The first step to optimize natural gas consumption is to prioritize consumption and optimize allocation of limited natural gas resources to different consuming sectors. This paper attempts to use operations research to identify different consumption sectors and the associated attributes that can be used to prioritize amongst them, utilizing desk studies and interviews with oil and gas industry experts. The significance of different attributes and quantitative values of important attributes for prioritizing amongst natural gas consumption sectors are identified through use of two groups of qualitative questionnaires to elicit the views of oil and gas ihdustry experts, to which the entropy method is applied in order to arrive at weights for the important attributes. Subsequently, consumption sectors are prioritized by utilizing multi-attribute decision making technique of TOPSIS. Eventually, multi-objective Decision Making technique of goal programming is applied to existing information in the energy and fossil balance reports and the gas sector vision document to arrive at optimal allocation of limited natural gas resources to various consumption sectors.Based on the results obtained, energy security is the most important factor, followed respectively by energy consumption efficiency, value added, national security and national developmental impacts as second to fifth most important factors for prioritizing amongst consumption sectors. The injection of gas into oil fields is the top consumption priority, followed in descending order by sectors of transportation and gas intensive industries as equal second, then electrical power, household business and general consumption, LNG exports by tanker, natural gas export by pipeline and petrochemical industries.