Rivers are amongst the most dynamic ecosystems of the world and therefore it is essential to examine their temporal and spatial changes including their water quality. In this research, we have analyzed temporal and spatial changes in the parameters of water quality of Aras River in the period 1999-2011 at Khodaafarin, Khazangah, and Jolfa, gauge stations using statistical multi-variate analysis, factor analysis, and Principal Component Analysis. At Khodaafarin station, the first three components with the highest eigenvalues explained 53. 5, 15. 7, and 13. 9 percent of variance changes. The first component with the highest explanation of variance had the greatest correlation with parameters of Mg2+, Ca2+, HCO-3, EC, and TDS. The component showed the ions and suspending particles at Khodaafarin station. Among the parameters of the first component, EC had the highest factor loading (0. 98) as the main parameter of the component. At the Khazangah station, the first three components explained 53. 6, 17. 5, and 12. 9 percent of variance, respectively. The first component had the highest correlation coefficient with the parameters of Mg2+, Ca2+, SO4 2-, Cl-, HCO-3, EC, and TDS. In Jolfa station, the first four components with the highest eigenvalues explained 50. 7, 15. 8, 13. 2, and 5. 8 percent of the variance. In the first component, Mg2+ with the highest factor loading (0. 96) was the main parameter of the component.