Rat embryos from 12-20 days of gestation and infants from first to 15 th postnatal day were collected. The specimens were incubated with PNA and BSAI-B4 and sialidase digestion. Results: The results indicate that intensity of reaction to PNA was changed during development but this change was not observed with BSAI-B4.Conclusion: It is concluded that the glycoconjugates distribution follows a spatiotemporal pattern and it regulated developmentally.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and aim: The performance of family planning program is an easy way to control the growth of population and the knowledge, attitude and practice of women play an important role in this regard. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between contraceptive methods with age, number of children and mother's education. Material and methods: This is a descriptive analytical cross-sectional survey based on 400 rural women (15-49 years) that used family planning program in the rural area of Babol in 2000. The data about type of contraceptive method selected, age, number of children and education were extracted from the medical records that existed in health center. For statistical analysis, SPSS software and Chi-square test was used. Results: 71.9% of women who had medical records have used safe methods of contraception. There was a significant relationship among type of contraception methods and mother's age, number of children and education level(P<0.001). Most of women who were with over 40 years, had more children and were illiterate have used tubectomy method and majority of women with lower age, less children ~nd average education have used OCP, lUD, and candom most of the time. Women who had high education have selected withdrawal method and vasectomy. Conclusion: Although, the rate of using safe methods of contraception significantly increased in this population in the last decade, with regard to withdrawal method, as it is still used by 20% of women and it is an unsafe method of contraception, there is a need for educational program about withdrawal method in family planning programs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and aim: Although self-medication is as old as human age and is inevitable, but it is also an important cause of unnecessary drug consumption. The purpose of this survey is to evaluate the causes of self medication in Rasht. Material and methods: It is a descriptive study. 1200 persons selected from different region of Rasht city randomly for this research. The data and information was collected by questionnaire and interview. Results: There was a significant relation between demographic variables such as sex, literacy, education and occupation with self-medication. Women self-medication was more than men. The K-square test showed significant relation between level of education and self-medication, but inverse relation between it and economical status of respondents it. The reasons for self-medication were headache (25.75%), cold chill (21.41%), muscle and bone pain (19.24%), belly pain (14.36%), diarrhea (11.38%), fever and throat ache (7.86%). The most common abuse drug was the counter analgesics, and antibiotic were the fourth most common. The reasons mentioned for self-medication were: having experience in disease treatment (24.93%), no access to physicians because people believe in that consulting physicians expensive (21.68%), no correct information about drugs effect (17.34%), and 8.68% done self-medication because they don't rely on the physicians diagnosis and treatment and do not believe them. The majority people in this study (82.17%) suggested that education about harmful self-medication is necessary and that the believed best kind of media delivery of this information is radio ant TV. Conclusion: High rate of self-medication suggest that education about harmful self-medication is necessary and insurance should be universal.

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    1 (15)
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Introduction and aim: While injuries generally have continued to attract the attention of researchers all over the world, burn injuries are among the most severe types of injuries suffered by the human body with an attendant high mortality and morbidity rate. Despite the increasing attention being given to the environment, the incidence of burn injuries appears to be on the increase in this part of the world. Material and methods: This retrospective study was undertaken to review the cases of burns managed in Imam Reza hospital in 1997. The gender, date of presentation, etiology. extent and treatment outcome were studied. Results: A total of 195 patients (56% males and 44% females) of burn injuries were admitted in this hospital during the study period. The highest incidence of burn injury was in the 0-5 year and 16-20 year age groups. The highest number of patients was admitted in the season of winter. Hot liquids and foods (42%), fuel (41%) and flame (17%),were the cause of burn injury in the patients. The mean total body surface area (TBSA%) in male and female patients was 37% and 51% respectively. LA50, which is defined as the burn size lethal to 50% of patients, was 55%. Conclusion: A direct relationship was observed between the TBSA% and percentage mortality and an inverse relationship with percentage survival. Fuel was the most dangerous source of burn injury in the patients. Overall mortality in this period was 31%.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (15)
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Introduction and aim: Quality of life is an important concept in modern asthma management. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life of asthmaticpatients. Material and methods: Male or female patients (>12 years of age) admitted to the emergency department of Vali-asr Hospital-Birjand during 6 month period from sep to may in 2001 were eligible for study if they had asthma meting the proposed diagnostic criteria. Patients with any morbidity other than asthma were excluded. Asthma bother profile questionnaire of Hyland and et al was used as an interview tool. Patients responded to 6 points scale questions from much better to much worse. The questions were divided into physical and emotional impact components. The t test and Pearson correlation test was used for group comparison and quantity correlation respectively. Results: A total of 82 cases (male=42 and female=40) with the mean age of 55.15±19.49 were enrolled. The mean score for emotional and physical domain was 29.25±7.65(out of possible 54) and 32.63±11.8 (out of possible 36) respectively. There was a reverse correlation between age and score of emotional component (p<0.001). With regard of physical domain, the score for men and women was 35.55±6.25 and 9.85±8.57 respectively (p<0.001). 93.91% and 84.1% of patients expressed idea of taking the best care possible and careful explanation how they should manage their asthma respectively. Conclusion: Life quality impairment in our patient emphasizes that health care professional need to notify concept of life quality in management f asthmatic patients.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and aim: The prevalence of allergic diseases has been increased in last decades. Plant pollen account for the most parts of the increased prevalence of allergic diseases. Recently, the great importance of saffron pollen from allergic and economic point of view for saffron farmers has been emphasized. The more information about prevalence and clinical symptoms of saffron pollen allergy could be useful in diagnosis and treatment of allergic patients. Material and Methods: This study carried out on 167 saffron farmers during autumn of 1381. Clinical history and skin prick test of saffron and 3 other grass pollen , that widely exist in this area, were used to verify inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: the saffron pollen allergic patients that diagnosed by skin prick test suffer from sneezing, watery nose, itchy eyes, itchy nose and red eyes respectively. Skin symptoms like urticaria and dry skin reported rarely.Conclusion: Saffron pollen can cause allergic symptoms mainly in eye, nose and respiratory system. Low sensitivity and high specificity of common symptom as a diagnostic criteria was not very informative in skin prick test positive patients but could be considered as a good diagnostic criteria in saffron pollen allergic patients that have negative skin prick test.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and aim: Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia. The prevalence of anemia in developing countries is 36% but in developed countries is 8%. 20%-30% of Iranian people are anemic. In this study we attempted to determine prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in Birjand adolescents. Material and methods: in this cross-sectional study, a total of 480 high school students (260 males and 220 females) are selected by clustering sampling and CBC is done for all of them. Iron deficiency was defined as a serum ferreting below level of 12ng/ml, anemia was defined as a hemoglobin level below 12.3mg/dl in girls and below 14 mg/dl in boys and iron deficiency anemia was defined if both of them were below normal. Then, microcytosis cases, after taking oral iron for period of one month were tested again. Results: From among 480 students, 29 (6.5%) suffered from microcytosis. Prevalence of iron deficiency, anemia and iron deficiency anemia in these students was 44.82, 41.73, 24.13. Comparison between mean and SO of hematological markers in male and female student were significant (p=0.000).]n individuals without b thalassemia with microcytosis mean of HCT, MCY, MCH, in one stage of screening were 44.],75, 24.5 and after taking oral iron for one month period increased to 43.4,79.7,25.8. Conclusion: Prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in Birjand school students in comparison with other studies is very high.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (15)
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Introduction and aim: In order to achieve a persistent social development, all individual's collaboration is necessary; and health volunteers, as pioneers of this public collaboration, have voluntarily stepped in the way to secure and promote the community's health. Material and methods: In a descriptive-analytical study, 142 health volunteers who had cooperated with health centers during the study, and 62 individuals who were disconnected within the last five years, were surveyed by means of two separate structured questionnaires. In addition, to evaluate the performance of health centers concerning health volunteers project, six health centers that had implemented these projects were studied and analyzed by a standard checklist prepared by ministry of health and treatment and Medical Education of Iran. Results: Mean length of time of cooperation of health volunteers was 27.87 months. 84.5% of health volunteers were satisfied with their own activities and 92.3% stated that their most important motive to participation in the health volunteers project is promotion of health knowledge for them and other people. The major causes of disconnection of health volunteers in priority order were: 1migration, 2-longdistance of their residence to health centers, 3-vocational problems. All of these causes were actually related to the health volunteers family concerns. Conclusion: According to the Findings of the study, most of the health volunteers had great interest in receiving health educations, and their motive to participate in the health volunteers project was the health promotion without financial interest, based on WHO's strategies stating that people should solve their health problems by themselves, for promotion of community's health it seems quite necessary that there should be special concern regarding the selection of this volunteers and major causes of this cooperation interruption.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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