Introduction: In this work, the simulation of gamma-camera system is performed using MCNP code for the comprehensive evaluation of various imaging parameters in nuclear medicine. By employing this code, the simulation of various sources having different energy, different gantry geometries, phantom, collimators with different capabilities and various detectors is possible. In addition to the mentioned capa bilities, studying the effects of reconstruction algorithm, scattering media, collimator wall and edge absorption is also possible.Material and Methods: In this paper, the ability of the developed code for the simulation of gamma-camera system is evaluated and the obtained result was compared to the experimental data of a SPECT system with LEGP collimator. In this simulation, the effects of source distance from collimator, scattering media and the combination of these two effects on FWHM and FWTM of line spread function (LSF) is considered and the simulation results are compared to the results obtained experimentally.Results: The obtained simulation and experimental values of FWHM and FWTM were in good agreement while increasing the source depth in the scattering media. For the simulation, increasing the distance between the collimator and source in air (2 cm) causes an increase of 10.9 and 10.5% for FWHM and FWTM, respectively. The experimental values are 10.5 and 11.4%. In the next step, the increasing values of FWHM and FWTM are 18.2 and 23.6% in simulation and 19.93 and 23.34% in scatter media for simulation and practical modes, respectively. By removing the distance effect the simulated value of FWHM and FWTM changes by 1.9 and 9.8%, respectively. The obtained experimental value of FWHM and FWTM changes by 1.08 and 9.12%, respectively.In all cases, a good correlation between the slope of simulation and experimental results were observed.Discussion and Conclusion: In all cases, there is a good correlation between the simulation results and the experimental data. Considering the capability of the developed code for simulating gamma-camera system it is now possible to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative effects of many parameters such as inter-crystal scattering, scattering inside collimator, beam absorption by the edges of collimator septa on system operation and acquired images which otherwise obtaining them are experimentally impossible.