This research has been done to analyze importance of veil from Islamic perspective as well as mechanisms applied by Islam to make it objective.Also, factors affecting bad veiling of girl students of Shahidbahonar University of Kerman have been studied. To collect data, a two-part questionnaire consisted of 64 questions was used.400 participants including 200 bad veiled and 200 veiled girls were selected using voluntary sampling.Methodology used was causal-comparative one. In order to analyze research findings, descriptive statistics (including bar graph, median, mean, mode,...) and inferential statistics (including T-test, Chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U test) were utilized.Research results indicate that: 1. Religious state of students is effective in their bad veiling.2. Mental state of students is not effective in their bad veiling.3. Personal characteristics including discipline, number of passed units, age, Diploma average and so on do not affect students' bad veiling. It is notable that variables "interest to discipline", "Paying attention to modism" and "rate of paradox between woman veil and social activities" have influence on bad veiling.4. Political attitudes are effective in bad veiling.5. Physical state has 110impact on bad veiling.6. Economic and family state, including variables "number of family individuals" and "economic condition of family", is not effective in students' bad veiling. In contrast, variables "conflict between parents", "education level of parents" and "belief state of parents" have impact on students' bad veiling.7. Friends' features do not affect bad veiling of students.