Comprehensive macro policy making in the energy sector, especially in the gas sector which has a significant role in meeting the energy needs of the country, has always been one of the major and basic concerns of the country's policy makers. However, though many policy makers believe in the need for such a structural goal, no independent institution has yet been assigned the duty of managing issues related to energy, especially gas, in a continuous and comprehensive manner. During recent years, Iran's gas industry has reached a new level of maturity, based on the twin ideas of the existence of huge national gas reserves and the need to protect the country against global energy crisis. The share of gas in the national energy basket has grown by 60% (or to 60% the text is confused) due to expansion of the domestic gas-distribution system and many economic sectors of the country (especially the household sector) have become increasingly dependent on the gas-distribution system. Nevertheless, this maturity is not backed up by balanced and effective regulations in all aspects (including pricing, standards of consumption and optimum allocation) which has led to short term crises during recent years and may cause long term sustainability crisis in the energy sector, making the country's national economy and security vulnerable.Therefore, in order to preserve country's energy resources and establish strong and sustainable bases to systematize policies in this sector, there is a need to establish an institution for defining a long term balanced policy related to energy sector and natural gas sector, in particular. Considering current fundamental developments in line with article 44 of the constitution, aimed at speeding up the privatization process, the necessity of establishing such an institution is strongly felt.The present article studies the structure of the gas sector in Iran and the necessity of long term programming. It emphasizes important factors influencing policy making in this sector, such as how "national energy strategy" is viewed and benefits of using other countries' experiences in order to "systematize the gas and energy sector" in order to prevent vulnerability of the country's economy in the long run.